Not So Happy Meal
McDonalds has been around since 1955 and is just now a problem to a certain grass roots activists. According to Fox News, "More than 550 health professionals and organizations have signed a letter to McDonald's Corp. asking the maker of Happy Meals to stop marketing junk food to kids and retire Ronald McDonald.
It goes on to say, "The campaign is organized by the nonprofit watchdog group Corporate Accountability International, which has also targeted tobacco companies and beverage makers like Coca-Cola Co. and PepsiCo Inc. for the environmental impact of plastic bottles." Plastic bottles? What about all the sugar and sodium in carbonated beverages?
The letter from the health providers urges McDonald's to "...cease marketing food high in salt, fat, sugar and calories to kids, from the use of Ronald McDonald to Happy Meal toys." Hey now, lots of grown ups order Happy Meals because they want the toy.
If you go to Corporate Accountability International's website, it states their VISION, "Today the air we breathe, the water we drink and our very democracy are under increasing threat from corporate abuses. Corporate Accountability International is working toward a world where major decisions affecting people and the environment are based on the public interest, not on maximizing corporate profits." QUESTION: Isn't that Social Democracy?
Interestingly enough, for an organization so focused against Capitalism, why is the first, and largest button on their website, for donations? Also, they run all of their transactions through another "not-for-profit" called, for "processing." Just in case you are interested in who owns their website, the ownership is blocked. What are they hiding? For an organization that is so focused on the lack of integrity of Capitalists, they aren't leading by example.
No One Gets FAT
I call this a DOUBLE VISION. Marxists are posing as Social Democrats who are actually Capitalists. Their mission statement should read, "We're against the evils brought on by capitalism; however, the donations we receive for our cause are necessary so that we can pay the bills to fight for our cause to protect everyone's right to be exactly the same." This way, no one gets FAT.

I'll have a McMarxist Meal Please
Okay. So the social democrats force Ronald into retirement because he entices kids, young and old, to buy McDonald's products. Will he be replaced by Carl Marx? What's to become of the Ronald McDonald House? Maybe it can be a retirement home for corporate mascots: The Burger King KING, The Chick-fil-A Chick, Wendy of Wendys ...Maybe the Ham-Burglar can be chief of security.
As the grill heats up under the golden arches, the social democrats are using their usual hypocritical tactics in an attempt to lead the American public off the Marxist cliff with their supposed "altruistic" activities. Big business is very bad. It's for this reason that the aforementioned "not-for-profit" organization was formed. With your generous contributions sent to their organization, they will be able to pay people to go after these nasty Capitalists who want your hard-earned dollars. But on the other hand, were it not for the nasty Capitalists believing in open markets to make a profit, these "not-for-profit" organizations wouldn't be allowed to exist. Did I mention that these non-profit companies employ people?
Order Up!
McDonald's is an American icon. What Social Democrats don't understand is that the more freedom they demand, the less will be available. As iconoclasts, they continue to attempt to destroy companies like McDonald's who have proven to be charitable and internationally flexible. For example, they are sensitive to the cultures across the globe by modifying their menus and business operations so as not to offend the country's people. In Israel, many of their restaurants maintain the Kosher standards of Kashrut--100% Kosher beef and no dairy products, for instance. Why would anyone want to retire a charitable guy like Ronald and insist on changing the way PEOPLE eat? As Roseanne Roseannadanna would say, "It's ALWAYS SOMETHING!"
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