Life is a Journey: Day 5

Day 5: 10 July 2011
Scripture: Leviticus 19:32 (NASB)
"Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the Lord."
My daughter and I met Glen and his wife, Janice last week as he is the caretaker of an historical Ohio schoolhouse. I asked to take his photo after admiring his suspenders that were stitched with assorted hand carpenter tools (I bet Larry King doesn't own a pair like this!) Though now retired, Glen was an employee of the Hoover company in North Canton which closed its doors in 2007 to conduct business overseas leaving many locals unemployed.
Yesterday, we returned to visit our "elders" and took them a hanging basket of pink begonias. We sat on their front porch swing and talked late into the evening. I had arrived there thinking about how I needed to get packed in preparation of returning to Dallas the next morning but everyday stress was put to rest enjoying their company. We chatted about local history, where we were raised, who we knew and and reflected on life in a time much less complicated.
Funny, but all the things I had to do were still there waiting after our night of citronella candles, lightening bugs and the surrounding beauty of plants and flowers.
Funny, but all the things I had to do were still there waiting after our night of citronella candles, lightening bugs and the surrounding beauty of plants and flowers.
NOTE: Take the time to take the time. Life is a journey--not a destination.
Prayer: Lord, let us not ask you to do what you have put us here to do. Let us not expect "miracles" when we are idol. Amen
Night 5: 10 July 2011
Scripture: Tanakh: Kethuvim: Psalms 107:01 - 107:08
"Praise the LORD, for He is good;
His steadfast love is eternal!"
Thus let the redeemed of the LORD say,
those He redeemed from adversity,
whom He gathered in from the lands,
from east and west,
from the north and from the sea.
Some lost their way in the wilderness,
in the wasteland;
they found no settled place.
Hungry and thirst,
their spirit failed.
In their adversity they cried to the Lord,
and He rescued them from their troubles.
He showed them a direct way
to reach a settled place.
Let them praise the LORD for His steadfast love,
His wondrous deeds for mankind;
for He has satisfied the thirsty,
filled the hungry with all good things."
Prayer: Lord, let us not ask you to do what you have put us here to do. Let us not expect "miracles" when we are idol. Amen
Night 5: 10 July 2011
Scripture: Tanakh: Kethuvim: Psalms 107:01 - 107:08
"Praise the LORD, for He is good;
His steadfast love is eternal!"
Thus let the redeemed of the LORD say,
those He redeemed from adversity,
whom He gathered in from the lands,
from east and west,
from the north and from the sea.
Some lost their way in the wilderness,
in the wasteland;
they found no settled place.
Hungry and thirst,
their spirit failed.
In their adversity they cried to the Lord,
and He rescued them from their troubles.
He showed them a direct way
to reach a settled place.
Let them praise the LORD for His steadfast love,
His wondrous deeds for mankind;
for He has satisfied the thirsty,
filled the hungry with all good things."
Have Patience With Everything Unresolved In Your Heart
- Rainer Maria Rilke"Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart
and try to love the questions themselves...
Don't search for the answers,
which could not be given to you now,
because you would not be able to live them.
And the point is, to live everything.
Live the questions now.
Perhaps then, someday far in the future,
you will gradually, without even noticing it,
live your way into the answer."
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