It's Your World!
When you go to the UN website, the greeting is, "United Nations--It's Your World!" Well, I can't agree less. It is NOT my world and currently, it is becoming clear that THIS is not NOT my America. My America is a Constitutionally based REPUBLIC and not a SOCIAL Democracy, A nation of Judeo/Christian ("ethics held in common by Judaism and Christianity") not a Muslim ideology, a Nation UNDER GOD and a TRUE ally to Israel.
Though the initial premise for the organization seems well intended, "... an international organization that works to maintain peace and cooperation among nations,"the UN has fallen on its mighty sword.
UN Reader's Digest Condensed Version
The UN was formed in 1945 following World War II--a war in which 60 million people died. The goal of the UN was to prevent this sort of man-made disaster from ever happening again. The UN was created so that all nations of the world could solve their problems peacefully. Currently, representatives from over 180 counties join in regular sessions to vote on world issues regarding economics, politics and humanitarian matters. For an organization that is supposed to address and preserve world peace, it more closely resembles the goals of the conspiracy theory of New World Order. In other words, you will get with the program one way or another--through self compliance, coercion or military action.
Hey, it's not like Six Flags Over Texas where, "...more flags=more fun."
UN Reader's Digest Condensed Version
The UN was formed in 1945 following World War II--a war in which 60 million people died. The goal of the UN was to prevent this sort of man-made disaster from ever happening again. The UN was created so that all nations of the world could solve their problems peacefully. Currently, representatives from over 180 counties join in regular sessions to vote on world issues regarding economics, politics and humanitarian matters. For an organization that is supposed to address and preserve world peace, it more closely resembles the goals of the conspiracy theory of New World Order. In other words, you will get with the program one way or another--through self compliance, coercion or military action.
Hey, it's not like Six Flags Over Texas where, "...more flags=more fun."
Visualize Whirled Peas

What would run through your mind if NATO planes bombed your neighborhood? Would you say, "Oh, that's just those UN guys trying to help us"? Not at all! They would be considered a threat...terrorists. They are no different than some group of thugs trying to drive someone out of "their neighborhood." Wait a minute...Hussein O'Bummer a neighborhood thug? Nah. He's a elitist Social Democrat. He couldn't be that way. He's all about the individual. What about Billary? Oh, sure...she's made demands that the Libya dictator leave HIS OWN COUNTRY and showed up in Pakistan unannounced to denounce the leadership for hiding O'bama's brethren. But that doesn't mean that she's trying to enforce a New World Order.
You see, this is why the term is visualize world peace. We're almost there. The unemployment rate is 9.2 and rising (not including young people who have not been employed to be considered unemployed). Last week, America, for the first time in its history, spent the same amount it was able to produce (GDP). Apple Computer Corporation has more cash on hand than the last Super Power on the third planet from the sun. We have increased, in the last two years, our national debt by over 70%. Our educational system is focused on no child left behind at the expense of the entire generation. Our fearless leader grants China imminent domain over the US to secure debt. Whew...there's a lot more good news along the lines of having a New World Order but I'll end it there. I'm late for my "Chinese as a second language" class. So I guess we should rephrase this section to read, "Visualize Waassaaabi Peas!" True.
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