So who said that?
"Give me liberty or give me death!" " a quotation attributed to Patrick Henry from a speech he made to the Virginia Convention. It was given on March 23, 1775, at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia and is credited with having swung the balance in convincing the Virginia House of Burgesses to pass a resolution delivering the Virginia troops to the Revolutionary War Among the delegates to the convention were future US Presidents Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. Reportedly, those in attendance, upon hearing the speech, shouted, "give me liberty or give me death!" Shazam! Where's patriotism when we really need it?
"Give me liberty or give me death!" " a quotation attributed to Patrick Henry from a speech he made to the Virginia Convention. It was given on March 23, 1775, at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia and is credited with having swung the balance in convincing the Virginia House of Burgesses to pass a resolution delivering the Virginia troops to the Revolutionary War Among the delegates to the convention were future US Presidents Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. Reportedly, those in attendance, upon hearing the speech, shouted, "give me liberty or give me death!" Shazam! Where's patriotism when we really need it?
Obama Chia Pet
No. I don't own one. I feed enough people with my tax "donation" and don't need this ugly ceramic head as a reminder of his reckless spending and blatant disregard for America--not to mention other countries. But just in case you want to place an order, for $20.99 + shipping and handling, Obama Chia CAN be yours.
"A lot of people were offended when they found out that there was a Chia Pet of President Obama. What’s so controversial about having an Obama's Chia pet head? This product was banned from store shelves for being racist, disrespectful, and according to a lot of people: “so damn wrong”.
We have look around trying to find products that are funny and not rude, racist, or something totally disrespectful to President Obama. Believe me when I tell you that we have bumped into a lot of articles that look like made by KKK members, and we just turn around and keep looking. After watching those products, we can’t help but to wonder: what’s so wrong and disrespectful about Obama’s Chia Pet Head?
As of this moment, it’s very difficult to find a brick and mortar store to buy Obama's Chia pet because according to a lot of sensitive people in America, Obama’s Chia pet head is racist because it grows forming an Afro. It’s also racist because Obama is the first president in American history to have a chia pet, and no other presidents have had Chia pet heads.
Well, for your information, Barack Obama’s Chia pet is not the first one made for a President of the United States, there are Chia pets of Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and even for political figures like the Statue of Liberty or Hillary Clinton, so that’s the first wrong fact from Obama’s chia pet haters."
QUESTION: What's the worst that can happen here? His head doesn't get watered and his "hair" falls out? Gee. I want one that it's watered, it grows money or solves the "debt crisis."
Cowboy Up

Speaking of Socialists...
Befuddling, but by the looks of the Chia video, the Obama Chia Head was meant to HONOR the man--or make a few bucks. I keep harping on Socialism and I think MAYBE the topic is either catching on or people are WAKING up--either way, it's all good. Even Valadimir Putin of Russia called Obama an "idiot" for forcing his socialistic ideals on America.
Quote of the Day--by Ronald Reagan
"A socialist is someone who has read Lenin and Marx. An anti-socialist is someone who understands Lenin and Marx."
Now for some real news, even though Gary P. Jackson's article, "Socialist Party of America Releases The Names of 70 Democrat Members Of Congress Who Are Members Of Their Caucus" was written in August of 2010, it is just now making it's way around on FaceBook, Twitter and other social media. "This should come as a surprise to absolutely no one. The radical Marxist-progressives (communists) took control of the democrat party some time ago. They’ve only become more emboldened with the election of Barack Obama, who was raised as a communist from birth. With their new found leader, Barack Obama, the Socialist Party of America felt secure enough to announce the names of 70 democrats in Congress that belong to their caucus."
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.
The Obama Chia would make for good target practice!
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Clay Pigeons just got downgraded.