Thursday, July 28, 2011

"Give me Liberty..."

So who said that?
"Give me liberty or give me death!"  " a quotation attributed to Patrick Henry  from a speech he made to the Virginia Convention.  It was given on March 23, 1775, at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia and is credited with having swung the balance in convincing the Virginia House of Burgesses to pass a resolution delivering the Virginia troops to the Revolutionary War Among the delegates to the convention were future US Presidents Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. Reportedly, those in attendance, upon hearing the speech, shouted, "give me liberty or give me death!"   Shazam!  Where's patriotism when we really need it?

Obama Chia Pet
No.  I don't own one.  I feed enough people with my tax "donation" and don't need this ugly ceramic head as a reminder of his reckless spending and blatant disregard for America--not to mention other countries.  But just in case you want to place an order, for $20.99 + shipping and handling, Obama Chia CAN be yours.  

"A lot of people were offended when they found out that there was a Chia Pet of President Obama.  What’s so controversial about having an Obama's Chia pet head? This product was banned from store shelves for being racist, disrespectful, and according to a lot of people: “so damn wrong”.

We have look around trying to find products that are funny and not rude, racist, or something totally disrespectful to President Obama. Believe me when I tell you that we have bumped into a lot of articles that look like made by KKK members, and we just turn around and keep looking. After watching those products, we can’t help but to wonder: what’s so wrong and disrespectful about Obama’s Chia Pet Head?

As of this moment, it’s very difficult to find a brick and mortar store to buy Obama's Chia pet because according to a lot of sensitive people in America, Obama’s Chia pet head is racist because it grows forming an Afro. It’s also racist because Obama is the first president in American history to have a chia pet, and no other presidents have had Chia pet heads.

Well, for your information, Barack Obama’s Chia pet is not the first one made for a President of the United States, there are Chia pets of Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and even for political figures like the Statue of Liberty or Hillary Clinton, so that’s the first wrong fact from Obama’s chia pet haters."

QUESTION:  What's the worst that can happen here?  His head doesn't get watered and his "hair" falls out? Gee.  I want one that it's watered, it grows money or solves the "debt crisis."

Cowboy Up
For all you PC (politically correct) morons, cowboy up.  Your whining BS is REALLY OLD.  What do you want to do?  Hey.  I know!  Let's take all Chia Pets off the market as they might offend ex presidents, cows, pigs, hippos, crocodiles, cats, little puppies--not to mention Homer Simpson.  Isn't ALL marketing offensive to SOMEONE?  I'm starting to think the dictionary is offensive to people who can spell.  Wait a minute.  Those are antiquated.  People don't read books anymore and certainly don't look up how to spell a word.  That's too much like work.  Oh, I know, the Confederate flag.  Now THAT'S offensive.  See, once upon a time in a land not so far away (America), a country was divided in half by a Civil War--the Union States and the Confederate States.  Some folks still think it's a black/white issue, but it was one of economy--at least that is what I learned from my grand-parents who were born out of the Civil War and NOT racists.  They were Melungeons in fact--a mixed race people who were a PRODUCT of government unrest.

Speaking of Socialists...
Befuddling, but by the looks of the Chia video, the Obama Chia Head was meant to HONOR the man--or make a few bucks.  I keep harping on Socialism and I think MAYBE the topic is either catching on or people are WAKING up--either way, it's all good.  Even Valadimir Putin of Russia called Obama an "idiot" for forcing his socialistic ideals on America.

Quote of the Day--by Ronald Reagan
"A socialist is someone who has read Lenin and Marx.  An anti-socialist is someone who understands Lenin and Marx."    
Now for some real news, even though Gary P. Jackson's article, "Socialist Party of America Releases The Names of 70 Democrat Members Of Congress Who Are Members Of Their Caucus" was written in August of 2010, it is just now making it's way around on FaceBook, Twitter and other social media. "This should come as a surprise to absolutely no one.  The radical Marxist-progressives (communists) took control of the democrat party some time ago. They’ve only become more emboldened with the election of Barack Obama, who was raised as a communist from birth.  With their new found leader, Barack Obama, the Socialist Party of America felt secure enough to announce the names of 70 democrats in Congress that belong to their caucus."  

Disclaimer:  Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated.  You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mitt Romney: Why I don't like him

Is "Mitt" short for Mittens?
I'm not a Mitt Romney fan and have been asked on several occasion--why not?

Number 1
He talks out of both sides of his mouth and then some.

Number 2 
I don't like his name--Mitt.  I know it sounds petty, but I just think that any man who wants to be taken seriously, should have a solid name.  "Mitt" sounds straight out of the frat house and too much like "Biff." All he needs a girl named Muffy.  It reminds me of an episode of an old sitcom called "WKRP in Cincinnatti" when the news reporter met Lonnie Anderson's boyfriend for the first time.  The newsman asked him his name.  He said, "My name is 'Steele.'  I think a name says a lot about a man.  What did you say your name was?"  The newsman said, "Les."
In "The Political Name Game," written by Joan Vennochi, Globe Columnist, the topic is addressed, "Four years ago, I asked Romney spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom to settle the matter.“It’s Willard Mitt Romney on the birth certificate,’’ he replied, via e-mail.  Could I see it? I asked. “Sure. He was born in Detroit. City Hall should have it,’’ he e-mailed back.
Birth records are restricted in Michigan and only a person or parent named on the record, or a legal guardian or representative can request a copy. “That shouldn’t be a problem for an old reporter like you,’’ Fehrnstrom responded. It was.
A Boston Globe timeline on Mormonism and the Romney family, which was produced as part of a major series during his last presidential run, states that in 1947, “Willard Milton ‘Mitt’ Romney is born on March 12 in Detroit.’’
The origin of Romney’s name was a topic of minor interest during the last presidential campaign cycle.
In November 2007, Time asked, “Raise your hand if you knew that Mitt Romney’s given name was actually Willard Milton. Anyone?’’ Blogging for the Chicago Tribune in April 2007, Eric Zorn riffed about “Willard’’ and “Mitt,’’ then added: “Not that Romney’s real first name is a big deal or anything. But I wonder how many of you out there who’ve been obsessing about Barack Obama’s middle name (Hussein) and the minutia of the biographical details of his childhood had ever even bothered to ask or wonder about Romney.’’ 
NOTE:  This leads me to one of my favorite expressions, "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."
I have to wonder if we have an entire country of slow learners.  I would think that a birth certificate would be a prerequisite for the office of President of the United States--a REAL one that is not just a "certificate of live birth."  As a nation, if we really don't care, then anyone, regardless of nationality, should be able to run for office.  I still prefer Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.  So maybe the whole "birther" issue should go away.

Number 3
My next issue is that he is from Taxachussetts (Massachusetts, aka Ass-a-chew-sets).  Speaking from experience (as I lived there for three of the longest years of my life), it was nothing but taxes and power hungry assholes in local government.  I was as ready to get out of there as they were glad to see me go.
In Massachusetts, being a horse owner, constitutes  a "luxury tax."  To top it off, the state's money making making strategies were so absurd that in some counties, manure was considered "toxic waste" and required a haz mat dumpster which cost approximately $800 per month.
Horses are herbivores.  They are not known for carrying harmful bacterium in their intestines.  They are fragile four-legged creatures.  If they are intestinally ill, they colic or become toxic and die.  Horse manure is NOT "toxic waste" unlike chicken litter which carries salmonella.
The influence of being governor of Massachusetts, is not something I consider GOOD experience unless you want more taxes and a bigger government .  I don't.

"A governor's role is multifaceted and varied. Officially, governors are charged with overseeing the executive branch of their state's government. Governors, along with their staff and colleagues, create and submit budgets to the legislature: sign or veto bills as necessary: call on the state's military in times of crisis: appoint officials to the state government: and assist in court cases. Annually, governors give a 'State of the State' address to inform citizens of the current political and social climate within the state...the United States has 50 governors--one for each state."

Number 4:
Global Warming.  Yes.  The topic does make him sound like a Democrat.  Is he a RINO (Republican in Name Only)? "Mitt Romney, the newest Republican to declare himself a candidate for President, sounded suspiciously like a Democrat when he said Friday that global warming is real.
"I don't speak for the scientific community, of course..." Romney said at a Town Hall-type meeting in New Hampshire. "...but I believe the world's getting warmer."
Romney then added, "And number two, I believe that humans contribute to that."
That's heresy in many GOP circles - and a position the other Republican candidates have not taken in public."

Number 4 1/2
In "The Romney RINO:  Scorecard" (an EXCELLENT READ)"Mitt Romney represents everything that is wrong with our party and everything that has left us dying in a ditch after this last election. Romney is a pretend conservative. A RINO. Pretend conservatives are what got us to where we are and are what will completely destroy us if allowed. His support of the socialist bailout bill should be the killer for all thinking conservatives. We need to find good candidates by their current deeds and their record. Romney, now 61, will be an exact repeat of McCain."

Number 5
No thank you.  Romney is AGAINST O'Bama care but put in place the same type of program in the state of Massachusetts.  "For former Massachusetts Gov. Romney, the issue is extra sensitive: the health care plan he secured for Massachusetts included an exchange almost identical to the federal law. He has tried to tightrope through the issue, blasting the federal law as he defends his own. "  

Plain and simple, I view him as a typical politician who will say anything to get elected (again refer to cartoon above).  He sounds like an O'bama of a different color. Who Mittens is as governor of Massachusetts directly represents his character--AMORAL--which is not the same as being IMMORAL.  Being amoral is a competition tactic used to pursue/achieve personal goals by changing values by accommodating popular opinion.  For example, before his run for the Presidency in 2012, Mittens was FOR abortion.  While running, he claims to be AGAINST abortion.  A joke that came out of his win against Kennedy is that it took a Mitt Romney to show, of all people, a Kennedy what Social Democracy was all about!

America was not pleased with the George W. Bush Administration.  I believe that presidential candidates like Mittens and Rick Perry are reminders of the Bush era and are diminishing the chances for a GOP win in the 2012 election.  If the Republicans REALLY want to win, they need a ticket that not only looks different, but IS different.  It can't be comprised of the typical two white males--president and vice president and expect a victory.  He says he can "defeat Obama."  Yep.  THAT is an important goal.  Very important.  If he can't do that, he needs to get out of the way and help someone else who actually can accomplish this.  THAT would make him a real hero.

On the up side...
I personally cannot pick apart the Romney's religion as did Herman Cain.  I find nothing wrong with him being a Mormon.  It's not what religion a person follows but what they do with their convictions.  I give Romney credit for saying that O'Bama threw Israel "under the bus."
The bottom line is that I will vote for Romney if he is the GOP nominee but only because I refuse to vote for the current socialist administration.

There has to be a strategy and not just a dog-and-pony show election.  Americans who elect a candidate need to start taking the responsibility to hold their candidate accountable.  Politicians get "hired" to do a job.  If they make a promise and do not follow through, they need to be held accountable and not just via election.  If we hire them, we should be able to fire them.  It's our life.  It's our country.  It's our money.  It's time to reclaim what is ours.

Disclaimer:  Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

O'Bama's O'B-Day Bash: It's his O'Party...

The Big Five O
O'Bama's 50th b-day bash is also a campaign fund raiser--a real double-whammy (and that's no mixed drink).  If he really cared about AMERICA, he would do a fund raiser for our country and for not himself.  O'Bama is famous for playing games so this event is perfect.  Do you think he'll have a pinata or play pin the tail on the jack ass?

Special gifts endorced by O'Bama
"As America’s poorest wait for Social Security checks that may never come on Aug. 3, President Barack Obama will be out celebrating a milestone birthday at a party where tickets cost up to $35,800 each...Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson is expected to perform at the birthday bash at the historic Aragon Ballroom in Chicago. The event will be one of the president’s biggest fundraisers of the year. Publicity literature featuring a red, white and blue Happy Birthday logo has already been produced."  Jennifer Hudson?  Where's Willie Nelson, Elton John or Dave Matthews? O' well, at least it's not Common (pro cop killing rapper).  What will Michele O wear?  She desperately attempts to be Jackie O but appears to be more like Jennie-O (the queen of sliced turkey).

O so Patriotic
Please...  Red, white and blue?  What happened to his O so favorite yellow?  The man refuses to wear the American flag on his lapel or put his hand over his heart for the Pledge of Allegiance.  "During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart "- -U.S. States Code, Title 36, Chap 10, Sec. 171.
History Lesson
I realize America keeps rewriting history but if we actually knew history, maybe we would and could learn something of value.  As Richard Cohen wrote in his 2008 New York Daily News article, Refusing to learn for the Great Depression will doom us , "The Great Depression was not just a period of wholesale unemployment and incredible poverty - of bread lines and apple peddlers and women selling brief intimacy for 10 cents a dance. It was also the period of Hitler and Mussolini and, in this country, of Huey Long and Father Charles Coughlin and the belief among otherwise sane people that communism was the remedy for what ailed us. An economic crisis is like war. It's impossible to contain. It affects everything it touches." 

Who was Huey Long?
Huey Pierce "Kingfisher" Long Jr. was a socialist thug.  From 1928 - 1932 he was Governor of Louisiana and then served as a U.S. Senator from 1932 - 1935.  Long was the father of Share Our Wealth.  " Huey Long advocated free higher education and vocational training, pensions for the elderly, veterans benefits and health care, and a yearly stipend for all families earning less than one-third the national average income – enough for a home, an automobile, a radio, and the ordinary conveniences. Long also proposed shortening the work week and giving employees a month vacation to boost employment, along with greater government regulation of economic activity and production controls. He later proposed a debt moratorium to give struggling families time to pay their mortgages and other debts before losing their property to creditors." 

Huey transformed politics in Louisiana from an aristocracy to a social democracy.  His concepts were based on a "government for and by the people" but the problem with that is it increases the size of the government and reduces the power OF the people.  Isn't that exactly the root of our current economic crisis?  Though Long did do some very good things to ensure that the disabled, elderly, poor and mentally ill were treated humanely, someone has to pay for the entitlements--this is the challenge.

To President Franklin Roosevelt, Long was the most dangerous man in America.  At a time when America really needed growth in the private sector for jobs, Long proposed taking money away from the people who would be financing the businesses to provide growth in the private sector.  That is squarely what we are dealing with--high unemployment rate and out of control government spending.  The Long-ist approach to cap the incomes of people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Larry Ellison, take their "excessive" incomes to give to the entitlement coffers, further handicapping the working class.  How can they grow their businesses that will ultimately provide more jobs if we take away their money?

QUESTION:  One of O'Bama's largest supporters in his 2008 presidential race was O'prah who is worth over 1 Billion dollars.  Could the reason why she dropped her support for O'Bama be the fact that most of her income would be taken away to fund his policies?  Do you really think Donald Trump would be willing to give away the majority of his EARNED fortune to O'Bama?

Ben Bernanke knows all this. He might focus on the raw numbers of the Great Depression --" I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished," Franklin Roosevelt said - but he would also have to know their social and cultural ramifications. You can, if you want, say the bailout program is about the future. But it's really about the past (Richard Cohen)"

Cry if you want to....
More special O'Party favors will be available at an additional charge...because you can afford it!

Disclaimer:  Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Debt Ceiling: Is it OVER YOUR HEAD?

Fiddler on the Roof

It's time to put the "Debt Ceiling" into some kind of perspective that most everyone can understand.  The news does not explain what is going on in simple terms for a reason--we the people have not participated in our government; therefore, we have lost our "entitlement" by virtue of ignorance. 

If you have been watching the news, you might have heard the word, "demagogy."  20th-century American social critic and humorist H.L. Mencken defined a demagogue as "one who will preach doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots." Demagogy "emphasizes the use of lying and falsehoods, skilled demagogues often need to use only special emphasis by which an uncritical listener will be led to draw the desired conclusion themselves. Moreover, a demagogue may well believe his or her own arguments (for example, there are good reasons to assume that Adolf Hitler —certainly one of the most successful demagogues in history—sincerely believed his own anti-Jewish diatribes)".
Sad to say America, but we are the idiots.  Voters don't understand because traditionally, they are do not view themselves as impacted.  The debt ceiling has been about big business, chambers of commerce and bankers.  Now it is about YOU.

Maybe you remember Fiddler on the Roof--a musical based on a Jewish father, Reb Tevye and his five daughters.  The actual "fiddler" is a figure that appears throughout "is a metaphor for survival, through tradition and joyfulness, in a life of uncertainty and imbalance." Reb Tevye's family is very poor but living within their means.  They are under constant fear that the Tsar (Nicholas II of Russia) will evict them from their village.  In "If I were a Rich Man," Tevye sings about what his life would be like if he were rich.  One of the lines of the song is, "When you're Rich they Think you really know...."...meaning that the average person listens to the rich because they MUST be smarter--otherwise, how did they get rich?  As we are discovering, in politics it doesn't take genius to accomplish wealth. 

 Desiring a better life is not indicative of America.  I believe many people in other countries DREAM of a better life.  Therefore, it is not just the "American Dream" but we claimed it and made it happen.  Unfortunately, our country started living beyond its means and got greedy.  I'm not saying that wealth is evil or even remotely bad.  I'm saying that if you earned your way, you HAVE earned it.  It does not mean that you should have to pay for those who refuse to earn their way.  Taxes are one thing.  If you EARN, you pay.  Our country has a lot of whiners who pay nothing and expect everything. 

All About Avoiding Default 
U.S. Treasury Secretary of State, Tim Geithner, is all about avoiding default on the U.S. debt.  Our country OWES about 40 cents on every dollar on borrowed money.  Yes, our government BORROWS so we can maintain a level false security.  As a result, we have over-spent.  
A simple analogy would be that you borrow to own a home, furniture, a car, perhaps a boat and have credit cards.  You OWN nothing.  The bank owns it.  Every month, YOU pay interest but your dept is increasing because of the interest rate accumulation.  This is living beyond a person's means.  Amplify the problem to a government living beyond its means.

DEFINITION:  The DEBT CEILING is amount of money the American Government can BORROW to pay their bills.  The problem/solution is two fold:  How much can we BORROW and how much can we CUT?  The threats keep rolling that if the debt ceiling isn't raised, cuts will hit "government programs" or "Entitlement Programs" such as:  Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Veteran's benefits by TRILLIONS of Dollars.

I personally think it is criminal that money has been taken from our pay checks and improperly allocated.  I remember the my first real paycheck and seeing what was taken--taxes and social security.  My question on SS was, "If this money is intended for me, then why can't I save it myself?"  At 19 years old, that was a really good question.

"The Outstanding Public Debt as of 14 Jul 2011 at 08:15:43 PM GMT is:  $14, 346, 530, 446, 184.03.  The estimated population of the United States is 310,933,420
so each citizen's share of this debt is $46,140.20.
The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$3.85 billion per day since September 28, 2007!"

So What Happens if America Defaults?
The government is worried about a loss of faith in America as perceived by other countries and not by America itself.  The real problem is that America has lost faith in America.  Borrowing and printing more money does not achieve fiscal control (a balanced budget).  It prolongs the inevitable.  While the Government worries about defaulting, it's nothing new to the average American.  Most of us aren't paying all of our bills, have lost credit rating points and credibility.  405,000 Americans are claiming to be JOBLESS and unemployment is at 9.2% (which is not an accurate number as many homeless are not included statistically).
In the Washington Post article, "With no debt deal, Obama would face tough choices Aug. 3 on what bills to pay", Pell grants, special-education programs, the federal courts, law enforcement, national nuclear programs and housing assistance.  After the debt ceiling was breached, there would be no delay in the tough decisions."

The clock is still ticking and no deal has been stuck.   I'm really sick of hearing about THE WAR ON TERROR when as Americans, we are being terrorized by our own government and essentially held hostage.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

40 Days and 40 Nights Challenge: Day 5

Life is a Journey:  Day 5

Day 5:  10 July 2011
Scripture:  Leviticus 19:32 (NASB) 
"Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God.  I am the Lord."

My daughter and I met Glen and his wife, Janice last week as he is the caretaker of an historical Ohio schoolhouse.  I asked to take his photo after admiring his suspenders that were stitched with assorted hand carpenter tools (I bet Larry King doesn't own a pair like this!)  Though now retired, Glen was an employee of the Hoover company in North Canton which closed its doors in 2007 to conduct business overseas leaving many locals unemployed.  
Yesterday, we returned to visit our "elders" and took them a hanging basket of pink begonias.  We sat on their front porch swing and talked late into the evening.  I had arrived there thinking about how I needed to get packed in preparation of returning to Dallas  the next morning but everyday stress was put to rest enjoying their company.  We chatted about local history, where we were raised, who we knew and and reflected on life in a time much less complicated.
Funny, but all the things I had to do were still there waiting after our night of citronella candles, lightening bugs and the surrounding beauty of plants and flowers.  
NOTE:  Take the time to take the time.  Life is a journey--not a destination.

Prayer:  Lord, let us not ask you to do what you have put us here to do.  Let us not expect "miracles"  when we are idol.  Amen

Night 5:  10 July 2011
Scripture:  Tanakh:  Kethuvim:  Psalms 107:01 - 107:08
"Praise the LORD, for He is good;
His steadfast love is eternal!"
Thus let the redeemed of the LORD say,
those He redeemed from adversity,
whom He gathered in from the lands,
from east and west,
from the north and from the sea.

Some lost their way in the wilderness,
in the wasteland;
they found no settled place.
Hungry and thirst,
their spirit failed.
In their adversity they cried to the Lord,
and He rescued them from their troubles.
He showed them a direct way
to reach a settled place.
Let them praise the LORD for His steadfast love,
His wondrous deeds for mankind;
for He has satisfied the thirsty,
filled the hungry with all good things."


Have Patience With Everything Unresolved In Your Heart

- Rainer Maria Rilke

"Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart
and try to love the questions themselves...
Don't search for the answers,
which could not be given to you now,
because you would not be able to live them.
And the point is, to live everything.
Live the questions now.
Perhaps then, someday far in the future,
you will gradually, without even noticing it,
live your way into the answer."

Friday, July 8, 2011

40 Days and 40 Nights Challenge: Day 4

Living in a Time of Prophets and Prophesy
Day 4:  9 July 2011

"My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you.  When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness."

40 Days and 40 Nights Challenge: Day 3

New Baltimore, OH (Old Schoolhouse)

Today is day 3 of the 40 Days and 40 Nights Challenge.

Day 3:  8 July 2011
Scripture:  Revelation 3:19 - 3:20
" Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline.  So be earnest, and repent.  Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me. "
(From:  The Holy Bible NIV)
I have always loved these words written in red as they represent Jesus speaking.
"I raise my hands, bow my head, finding more and more truth in the words written in red.  They tell me that there's more to live than to just what I can see..."  From: "Believe"  by Brooks and Dunn.

Prayer see The Father, Son and Holy Spirit in ALL THINGS.  He is there if I open my eyes, ears and mind... Amen.

Night 3:  8 July 2011
Scripture:  Proverbs 1:01 - 1:07
" The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel:
For learning wisdom and discipline;
For understanding words of discernment;
For acquiring the discipline for success,
Righteousness, justice, and equity;
For endowing the simple with shrewdness,
The young with knowledge and foresight.
--The wise man, hearing them, will gain more wisdom;
The discerning man will learn to be adroit;
For understanding proverb and epigram,
The words of the wise and their riddles.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;
Fools despise wisdom and discipline. "
(From The Tanakh:  The Holy Scriptures)

Prayer:  Oseh Shalom
"May the One who makes peace in the heavens make peace on each of us and upon all Israel.  Let us say:  Amen."

Thursday, July 7, 2011

40 Days and 40 Nights Challenge: Day 2

Living in a Time of Prophets and Prophesy

Today is day 2 of the 40 Days and 40 Nights Challenge.
I began thinking about my next entry immediately after posting the first.  I read my bible before bed and woke up countless times with ideas running through my head.  Of course--as most mornings--I watched the news.  A dust storm had swept through Phoenix, Arizona.
"A vast dust storm, up to 50 miles wide and gusting as fast as 60mph, swept across the US city of Phoenix on Tuesday night, choking the streets, toppling trees and briefly closing the local airport. The storm began near Tucson, the local Arizona Republic newspaper reported, before rolling more than 100 miles north-west towards the state capital."
2011 thus far has been a year of natural disasters--not to mention those created by man.  Currently, America is facing an administrative  political agenda that is not aligning our Nation with Israel, our friend and ally. Obama wants Israel to return to its 1967 borders which would divide Jerusalem.

Day 2:  7 July 2011
Scripture:  Psalm 100:01 - 100:04
"Raise a shout for the Lord, all the earth;
worship the Lord in gladness:
come into His presence with shouts of joy.
Acknowledge that the Lord is God;
He made us and we are His 
His people, the flock He tends.
Enter His gates with praise,
His courts with acclamation.
Praise Him!
Bless His name!"
(from Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures)
When I read this psalm, I can not help but to think of the woman taking shelter with others in a cooler during the recent Joplin tornado.  She shouted, "JESUS, JESUS...Heavenly Father.."  As tragic as the moment was, she was praising the Lord.

"Lord our God, our praises are nothing compared to Your holiness, yet You hear and even rejoice in our shouts of joy dedicated to you.  Help us to praise You even in times of great trials and to remain focused on what You did for us on the cross which brings ever lasting joy" Amen (contributed by my daughter, Jessica).

Night 2:  7 July 2011
Scripture:  Daniel 8:26
"The two-horned ram [signifies] the kings of Media and Persia; and the buck, the he-goat--the king of Greece; and the large horn on his forehead, that is the first king.  One was broken and four came in its stead--that means: four kingdoms will arise out of a nation, but without its power.  When their kingdoms are at an end, when the measure of transgression has been filled, then a king will arise, impudent and versed in intrigue.  He will have great strength, but not through his own strength.  He will be extraordinary destructive; he will prosper in what he does, and destroy the mighty and the people of holy ones.  By his cunning, he will use deceit successfully.  He will make great plans, will destroy many, taking them unawares, and will rise up against the chief of chiefs, but will be broken, not by [human] hands."

God, help us to see clearly and protect us from the enemy.  We pray for Your protection.  Amen.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

40 Days and 40 Nights Challenge: Make the Pledge

I have been blessed with many heroes in my life--some whom I know or have known personally and those I do not know but feel connected to their spirit.  Glenn Beck is one of my most recent heroes.  In honor of his final show on Fox News about two weeks ago, I decided to take his Make the Pledge--40 Days and 40 Nights.  For those of you who are unfamiliar,  "For the next 40 days and 40 nights, I pledge…I COVENANT to practice faith, hope and charity by doing these things."
On The People's Country I will be sharing my personal challenge and hopefully encourage you to join me.   Every day and night there will be a quoted scripture--some of my choice and others blindly chosen. There will be posted prayers--some original and others not.  Note:  Beware of random acts of kindness.

Day 1:  Wednesday, 6 July 2011
I arrived in Ohio yesterday to visit my family.  I thought about "The Pledge" while on the plane from DFW.  During my layover in South Carolina, the Casey Anthony verdict came in live via television.  People gathered in around to hear the plea.  When it was "not guilty," most were angry and wanted "someone to pay."  I explained many times to strangers, friends and family that it was impossible for a juror to say "beyond a shadow of a doubt" that she (the mother) was guilty.  Jurors did as they were instructed to do and I felt for them--their pain, uncertainty and putting the law before their own opinions.  As much as I WANTED a conviction of SOMEONE, it was not just.  We can not bring back Caylee Anthony but we can pray for her AND her family.

Scripture:  Psalm 46:10
"Be Still and Know that I am God."
I chose this scripture as it is personal.  My mother said this to me as I was facing a complicated medical procedure several years back.  I think of it often--when the world makes no sense or seems too complicated.  These words sum it all up and give me peace.  I am reminded that I am here because of God's grace--to step back and breathe--to take in the world as it is with all its imperfection.
May we all open our hearts, minds and spirits--our VERY BEING to KNOWING you LORD and HONORING your works and words.  May you always prevail in our struggles in putting good before evil.  Amen

Night 2:  Wednesday, 6 July 2011
While on the plane, I was reading "BONHOEFFER, Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy."  It is and excellent and insightful book and a Beck favorite.  "As Adolf Hitler and the Nazis seduced a nation, bullied a continent, and attempted to exterminate the Jews of Europe, a small number of dissidents and saboteurs worked to dismantle the Third Reich from the inside.  One of these was Dietrich Bonhoeffer..." (from the inside cover of "BONHOEFFER")  As Bonhoeffer contemplates the existence of the church, he states, references Isaiah 55:11 in summary:  "God's world will never be denied."
Scripture:  Isaiah 56:9 - 56:13
"But as the heavens are high above the earth, 
So are My ways high above your ways 
And My plans above your plans.  
For as the rain or snow drops from heaven 
And returns not there, 
but soaks the earth 
And makes it bring forth vegetation, 
Yielding seed for sowing and bread for eating, 
So is the word that issues from My mouth:  
It does not come back to Me unfulfilled, 
But performs what I purpose, 
Achieves what I sent it to do.  
Yea, you shall leave in joy and be led home secure.  
Before you, mount and hill shall shout aloud, 
And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.  
Instead of the brier, the cypress shall rise; 
Instead of the nettle, a myrtle shall rise.  
These shall stand as testimony to the LORD, As and everlasting sign that shall not perish"
(from the Tanakh:  The Holy Scriptures:  Nevi'im).
I pray for those who seek vengeance instead of justice.  May they come to know you or know you again.  Amen

Friday, July 1, 2011

Libya: Violation of War Power's Act?

How it Came to "PASS"

Vietnam marked a very important part of American history.  One of those markers is The War Powers Act of 1973"The War Powers Act of 1973 was designed to be a recognition of the precise powers both Congress and the president of the United States have in the use of the United States military. The throes of the Vietnam War were winding down and tens of thousands of U.S. troops had been killed. Congress decided to pass a law limiting the powers of the executive branch to indiscriminately using the military without approval of the legislative branch.
The Vietnam War escalated and several administrations from President John F. Kennedy and then President Lyndon Johnson sent more and more troops to Vietnam. Congress finally stepped in during Nixon's administration to clarify how the Constitution should interpret the powers of the president in war time.
Nixon vetoed the legislation and Congress overrode it. This set the stage for several tugs of war between the president and Congress in the next 38 years." 

This act is also referred to as the "War Powers Resolution" which was not at all a "resolution."  "The term 'Resolution' can be misleading; this law originated as a Joint Resolution and was passed by both Houses of Congress pursuant to the Legislative Process, and has the same legal effect as a Bill which has passed and become a law."  Interestingly enough, it came into legislation even though it was vetoed by the President "I am not a criminal" Nixon.

Committee in Session
Things like how to pass a Bill in Congress, "Just a Bill Song"--1975) used to be explained between Sesame Street and cartoons on Saturday mornings but quickly disappeared in 
the post Vietnam dummy-down phase of America.

Socialist Agenda
Currently, the media is attempting to explain to America WHY "President" Obama does not have to adhere to the War Powers Act in regards to the "conflict" in Libya.  Libyan leader Muammar Gadaffi has been in power for over 40 years, holding the all-time record for the number of years as a "ruler."  "The Economy of Libya is centrally planned and follows Gadaffi's socialist ideals. It depends primarily upon revenues from the petroleum sector which contributes practically all export earnings and over half of GDP.  These oil revenues and a small population have given Libya the highest nominal per capita GDP in Africa.  Since 2000, Libya has recorded favourable growth rates with an estimated 10.6 percent growth of GDP in 2010."   (Note:  GDP is Gross Domestic Product)

Gadaffi appears to be much like Obama in that they both have a socialist agenda.  According to Hillary "Billary" Clinton, "But the bottom line is, whose side are you on? Are you on Gadhafi’s side or are you on the side of the aspirations of the Libyan people...." First, Billary was from Arkansas when she was Mr. "I did not have sex with that woman" Clinton's First Lady...or second...or third...or fourth....  Anyway, then she's from New York.  But, of makes perfect sense.  Being a politician from Arkansas/New York makes her an expert on what the Libyan people want!  Rumor has it she owns the Rosetta Stone software with a version of the Libyan dialect. 

So whose side am I on?  America's. BUT (disclaimer) I do not think the government/administration has a right to fight a war with American tax payer dollars based on accusations of another country's leader.  The situation sounds more like "Libya has oil."  As I always say, "Smells like shit, looks like shit, it probably is shit."  I will say in the defense of Libya, they did renounce their nuclear weapons program in 2003.  In my OPINION, America is engaged in too many wars on too many fronts and ass deep in debt as a result.

30/60/90 and Counting...
So how did we get involved in this mess?  First of all, Obama did not seek Congressional approval to engage in war against Libya.  If an American president engages in war without the approval of Congress, he/she has 60 days to seek that approval.  If this is not attempted, the president has another 30 days to withdrawal troops.  "President" Obama has refused to comply.  Here's why:  1) We (America) are not "at war" with Libya.  It's just a "conflict".  2)  The War Powers Act is antiquated.  No one actually "declares" war anymore so the document is not worth acknowledgment.  3)  The United States of America is not committing the "act" as NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is really doing the work.  4)  Obama does not have to refer to the War Powers Act because he is following UN (United Nations) guidelines.

Let's address number 1.  Dropping bombs from a manned plane or a drone (automated) is STILL dropping bombs.  The last time I checked bombs=war. Though the NATO agreement states, "...and the organization constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party...."  Hmm.  I'm confused.  Did Libya attack America?  In case you are wondering, No they DID NOT.  The Socialist Democrats here in America just don't like the way they (Gadaffi's regime) do things over there.  Number 2 is accurate.  No one does seem to "declare" war and perhaps needs some consideration.  For example, I would like to know if someone is going to punch me so I can prepare.  Number 3?  Please.  Using NATO.  Another Analogy.  If I hire a hit man to kill someone, am I not still guilty of attempted murder?  And lastly....behind door Number 4...America is NOT part of the UN.  Really, I was under the assumption that Obama works for America--but there I go making assumptions.

You have to ask yourself, "WWND (What Would Nixon Do)?  “Let’s be perfectly cold-blooded 

President Nixon conferred with Henry Kissinger
 about it.... I look at the tide of history out there, South Vietnam probably is never gonna survive anyway.... [C]an we have a viable foreign policy if a year from now or two years from now, North Vietnam gobbles up South Vietnam?”
Mr. Kissinger replied that American policy could remain viable if Saigon’s collapse “ looks as if it’s the result of South Vietnamese incompetence. If we now sell out in such a way that, say, in a three- to four-month period, we have pushed President Thieu over the brink.... it will worry everybody... So we’ve got to find some formula that holds the thing together a year or two, after which... no one will give a damn.”

And for the record, 10 US lawmakers (comprised of both Republicans and Democrats) have filed a lawsuit against Obama for his unauthorized military strikes against Libya. 

Disclaimer:  Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated.