The Big Five O
O'Bama's 50th b-day bash is also a campaign fund raiser--a real double-whammy (and that's no mixed drink). If he really cared about AMERICA, he would do a fund raiser for our country and for not himself. O'Bama is famous for playing games so this event is perfect. Do you think he'll have a pinata or play pin the tail on the jack ass?
"As America’s poorest wait for Social Security checks that may never come on Aug. 3, President Barack Obama will be out celebrating a milestone birthday at a party where tickets cost up to $35,800 each...Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson is expected to perform at the birthday bash at the historic Aragon Ballroom in Chicago. The event will be one of the president’s biggest fundraisers of the year. Publicity literature featuring a red, white and blue Happy Birthday logo has already been produced." Jennifer Hudson? Where's Willie Nelson, Elton John or Dave Matthews? O' well, at least it's not Common (pro cop killing rapper). What will Michele O wear? She desperately attempts to be Jackie O but appears to be more like Jennie-O (the queen of sliced turkey).
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O so Patriotic |
I realize America keeps rewriting history but if we actually knew history, maybe we would and could learn something of value. As Richard Cohen wrote in his 2008 New York Daily News article, Refusing to learn for the Great Depression will doom us , "The Great Depression was not just a period of wholesale unemployment and incredible poverty - of bread lines and apple peddlers and women selling brief intimacy for 10 cents a dance. It was also the period of Hitler and Mussolini and, in this country, of Huey Long and Father Charles Coughlin and the belief among otherwise sane people that communism was the remedy for what ailed us. An economic crisis is like war. It's impossible to contain. It affects everything it touches."
Who was Huey Long?
Huey Pierce "Kingfisher" Long Jr. was a socialist thug. From 1928 - 1932 he was Governor of Louisiana and then served as a U.S. Senator from 1932 - 1935. Long was the father of Share Our Wealth. " Huey Long advocated free higher education and vocational training, pensions for the elderly, veterans benefits and health care, and a yearly stipend for all families earning less than one-third the national average income – enough for a home, an automobile, a radio, and the ordinary conveniences. Long also proposed shortening the work week and giving employees a month vacation to boost employment, along with greater government regulation of economic activity and production controls. He later proposed a debt moratorium to give struggling families time to pay their mortgages and other debts before losing their property to creditors."
Huey transformed politics in Louisiana from an aristocracy to a social democracy. His concepts were based on a "government for and by the people" but the problem with that is it increases the size of the government and reduces the power OF the people. Isn't that exactly the root of our current economic crisis? Though Long did do some very good things to ensure that the disabled, elderly, poor and mentally ill were treated humanely, someone has to pay for the entitlements--this is the challenge.
To President Franklin Roosevelt, Long was the most dangerous man in America. At a time when America really needed growth in the private sector for jobs, Long proposed taking money away from the people who would be financing the businesses to provide growth in the private sector. That is squarely what we are dealing with--high unemployment rate and out of control government spending. The Long-ist approach to cap the incomes of people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Larry Ellison, take their "excessive" incomes to give to the entitlement coffers, further handicapping the working class. How can they grow their businesses that will ultimately provide more jobs if we take away their money?
Ben Bernanke knows all this. He might focus on the raw numbers of the Great Depression --" I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished," Franklin Roosevelt said - but he would also have to know their social and cultural ramifications. You can, if you want, say the bailout program is about the future. But it's really about the past (Richard Cohen)"
Cry if you want to....
Who was Huey Long?
Huey Pierce "Kingfisher" Long Jr. was a socialist thug. From 1928 - 1932 he was Governor of Louisiana and then served as a U.S. Senator from 1932 - 1935. Long was the father of Share Our Wealth. " Huey Long advocated free higher education and vocational training, pensions for the elderly, veterans benefits and health care, and a yearly stipend for all families earning less than one-third the national average income – enough for a home, an automobile, a radio, and the ordinary conveniences. Long also proposed shortening the work week and giving employees a month vacation to boost employment, along with greater government regulation of economic activity and production controls. He later proposed a debt moratorium to give struggling families time to pay their mortgages and other debts before losing their property to creditors."
Huey transformed politics in Louisiana from an aristocracy to a social democracy. His concepts were based on a "government for and by the people" but the problem with that is it increases the size of the government and reduces the power OF the people. Isn't that exactly the root of our current economic crisis? Though Long did do some very good things to ensure that the disabled, elderly, poor and mentally ill were treated humanely, someone has to pay for the entitlements--this is the challenge.
To President Franklin Roosevelt, Long was the most dangerous man in America. At a time when America really needed growth in the private sector for jobs, Long proposed taking money away from the people who would be financing the businesses to provide growth in the private sector. That is squarely what we are dealing with--high unemployment rate and out of control government spending. The Long-ist approach to cap the incomes of people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Larry Ellison, take their "excessive" incomes to give to the entitlement coffers, further handicapping the working class. How can they grow their businesses that will ultimately provide more jobs if we take away their money?
QUESTION: One of O'Bama's largest supporters in his 2008 presidential race was O'prah who is worth over 1 Billion dollars. Could the reason why she dropped her support for O'Bama be the fact that most of her income would be taken away to fund his policies? Do you really think Donald Trump would be willing to give away the majority of his EARNED fortune to O'Bama?
Ben Bernanke knows all this. He might focus on the raw numbers of the Great Depression --" I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished," Franklin Roosevelt said - but he would also have to know their social and cultural ramifications. You can, if you want, say the bailout program is about the future. But it's really about the past (Richard Cohen)"
More special O'Party favors will be available at an additional charge...because you can afford it!
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated.
I agree with the bulk of this blog post, but don't think for one minute that Oprah would abandon Obama in the next election. She has at least two affinities with the Marxist: 1) he's black and so is she, and 2) he's posing as a liberal (although he's actually a leftist radical) and so is she. Hell, she might actually be a leftist radical also. Being fabulously wealthy, yet being ideologically indisposed to wealth are not mutually exclusive propositions, in the minds of leftards.
(Jennifer, I'd prefer relative anonymity on the WWW, but we've recently become friends on initials should give me away.)
Thank you "anonymous" and I really haven't tried to figure out your real identity. Agreeing with the "bulk" of one of my blog posts means I'm saying something right--at least for those of us who understand the real agenda--being Marxist, Socialist and one of filled of Huey Long-NESS. So you do not think O'Prah has abandoned O'Bama? They are two peas in a pod but I thought she dropped here endorsement. Thank you--I will have to further investigate my statement.
ReplyDeleteOf course Oprah hasn't abandoned him. Almost 90% of blacks STILL support Ozero, although their lot in life has been made undeniably worse by the policies of Baraq and his radicals in power. The strength of group identity among American blacks has no comparable analogue among other major voting blocs. What is racism, if not that?