Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thanks to you, Ms. Waters, there will always be slavery

As much as I hate to admit it, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are right, but for the wrong reasons when it comes to the subject of slavery. They claim that the "black man" is no better off now than when blacks were freed from slavery. Sure, they are wearing $2,000 suits, drive $100,000 vehicles and live in million dollar homes, but they are still slaves. Just ask them. It doesn't look like they have very missed a meal, but that's not the point. Their point is that black people will always be a slave to the whites until they become "equal"...whatever THAT means.

Does "equal" mean that we deconstruct everything in the Constitution? We turn it into a fluid document that can mean different things to different people? Obama thinks so. Or maybe, it means that everyone should expect the government or some authority to tell us how to look, what to wear, the vehicle to drive, the food we should/should not eat? Sound familiar? It could mean that we should have a WIFM (what's in it for me) attitude so that the individual's best interest is more important than that of our nation. Hmmm That one sounds very familiar. You guessed it. It was Maxine Waters who believes that one. Or, finally, maybe there should be special concessions made for those who claim to be oppressed so that they can "feel" like they are important and are entitled to special treatment. NAACP, BET, and the Congressional Black Caucus are all living large at the expense of those they claim to be helping. bigotry or racism in THESE fine, upstanding institutions. Anything to turn a buck. WIFM.

So...lets go back to my premise, "There will always be slavery" and briefly explore why. And, let's use the Congressional Black Caucus as an example. Can anyone join this group? No. You have to be black. Can they be forced to allow non-blacks? Uh, we have a black or Kenyan or Asian or Irish or is it Muslim President. O'bummer has already proven that the laws don't apply to black folks by forcing Tennessee to stand-down on prosecuting the Black Panthers for election intimidation. It's perfectly fine to force a Christian school to admit Atheists and then force them to change their curriculum so that the lone, lost sole isn't offended or "feel" like their rights were being violated.

The Congressional Black Caucus' charter is for getting more for blacks at the expense of everyone and anyone else--read their charter. They are solely focused on getting more entitlements for blacks by forcing government to take from those who are self-accountable to those who aren't. If you don't believe me, listen to the following video from Maxine Waters making demands from an Exxon executive.

Maxine, by the way, has proven that she is so horribly corrupt that she will steal money from college students to help out her own family that doesn't go to college. Has anything happened to her as a result? NO! Instead, she has become the Congressional Black Caucus' golden child. This is what happens in a society that permits selfish, self-centered people to remain in office. So, what does this mean?

As the Maxines of the Social Democratic party continue their dismantling of the American Republic, they communicate that things are in terrible shape and that the government will save us. They tell the blacks that those with Conservative viewpoints are evil and "...should go straight to hell" (actual quote from Maxine a couple of weeks ago). But why? Might the liberal agenda be causing the moral degradation of our country? Maybe. Could it be that the "tolerant" Social Democrats are actually intolerant of those who don't believe the way they do? Most likely. By reducing the content a student needs to know by the time they graduate from high school, will force them to rely on a smaller, more educated group of people? Absolutely. Is it possible that by increasing the size of the government and the entitlements to the individual that it is easier to control a population? Bingo!

The aforementioned is why, Jesse Jackson, blacks will always be enslaved by something or someone. The issue is not black or white. The issue is Socialism versus Capitalism. It's a monarchy versus republic issue. The black, so-called, leadership is doing everything they can to keep blacks down. They don't trust their own race enough to make decisions for themselves. They don't even believe that blacks can be successful without entitlements...hand-outs. How insulting?! Jesse continues to walk around in HIS expensive suits claiming that there are no opportunity for blacks. Hmmm If that's the case, how the hell are you able to do what you do Mr. Jackson? And, by the way Ms. Waters, Exxon is a FOR PROFIT business. If you don't like the way they run their business, either don't buy from them or start your OWN business instead of sucking on the teats of American taxpayers. You need to quit acting like spoiled teenagers and grow up.

Written by contributing author A. Cohen

Friday, August 26, 2011

I'll Pass on the Waters: Bring on theTea!

The Black Caucus
A Donkey Divided Stands Alone
I think almost everyone has heard Maxine Waters lately.  It's hard to keep ears out of reach of her big mouth.  But some might be wondering who she is in the realm of politics.  Currently, Maxine is the U.S. Representative for California's 35th congressional district and prior to she was Representative for the 19th district.  She is a member and former chair (1997 - 1999) of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC).  The Black Caucus is exclusively for Blacks.  It is considered "non-partisan" but is primary tied to the Democratic party.  Their goals are described as, "positively influencing the course of events pertinent to African-Americans and others of similar experience and situation, and achieving greater equity for persons of African descent in the design and content of domestic and international programs and services.  The CBC encapsulates these goals in the following priorities: Closing the achievement and opportunity gaps in education, assuring quality health care for every American, focusing on employment and economic security, ensuring justice for all, retirement security for all Americans, increasing welfare funds and increasing equity in foreign policy."  The current CBC chair is Emanuel Cleaver elected in 2011.

Who's being RACIST? 
I've never understood exactly how racism works when ultimately, SOMEONE is the brunt of discrimination.  Why is there a Congressional BLACK Caucus and not a Native American, Hispanic, Asian, Anglo or Women's Caucus?  If there were a Congressional WHITE Caucus, THAT would be racist.  So The CBC is not considered such even though their goal is to promote the quality of life just for "...persons of African descent..."?  Apparently not.  As for any other race of people, they are not entitled to CBC membership even if they represent a "minority" district.  "In January 2007, Josephine Hearn reported in Politico that white members of Congress were not welcome to join the CBC.  Freshman Representative, Steve Cohen,  D-TN., who is white, pledged to apply for membership during his election campaign to represent his constituency, which is 60% African American. Hearn further reported that although the bylaws of the caucus do not make race a prerequisite for membership, former and current members of the caucus agreed that the group should remain 'exclusively black.' " 

 Angry Maxine
Waste of a perfectly good shoe
She's in the news a lot lately--too much really.  There's an old saying, "The guilty party screams the loudest."  This must be why Maxine is angry at everyone for something.  Most recently, it's the Tea Party.  She's angry with Obama because he's losing the African American vote, but also with the Tea Party because they are a threat to the 2012 presidential election.  Let's face it, the Democratic Party could lose the election.  POLITICALHOTSHEET (August 22, 2011) quotes, "This is a tough game. You can't be intimidated. You can't be frightened. And as far as I'm concerned -- the Tea Party can go straight to hell," Waters told an Inglewood, California audience at a "Kitchen Table'Summit' Saturday night, according to Los Angeles television station KABC.  Waters made waves last week when she openly criticized Mr. Obama's style and called on him to get tough with Republicans in order to help disadvantaged Americans, including African American.  "The president is going to have to fight and he is going to have to fight hard," she said at a job fair in Atlanta on Thursday. Waters said there was a growing sense of unhappiness among African Americans with the the first black president.  "The Congressional Black Caucus loves the president, too," she went on to say. "We're supportive of the president, but we're getting tired. We're getting tired.  And so, what we want to do is, we want to give the president every opportunity to show what he can do and what he's prepared to lead on. We want to give him every opportunity, but our people are hurting. The unemployment is unconscionable.  We don't know what the strategy is.  We don't know why on this trip that he's in the United States now, he's not in any black community.  We don't know that."  
Yes, I bolded "our people" as it indicates African Americans.  Are they they only people in this country who are hurting?  I don't think so.  Furthermore, as an American (a Native one at that), "our people" are those of this country regardless of race. 

The Socialist Agenda for Dummies
In yet another slip of Maxine's muddy tongue, she admitted to the Democrats Socialist Agenda while grilling Shell Oil's, John Hofmeister, during the recent Congressional hearings. 

I have a NEWS FLASH for Maxine and her socialist followers, the power outlets on your walls are just that, power outlets.  The power is generated by something.  In America, that is approximately 90% oil and coal--NOT MAGIC.  Without drilling and mining, we might as all go to hell because that's what it's going to feel like--pure hell.  The most I can hope for is a glass of iced tea (preferably sweet).

Disclaimer:  Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated.  You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Another Week Without Leadership

Gilligan's Island
S.S. Minnow
It's not like we have "leadership" when Obama isn't on vacation.  We are just spared the meaningless speeches full of empty promises.  Politics is more and more like being in medicine--doctors are always out when you need them.  Oh wait, we do have politicians playing doctor (Mitt Romney and his "Romney Care," Obama with his O'Bummer Care) and doctors playing politicians (Ron Paul running for president).
Obama's ratings continue to fall off the charts--being the "one hit wonder" that he is.  The "one" thing he did well was get elected.  Obama.  The "entitlement" president.  He's entitled to do nothing but spend, spend, spend.  Is he even back from Martha's Vineyard?  I mean he spent 1.2 million dollars per bus (which were made in Canada eh?) for his "three day tour."  Couldn't that have been a "three hour tour" like on Gilligan's Island?

Meanwhile...back at the ranch...
Me?  I'm at home.  I can't afford a vacation not to mention we are in the middle of a drought.  Which brings me to Libya.  I thought about going there for more heat, sand and the free stuff out of Momar's compound.  Maybe there are ball caps, kussies, pens and key chains.  I really just want a t-shirt.  

The question of the day is, "Why is it OK for "rebels" to overtake Gadhafi's compound because they want to "swim in his pool" and are tired of the oppression but I can't walk in the White House and make myself a sandwich and use the facilities?  After all, who pays THOSE bills?"  I'm not sure, but I think it's the American taxpayer.  And while I'm in question mode, why are the Libyan people cheering and flashing the victory sign while waving the Muslim flag?  Question marks are coming out of my head.  Benghazi?  Really?
Statement from NATO:  "Mission is not over....Aid, medical supplies and fuel (will be given) where needed...".  So we are helping the Muslim Nation to flourish?  I'm starting to understand how this works just like the Palestinians need a "state" so let's give them half of Israel.  We want terrorists for allies but not Israel?  With 9/11 right around the corner, what a slap in the face.

A Note to CNN
Libya rebels
The only story on CNN is Tripoli, Libya.  By promoting the rebels actions, you are promoting that it is OK to overthrow a government.  You are promoting that violence is acceptable.  You are advocating GUNS--oh my, did you realize that?  You are ANTI-AMERICAN when it comes to the rights of the AMERICAN people but have no problem advocating freedom in OTHER countries.  As I see it, the only difference between the condition of the American people and those of Libya is that Americans get "cake"and that is what keeps them in check.

Does this mean that the Marines Hymn is going to change now too?

Mount Rushmore, SD
"From the Halls of Montezuma, 
To the shores of Tripoli;
We fight our country's battles,
In the air, on land, and sea;
First to fight for right and freedom,
And to keep our honor clean:
We are proud to claim the title,
Of United States Marine...

Ups and Downs
The good news is that while Obama is on vacation, the Dow, Nasdaq and S&P are UP.  The bad news is that there has been a series of earthquakes all the way from Colorado to Washington, DC.  Of course, this is known as, "Bush's Fault" while others think it is a result of our founding fathers rolling over in their graves.

If the Pier's Morgan (CNN) question of the day is, "who will run Libya post Gadafi", then who will run America post Obama?"  Back to you Anderson...

Disclaimer:  Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated.  You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Weekend Update--Wassup?

All in a Day's News

I got an ice cream
Obama is on another vacation.  This time, Martha's Vineyard.  Well, at least it's in America and stimulating the American economy.  And besides, he has time to read his favorite book, "How to Lose Friends and Negatively Influence People."  It's sort of like, "How to Win Friends and Influence People" only the outcome isn't the same.  Perhaps he has a NOOK, a Kindle or most likely someone on the payroll to read to him while feeding him grapes.  Maybe Obama should have read this, "Economic woes offer awkward backdrop for Obama's vacation--Fourteen million people are out of work. Millions more are losing fortunes in the stock market. America's AAA bond rating has slipped.  So should President Obama be vacationing next week in Martha's Vineyard off the coast of Massachusetts, where the average home costs $650,000?  Yes, says White House press secretary Jay Carney. Obama, like most Americans, needs down time to recharge his batteries for the battles ahead. And besides, he says, "The presidency travels with you...Obama is scheduled to take his family to the secluded island next Thursday for a 10-day trip that will mark his third consecutive summer vacation there...offering a relaxing mix of ocean beaches, golf courses and restaurants.  The trip comes after the unprecedented downgrading of U.S. credit by Standard & Poor's and a nearly 1,500-point dive in the Dow Jones industrial average this month."

Stocks Tanked
"The stock market took another pounding Thursday, with the widely watched Dow Jones Industrial Average  shedding 419.63 points to close at 10,990.58.  What’s bothering traders now?  The stock market seemed to get hit Thursday by a combination of jitters over the possibility of a banking crisis in Europe and a series of US economic reports that weren’t very good. The result: a bad taste in many investors’ mouths."  
Dr. Evil "Soros"
Also in the news, of all people, George Soros.  He just wanted to share that we are headed for New Great Depression.  "Euro Collapse Could Spark Global Depression, Soros Tells L'Hebdo (Thursday, August 18, 2011 06:47 AM).  Billionaire investor George Soros said a collapse of the euro may spark a global financial crisis in a “new Great Depression,” L’Hebdo magazine reported, citing an interview.  'It seems to me that one still doesn’t understand what would happen if the euro collapsed,” Soros told the Swiss magazine in an e-mailed pre-release of tomorrow’s edition. “It would lead to a banking crisis that would be totally out of control.' "  How did he become a billionaire--by stating the obvious?  And what does he have to worry about?

Fukushima Nuclear Plant, Japan
Japan's Meltdown Update
As none of us should be surprised,  "Fears of food riots strike Japan after rice trading is halted due to a 40% price spike triggered by massive hoarding of the remaining radiation free rice supply.  It is time to start paying very close attention the events unfolding in Japan as the nation teeters on the verge of food riots which may serve as an example of what other nations in a similar situation would face.  As we approach the 5 month marker since the onset of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Japan has repeatedly assured the public that the nation’s food supply was safe from radiation. Japan has given those reassurances despite warnings from experts that the nuclear fallout has already surpassed 20 Hiroshima bombs with no end in site and experts say 'off-scale' levels of lethal radiation at Fukushima infer millions dying. 
Time and again those assurances have proven to be false. Radiation has been found in everything from soil and sewage to tea and beef.  Even worse, a just released report revealed that Japan ran simulations back as far as 1984 which showed 18,000 deaths from acute radiation exposure and a 55 mile radius would be rendered permanently uninhabitable. All of these factors have entirely destroyed the public’s trust in their government.  In an attempt to regain the public’s trust, Japan just announced hours ago that they will no longer offer any assurances of the safety of the nation’s food supply."  I have been following this tragic story since it's beginning in previous blogs, "CNN:  "A Tale of the Half-Life and The Half-Wit" and "Media Meltdown:  Nuclear Disaster."
Debt Man Walking--2012
On the American Job Front...
The U.S to Deny Taiwan New F-16s.  Yep.  They can keep their old planes instead of our government putting America to work.  "Bowing to Chinese pressure, the U.S. will deny Taiwan's request for 66 new F-16C/D fighter aircraft, a Taiwan Ministry of National Defense (MND) official said.  'We are so disappointed in the United States,' he said."  66 NEW aircraft!  How many jobs did that cost America?  I mean, I thought Obama's whole campaign on Bus Force 1 (which was NOT made in America) was about "JOBS."  And not so odd, the bus wasn't even patriotic.  It was visually communistic.  At least he was greeted by so many friendly Americans.  Thank you!

World News
The White House Calls On Syrian President to Step Down.  "In his first explicit demand, President Obama called on Syrian President Bashar Assad to leave power. The White House issued a written statement praising the protesters' "pursuit of a peaceful transition" and "strongly condemning" the Syrian regime's "brutality.  "The future of Syria must be determined by its people," the president said in a statement. "But President Bashar al
I can think of countless events of brutality in America (such as the Branch Davidian's Complex incident, The Second Uprising at Wounded Knee and the Kent State Shootings) but no government called for America's president to "step  down."

Losing Friends 
"Obama Administration Sides With Hamas – Tells Israel to Apologize to Turkey or Else …Update: Netanyahu Says He Won’t Apologize.  Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, August 17, 2011.  I personally verified this story with a contact in Israel.  It is not propaganda, but in fact TRUE.  Will Netanyahu be asked to "step down" next?  "Israel’s largest daily newspaper, Yediot Ahronot, reported on Wednesday that the Obama Administration is threatening Israel to either apologize to Turkey over its bloody interception of a Gaza aid flotilla last year, or risk strained ties with Washington.  Israeli diplomats in Washington told the newspaper that they had received a communique from US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton insisting that the rift between Israel and Turkey was harming American interests in the region, such as affecting regime change in neighboring Syria."

Who IS Stepping Down

Looking for a "JOB"
Who's the KING?
The Burger King "King" is Stepping Down and not per Obama orders.  He is leaving for marketing reasons.  Apparently, he's "creepy."  Even Burger King is embracing "Change."  Burger King has fired the King!  And more changes from the burger giant..  "Burger King wants a new image and they are going healthy.  Home style burgers with a new spicy pepper grill sauce are being test marketed." Plus new decor for their restaurants."  I wish them the best.  Flavor Flav has applied as their new mascot.

It seems like an ideal time for vacation to me.  While he sucks on his ice cream cone, what it Obama's explaination for America's malaise?  It's the Republicans who wish to see America fail for their own political gain.  Really.  It couldn't be his own agenda.  As Charles Krauthammer writes in the Washington Post Article, Bad Luck? Bad Faith?, "A plague of bad luck and bad faith — a recalcitrant providence and an unpatriotic opposition. Our president wrestles with angels. Monsters of mythic proportions."

Disclaimer:  Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated.  You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My Ideas on "Creating JOBS"

A Government "Idea"
I think there are COUNTLESS solutions to stimulating the economy other than the food stamp program but according to Obama Ag Secretary, Vilsack, he thinks he has had a light bulb moment.  "Well, obviously, it's putting people to work...I should point out, when you talk about the SNAP program or the foot stamp program, you have to recognize that it's also an economic stimulus. Every dollar of SNAP benefits generates $1.84 in the economy in terms of economic activity. If people are able to buy a little more in the grocery store, someone has to stock it, package it, shelve it, process it, ship it. All of those are job . It's the most direct stimulus you can get in the economy during these tough times."  I love the press typo, "foot stamp program."  It says it all, INSERT FOOT IN MOUTH.  Hey Vilsack!  Is this "program" paying for itself?  If this is all he can come up with, Vilsack needs a "job" sacking groceries.  By the way, 1 in 7 Americans are on SNAP.

My Ideas
"Drill Baby Drill"
Number 1:  Lift the Moratorium in the Gulf of MexicoThere are still questions regarding this issue--has it been lifted?  Texas Congressman Jeb Hensarling was asked this question in a pubic Town Hall Meeting (which I attended).  He did not answer the question and did not clarify if drilling permits were obtainable.  If drilling resumes, not only will jobs be restored, but new ones will be created as a direct result.  Drilling towns flourish (restaurants, grocery convenient stores, gas stations...).  If Hensarling could not answer this question, what is he doing in congress?
Note to Self:  Do NOT vote a STRAIGHT PARTY TICKET.

Number 2:  Stop the damn imports from China and other countries who do not play fair in the market.  In other words, if they directly restrict trade or levy high import taxes/duties, we should do the same to them.  Without imports, America has to make its own products.  Genius!  Put America back to work.  I've heard the response, "....blah, blah, unions, blah, blah....too much money to make American stuff because if unions...".  Really people.  If you have to decide which is worse--IMPORTS or UNIONS--which will you choose?  Will you choose America or China and other importing counties?  Not to mention, not all shops require a union.  STOP USING THE UNION EXCUSE.

Number 3:  Capitalism....Come on Down!  Let the rich get richer.  It maintains jobs, creates jobs and stabilizes the economy.  Don't focus on what others earn, focus on YOU. 

Number 4:  GET OFF THE 2nd AMENDMENT.  We have a Constitutional RIGHT to our guns.  How many would be unemployed as a result of revoking our gun rights?  America is a leading manufacturer:  Remington, Winchester, Marlin (to name a few).  We have a right to protect ourselves, our families and to hunt for food.  We also have a right to collect firearms and spend OUR money on them if we choose.

"Genocide" in Somali
Number 5:  STOP all the WARS.  HUGE savings to our country in lives and dollars.  America funds 75% of NATO (hit men).  Libya is none of our business.  We killed Osama and Hussain.  Wasn't that the mission?  Protect America from WITHIN.  Now, CNN keeps focusing on Syria.  How long before we attack their government?  Keep in perspective that Americans get killed every day in this country.  In 2008, statistics showed 45 murders per day.  Show more of THAT on TV.  Adding to this, we could actually be humanitarian in providing food to say Somalia instead of blowing people up?  Why are we part of the U.N. when it IS the United Nations of Communism and Terrorists?  The U.N is supposed to be helping Somalia and their food got stolen.  So they are starving AND getting shot at!

Bolton Farms, MA
Number 6:  Utilize farm land.  Our farmers need to GROW FOOD.    The Government should not regulate who should or should not grow crops.  As for the FDA, USDA and Department of Agriculture--if you can't do your jobs, they should be eliminated.  Those ARE government created jobs.  If they were being done correctly, their would not be all the food recalls such as the recent ground turkey (Salmonella contaminated--36 million lbs recalled Aug. 5, 2011) and ground beef (E. coli contaminated--60,000 lbs recalled August 15, 2011).  Not only does the growing of our own food support America, but enables us to SHARE with countries in need. 

Number 7:  Reinstate our SPACE PROGRAM.  There's nothing like unemployed physicists and astronauts.  Do you think they can "dummy it down" and get a job at Home Depot?  We--as a country--look like total losers with out it.  "The booming tourist area and haven for high-tech NASA jobs known as the "Space Coast" is struggling with sadness, bitterness and fear for the future as the US shuttle program draws to a close.  Three decades of human spaceflight driven by the iconic shuttle program have fueled growth in this Atlantic coast beach community, but the end of those glory days are hurtling closer with the final flight of Atlantis on Friday.  The last shuttle mission will trigger the disappearance of some 27,000 jobs either directly or indirectly tied to NASA's shuttle efforts, according to local officials."

U.S. Built F-16
Number 8:  Here's an EXCELLENT IDEA--How about BUILDING THE F-16 Fighter Jets for Taiwan?  "Bowing to Chinese pressure, the U.S. will deny Taiwan's request for 66 new F-16C/D fighter aircraft, a Taiwan Ministry of National Defense (MND) official said. "We are so disappointed in the United States," he said.  A U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) delegation arrived here last week to deliver the news and offer instead a retrofit package for older F-16A/Bs that includes an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar."  Wow.  I wonder how many JOBS that would have created!

Number 9:  Nix the Obama Care.  We ARE NOT SOCIALISTS!  I was told by a pharmacist at Walgreen's that name brand drugs and "expensive drugs" are no longer being manufactured because of the "fear" Obama Care has put on the drug companies..  Example:  Merck.  "Merck is eliminating 7,200 positions, or 12% of its workforce, over the next 3 years. The pharmaceutical company has seen revenue from several of its biggest sellers decline recently."

Number 10:  With the Obama Care, 86 him too.  Talk about an economic bummer who can't stop blaming Bush.  Please take the credit for trashing America and LET the door hit you in ass on your way out--it needs a little stimulus.

"'Job creation' implies that Obama (and/or Congress) should do something to 'create jobs'. They have NO BUSINESS trying to create jobs. What they need to be doing is getting government's hands out of businesses' business. Like what Rick Perry said yesterday: They should be doing everything in their power to make the federal government as inconsequential in our lives as possible!"  Mark Sensmeier

Disclaimer:  Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated.  You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Straw that Broke Santorum

The Straw
I'm looking for a GOP candidate to support.  I know that it's impossible to agree with EVERYTHING a candidate has to say but sometimes, all it takes is one comment that is a total deal breaker.  Santorum's stance that rape victims not being permitted to have an abortion is the straw that literally broke any possibility for him to get my vote ever--no matter what the position.
During the Iowa Straw Poll, Rick Santorum was asked if a rape victim should be an exception to having a abortion.  He replied by saying that the conceived child had already been victimized once and should not be victimized again by abortion.   He believes NO abortion should be permitted for ANY reason.  

"The Scream" by Edvard Munch
I think Santorum  is ready for the crazy house.  The current problem in the White House is Leftist extremism (Social Democracy).  Why would we want to replace that with Righist extremism (Social Conservatism)?  Really, there has to be some wiggle room unless the GOP wants to appear like the moral police.  Haven't we had enough of Big Brother already?

So based on his biblical bias, the child conceived out of violent crime--a woman attacked by a madman should be born and go on to live a normal life?  Is the product of this action a cross that any woman should have to bear?  First of all, do you put the rapist's name on the birth certificate?  What if you never know his name?  Do you put "unknown"?
So the child is born and the mother keeps him/her.  How would you continue with this dialog?
Child -- "Mommy, tell me about my daddy.  Let's see now, "...he was violent, a rapist, currently wears an orange jumpsuit and you can visit him through Plexiglas."  I mean, after all, if he's on the birth certificate, he could have some rights such as visitation.

Genetics Lesson
In sexual reproduction, a new organism (offspring) is created by the combination of TWO sets of genetic material.  In other words, a child gets half of its DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) from the mother and half from the father.  DNA is the stuff that carries genetic information or  GENES--as you might know them.  Right.  You know--those little things that determine our skin, hair and eye color.  Arguments have been made though the centuries whether a child's personality or tendencies are a product of its environment or genetics.  An interesting study is the Arginine vasopressin receptor 1A.  When studying this receptors role in behavior, "The activity / genetic variants of the AVPR1A gene might be related to generosity and altruistic behavior.  NatureNews has referred to AVPR1A as the "ruthlessness gene."  Just me thinking, but if there is a "ruthlessness gene,"  there must be a ruthless gene.

America Needs More People
In Aug. 14, in HuffPost article, "Rick Santorum Blames Abortion for Social Security Woes,"
Rick Santorum states that "the Social Security system would be in much better shape if there were fewer abortions."  The article goes on to say, "The former Pennsylvania senator and potential presidential candidate was asked about Social Security during an interview on WESZ-AM radio in Laconia on Tuesday morning.  He says the system has design flaws, but the reason it is in big trouble is that there aren't enough workers to support retirees. He blamed that on what he called the nation's abortion culture. He says that culture, coupled with policies that do not support families, deny America what it needs -- more people.

Santorum has been a frequent visitor to New Hampshire, which holds the earliest presidential primary."  
Honestly, if the simple fact that America just needs more people is true, than illegal immigration should not be a problem.  The good news is that Santorum got less than 9% of the Straw Poll vote--which tells me that I'm not the only one who thinks he's a crazy.

Disclaimer:  Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated.  You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Rick Perry: Hey Big Spender

Big Tex
Big Tex
Being a Texan and an "Aggie", I would like to be for Governor Rick Perry as President of the United States, but so far, I'm not.  First of all, if he is sincerely serious, he should have announced his candidacy and taken part of the Republican Presidential Debate on August, 11.  Instead, he will announce his run for the presidency in South Carolina.  It makes me think he is just waiting for all of the other candidates to stick their foots in their mouths (a few more times) or crash and burn so he can ride in on his white horse to save the GOP.  The problem is, there's no horse that can carry him AND his inflated wallet. Per the HuffPost in Austin today, "With the state facing a budget shortfall of at least $11 billion, Texas Gov. Rick Perry has spent almost $600,000 in public money during the past two years to live in a sprawling rental home in the hills above the capital, according to records obtained by The Associated Press.  It costs more than $10,000 a month in rent, utilities and upkeep to house Perry in a five-bedroom, seven-bath mansion that has pecan-wood floors, a gourmet kitchen and three dining rooms. Perry has also spent $130,000 in campaign donations to throw parties, buy food and drink, and pay for cable TV and a host of other services since he moved in, the records show."
I don't mind that he's wealthy and spends his own money--especially if it is used to stimulate the economy.  What I DO mind is the parties, food and drink at the taxpayers expense.  It sounds too much like what currently occupies the White House.  Being a politician is being a PUBLIC SERVANT and NOT being a MOVIE STAR.  Again, I see "Poli-Wood" (politics and Hollywood) in action.

See Rick Cut
Gov. Rick Perry
For such a big spender, he sure can make cuts in all the wrong places.  In January of this year, "Public education in Texas is facing billions in proposed budget cuts that would include slashing arts education, pre-kindergarten programs and teacher incentive pay as lawmakers take on a massive deficit with the promise of no new taxes.
Lawmakers got their first glimpse of what the next state budget might look like late Tuesday, including the $5 billion cut to public schools, as Republican Gov. Rick Perry and his supporters were dancing at an inaugural celebration.
Texas is facing a $15 billion revenue shortfall, and few corners of state government were spared in the draft proposal for the next two years. The Texas Constitution requires a balanced budget, and Republican leaders have vowed not to raise taxes."
Yes, a balanced budget is one of the great things about Texas but there were other ways in which to accomplish this requirement.  Rick didn't mind spending on parties, mansion remodels, and excessive utility costs to keep it all afloat.  Really, if he had saved that money, it wouldn't have been necessary to make cuts in public education.

FaceBook Poll Says...
I posted on FaceBook, "Perry is throwing his cowboy hat in the ring...what do ya think?"  

Some responses were:

Bernice of Florida wrote, "Not much."
George W. and Perry

Hellen of Texas commented, "very disappointing after all the talk about the careless spending going on in the white house...he's just another greedy politician, I'm waiting for that one that would actually put the consideration of the people before his own greed ;)"

Bush "Re-Run"
Laura of Texas stated, "He's a re-run of Bush. I wrote and asked him about the illegal alien problem and the response I got was that TX money would be better spent elsewhere. EXCUSE ME?? One third of our inmate population is illegal aliens, and TX has the largest inmate population in America! Illegal aliens flock to our country because we feed them, house them, educate them, and give them free health care. They draw Social Security w/o ever having paid a dime into the system. I would vote for him before I'd vote for Ovomit again but that is all. Bachman or Palin, Santorum, all would be better than Perry! Maybe even Romney."

 Jody of Texas added, " you want my reasoning? Guardasil, Education Funding, Publicly criticizing stimulus money while using it to balance his budget, and touting Texas as having "the best health care in the country" while we have the highest rate of uninsured in the country and rank very high on health care cost too."

So let's talk about the Gardasil controversy since his spending has been addressed.  This is one issue that really makes me angry.  No politician would mandate such a "cause" for my child.  This was none of his business.  It is obvious that Rick Perry's Ties With Merck Run Deep, "Gov. Rick Perry ordered Friday that schoolgirls in Texas must be vaccinated against the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer, making Texas the first state to require the shots.  The girls will have to get Merck & Co.'s new vaccine against strains of the human papillomavirus, or HPV, that are responsible for most cases of cervical cancer.

Merck is bankrolling efforts to pass laws in state legislatures across the country mandating it Gardasil vaccine for girls as young as 11 or 12. It doubled its lobbying budget in Texas and has funneled money through Women in Government, an advocacy group made up of female state legislators around the country." 

Giving HIM Some Credit
On August 6, Gov. Perry tells prayer rally, "Our heart breaks for America."  
"...addressed a seven-hour prayer and fasting rally in Houston Saturday, which was called to address the nation’s “historic crisis.” Speaking in the late morning, Governor Perry read three portions of scripture and asked for prayers for the nation, President Obama the military, and military families. Frequently choking back tears, Perry addressed “discord at home,” saying “our heart breaks for America … We see fear in the marketplace. We see anger in the halls of government and as a nation, we have forgotten who made us, who protects us, blesses us, and for that we cry out for your forgiveness.”

Disclaimer:  Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated.  You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Revolution: America Emulating the Brits?

"Groovy Baby"
"You say you want a revolution--Well you know--We all want to change the world.  You tell me that it's evolution--Well you know  We all want to change the world.  But when you talk about destruction--Don't you know you can count me out..."  --Beatles

Most everyone knows the Beatles song, "Revolution."  It was released in the 1960's.  Vietnam was raging and the people were crying out for peace.  The Beatles brought a world view to America through their music.  Now more than ever, some aspects of American culture desperately tries to emulate the Brits:  Art, music, entertainment down to the royal influence.  We love their accents,  dry humor and often bizarre sense of fashion.  But what the UK has going for them now is exactly that--a Revolution.  Where's Austin Powers when they really need him?

So why was there a Revolution between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the thirteen British colonies in North America (1775 - 1783)?  "The war was the result of the political American Revolution which galvanized around the dispute between the Parliament of Great Britain and colonists opposed to the Stamp Act of 1765 which the Americans protested as unconstitutional. The Parliament insisted on its right to tax colonists; the Americans claimed their rights as Englishmen to no taxation without representation. The Americans formed a unifying Continental Congress and a shadow government in each colony. The American boycott of British tea led to the Boston Tea Party in 1773."  Is any of this sounding familiar?  Yeah.  They had a "Tea Party" back then too that stemmed from a real knack for tax.

Chugging Along Quite Nicely
"Aluminum baseball bat sales are up 8,000%" in the UK according to CNN.  Let me spell that out--EIGHT THOUSAND PERCENT.  So what else is selling in the UK?  A wide assortment of bats and billy clubs both manufactured in the US and the UK.  Is this what it takes to stimulate the economy?  

Street violence in London
When it come to senseless violence, I have to ask myself, "What the hell is wrong with people?"  A friend summed it up bloody nice, "The LONDON riots is a pure reflection of YOUTH TODAY. NO RESPECT and hating on those who work hard for their own self preservation and future. Not all but most of the youth would rather gang bang, do drugs, and have this SICK idea its OK to be a rebel. Furthermore, the youth have this compulsion to hate on others who have a work ethic and join a revolution thuggery that supports supports terrorism and anarchy.--Constantine Soriao.

A Perfect Example of WHY We Have 2nd Amendment Rights
Constantine added, "I've been telling people for years, whenever a city or town is governed by a liberal it tends to be ghetto , poor, overwhelmed by drugs, and gang infested. you are literally incarcerated in your own home. afraid to go out or in fear of living.Personally, I refuse to rely on a bat to defend myself. 

What is the UK's policy on gun ownership? 
The UK is proud of their low gun homicide rate due to strict gun control.  As we are seeing, that is a double edged sword.  People can't kill impulsively with a firearm if they don't own one but then again, they can't protect themselves either.  Isn't self preservation an inalienable right in America?  Think again as the US attempts yet another emulation of the UK. Obama and his own thuggery have made countless attempts to reel in 2nd Amendment right including the recent ban of "Nearly 1 million American rifles.Banned." by a stroke of Barack Obama’s pen...Make no mistake; these rifles were made in America, by Americans, for Americans, to defend freedom on foreign shores...But according to Hillary Clinton’s State Department there is a danger they might fall into the wrong hands. That they might, possibly, one day be used in a crime.  No mention of the hundreds of thousands of gun owners deprived of the opportunity to own an integral part of American history.  The State Department’s outrageous claims are nothing more than a thinly veiled ploy to distract from the real issue:  President Obama’s deep seated hatred for gun rights.  While his gun-grabbing base is giddy with praise at this back-door gun ban, law-abiding citizens across the United States are crying foul."

"You say you got a real solution--Well you know--We'd all love to see the plan.  You ask me for a contribution--Well you know--We're doing what we can.  But if you want money for people with minds that hate--All I can tell you is brother you have to wait..."  --Beatles
The U.S.Military is devising a plan for London-like riots. "Indicators for potential violence: 1)  High unemployment rate among minority groups  2)  Increased crime rate in minority groups  3)  Protests arising from income disparities between minority and majority groups 4)  Declining rapport between local officials and minority groups  5)  Migrations of large numbers of minority groups  6)  Protests by minority groups to such conditions as slum conditions, segregation in housing and schools, lack of jobs, lack of recreational facilities, police brutality, and local overpricing practices."  Well, it looks like we've got all that covered.  As Dan Rather said in an interview with Piers Morgan on CNN last night, "people are angry" (in America).  They are angry with their political choices, with their Congressman and with the lack of "jobs."  He also noted that 49% of Americans are displeased with their representation in Washington (House and Senate representatives).

Known and Unknown
As my dad used to say, "All people are equal.  Now go do something."  We are ALL equal.  It's a matter of choosing to DO something with your life--something good.  Poor leadership in government just seems to bring out the worst in people.  There are a lot of lessons being demonstrated--that people can do anything they want to do to those in power.  If our American government follows the lead of "give peace a chance," we too will be defending ourselves with baseball bats.  Keep in mind, there was a REVOLUTION for a reason--for the U.S. to become a sovereign nation.

“I think of sovereignty in concrete terms. It is a matter of freedom and autonomy. It means that we Americans control our destiny and are not ruled from abroad by officials we did not elect and courts we cannot hold accountable. Sovereignty is integrally tied to democracy, the right of Americans to choose their own leaders, to make their own laws, to limit the powers of government, and to enjoy due process of law.”  

--Donald Rumsfeld, Known and Unknown: A Memoir.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

There's No "F" in the UN

It's Your World!
When you go to the UN website, the greeting is, "United Nations--It's Your World!"  Well, I can't agree less.  It is NOT my world and currently, it is becoming clear that THIS is not NOT my America.  My America is a Constitutionally based REPUBLIC and not a SOCIAL Democracy, A nation of Judeo/Christian ("ethics held in common by Judaism and Christianity") not a Muslim ideology, a Nation UNDER GOD and a TRUE ally to Israel.   
Though the initial premise for the organization seems well intended, "... an international organization that works to maintain peace and cooperation among nations,"the UN has fallen on its mighty sword.
UN Reader's Digest Condensed Version 
The UN was formed in 1945 following World War II--a war in which 60 million people died. The goal of the UN was to prevent this sort of man-made disaster from ever happening again.  The UN was created so that all nations of the world could solve their problems peacefully. Currently, representatives from over 180 counties join in regular sessions to vote on world issues regarding economics, politics and humanitarian matters.  For an organization that is supposed to address and preserve world peace, it more closely resembles the goals of the conspiracy theory of New World  Order.  In other words, you will get with the program one way or another--through self compliance, coercion or military action.
Hey, it's not like Six Flags Over Texas where, "...more flags=more fun."

Visualize Whirled Peas
Peace is a great concept.  Everyone has their own idea of what it is and what it should look like; however, the UN has gone to great lengths to impose their ideas of peace through the use of sanctions (public humiliation) and military action (with NATO).  Maybe the New World Order isn't that much of a conspiracy after all.   
What would run through your mind if NATO planes bombed your neighborhood?  Would you say, "Oh, that's just those UN guys trying to help us"?  Not at all!  They would be considered a threat...terrorists.  They are no different than some group of thugs trying to drive someone out of "their neighborhood."  Wait a minute...Hussein O'Bummer a neighborhood thug?  Nah.  He's a elitist Social Democrat.  He couldn't be that way.  He's all about the individual.  What about Billary?  Oh, sure...she's made demands that the Libya dictator leave HIS OWN COUNTRY and showed up in Pakistan unannounced to denounce the leadership for hiding O'bama's brethren.  But that doesn't mean that she's trying to enforce a New World Order.  
You see, this is why the term is visualize world peace.  We're almost there.  The unemployment rate is 9.2 and rising (not including young people who have not been employed to be considered unemployed).  Last week, America, for the first time in its history, spent the same amount it was able to produce (GDP).  Apple Computer Corporation has more cash on hand than the last Super Power on the third planet from the sun.  We have increased, in the last two years, our national debt by over 70%.  Our educational system is focused on no child left behind at the expense of the entire generation.  Our fearless leader grants China imminent domain over the US to secure debt.  Whew...there's a lot more good news along the lines of having a New World Order but I'll end it there.  I'm late for my "Chinese as a second language" class.  So I guess we should rephrase this section to read, "Visualize Waassaaabi Peas!"  True.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

USDA Recalls Ground Turkey: Salmonella ALERT

Turkey Recall
According to WASHINGTON (AP) and other news sources,  "Meat giant Cargill is recalling 36 million pounds of ground turkey linked to a nationwide salmonella outbreak that has killed one person in California and sickened at least 76 others.

Turkeys at Pitman Family Farms' 
turkey ranch in Sanger, Calif. 
Illnesses in the outbreak date back to March and have been reported in 26 states coast to coast.

Cargill said Wednesday that it is recalling fresh and frozen ground turkey products produced at the company's Springdale, Ark., plant from Feb. 20 through Aug. 2 due to possible contamination from the strain of salmonella linked to the illnesses.

Company officials said that all ground turkey production has been suspended at the plant until the company is able to determine the source of the outbreak."

Minnesota Meat Giants NOT Mental Giants
Did Cargill have to wait  FIVE (5) months to ACT on this issue?  I get that Cargill is a "meat giant" but obviously not a mental giant.  Cargill's president, Steve Willardsen now says, "Given our concern for what has happened, and our desire to do what is right for our consumers and customers, we are voluntarily removing our ground turkey products from the marketplace."   "Voluntarily"?  That's mighty kind of you Mark.

From personal experience of working in a plant, you know when you have contamination.  DAILY testing of machinery, surfaces, employees and product are MANDATED by the FDA, USDA as well as company policy. Cargill's turkey recall is a direct result of not following SOPs--Standard Operating Procedures. 

I am just guessing this will be a BIG problem.
1.  36 MILLION POUNDS of ground turkey is A LOT of MEAT
2.  It was likely packaged and sold to other companies
3.  The turkey could be in MULTIPLE products such as fresh, frozen and a variety of canned products such as soups all the way down to pet food. 
Cargill does state the recall code "Est. P-963" on the label.....including Cargill's Honeysuckle White."

Positive News:  Negative News
Salmonella is a Gram Negative (Gracilicutes) Bacteria and part of the family, Enterobacteriaceae or enteric bacteria.  It is a motile (has a flagella), rod shaped, facultatively anaerobic with simple nutritional requirements (Urease negative(-) and Mannitol (salt) positive(+).
(+) News
The CDC (Center for Disease Control) states that the contamination is all the same "strain of salmonella."  What does that mean?  Salmonella has around 2,500 different serovars (strains)--however, less than 100 have been incriminated as pathogens (strains that make a person ill).  If more than one strain were identified, the situation would be far more complicated--if you can imagine that!  
A "strain" is an identified and numbered strain or serovar used as a reference.  In the case of salmonella, the serovar is the basic taxon (classification) instead of a strain used in most Gram Positive (Firmicutes) and some Gram Negative bacteria.
S. typhi
Some examples:  (S. represents salmonella) S. abortusequi is hosted in the Equine species (horses) and causes mares in foal to abort.  S. choleraesuis is hosted in Porcine and causes pneumonia and septicemia in pigs.  S. typhi is hosted in Man and causes TYPHOID (results from ingestion of food or water that have been contaminated with feces).  In other selected serovars that infect humans and animals result in SALMONELLOSIS and Enterocolitis.  S. gallinarium and 
S. pullorum are host-adapted pathogens of birds.

 (-) News
"The CDC said the strain is resistant to many commonly prescribed antibiotics, which can make treatment more difficult. The agency said 38 percent of those sickened were hospitalized. The states with the highest number sickened were Michigan and Ohio, 10 illnesses each, while nine illnesses were reported in Texas. Illinois had seven, California six and Pennsylvania five.
The remaining states have between one and three reported illnesses linked to the outbreak, according to the CDC: Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee and Wisconsin."
NOTE:  This means if you eat contaminated turkey, antibiotic therapy is NOT usually effective though may be used to prevent secondary infections.  Treatment requires MEDICAL ATTENTION.
Within 6 to 72 hours is the incubation time--meaning from time of ingestion to time of illness.  "Symptoms of Salmonella gastroenteritis include diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fever, nausea, and/or vomiting. In mild cases diarrhea may be non-bloody, occur several times per day, and not be very voluminous; in severe cases it may be frequent, bloody and/or mucoid, and of high volume."
NOTE:  Bloody diarrhea is a result of motile bacteria and important to mention for proper diagnosis.

"Fever generally occurs in the 100°F to 102°F (38°C to 39°C) range. Vomiting is less common than diarrhea. Headaches, myalgias (muscle pain), and arthralgias (joint pain) are often reported as well. Whereas the diarrhea typically lasts 24 to 72 hours, patients often report fatigue and other nonspecific symptoms lasting 7 days or longer."  A primary concern is dehydration.  Death can occur in infants, elderly and people with compromised immune systems."
NOTE:  Never buy into that stupid story that food poisoning takes at least 24 hours after ingestion.  This is NOT TRUE as it depends on the strain of bacteria as to how long it takes to act on the intestinal tract.

More Bad News--Cargill is Literally "Sorry"
"Cargill executive Willardsen said, "Public health and the safety of consumers cannot be compromised."

Disclaimer:  Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated.  You can put lipstick on a turkey but it's still a turkey.

Thank you:  Dr. Charles M Scanlan, Instructor of Microbiology, Texas A&M University