Saturday, May 28, 2011


If you don't know what happened in Joplin, Missouri, maybe a picture will help.  The death toll has risen to 142 as a result of last week's deadly F-5 tornado.

I have to admit, of all that is going on in the world and in the news, Joplin, Missouri is first on my mind--to see such a disaster yet amazing stories of courage and support of one another.  The PEOPLE of Joplin were the first on the scene!  They weren't waiting for help, they were helping one another from the start.  I thought about the recent Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster and how GOOD the people of Japan were--how PATIENT.  Rock on JOPLIN!

 Where in the WORLD is "Waldo"?

Also, I wondered, "Where in the world is Waldo (O'Bama)" (knowing that he was in Ireland downing a pint of Guinness and pledging to "bail out" the Irish). You might be able to spot him as his tam o' shanter is the give away.  Excuse me?  What about AMERICA?  What about the "debt ceiling?"  WHAT ABOUT JOPLIN?  I was briefly angry because the President of the United States couldn't halt his trip to "...expore family roots" but I quickly regrouped and realized he was useless in the face of true disaster and devastation.  The article, Obama in Ireland to Explore Family Roots, stated, "There were also some hopes that Obama would help out with Ireland's debt crisis.

"I think it's great that he's coming over. Hopefully he will get more than just the 'thatched roof' image of Ireland. We've moved beyond that," said 51-year-old John Doyle. "Hopefully he can use his influence to help us out with the cost of our bailout."  Spoken like a true abuser of the system.

Basically, he's in IRELAND to win friends and influence people.  That spells DESPERATION.  Ireland is BROKE.  It's fine that we are "friends" but how does that benefit America?  Are they the only country left who "likes" us?  Quite possibly. Again per  Obama in Ireland to Explore Family Roots, "His next move will appeal to 37 million Americans who claim Irish ancestry, and could produce powerful imagery for his 2012 re-election campaign."  I know ONE person who won't be claiming HER Irish "roots" in the 2012 election (providing it actually happens).

What About Leadership?
 It comes down to a matter of LEADERSHIP.  The people of this country who align themselves with O'Bama, are identifying with a "person" and not a "leader."  Does a General take a vacation during a war and say, "I deserve this."  The people for whom he is responsible are putting their lives on the line for him because they believe in him.  When one thinks of a great General, what comes to mind?  What did they do that set themselves apart from all of the others?  Was it that they were dining extravagantly while their "people" were suffering?  No.

The thing that makes great Generals "great," is their leadership (Lee, Patton, Washington, for instance).  They hold themselves accountable for their own actions and have a personal responsibility for their "people."  So...where's our Commander-in-Chief?  He's drinking Guinness with whom he claims to be his peeps in a land far, far away from the people who believed in him enough to make him President.  Within hours after one of HIS towns was completely destroyed, what did our great Commander-in-Chief do?!  Get on a plane to start HIS vacation.  Who can blame him?  After all, the plane was ready to go and he had plans.  I mean...really.  Who is he any way?  It's not like he could cancel his flight and put off his trip to a better time.

True Friends
Speaking of FRIENDS, there is none as true as Israel.  Prime Minster, Benjamin Netanyahu in his
recent address to Congress expressed his compassion for the people of Joplin and that when something happens in America, it is as if it happens to Israel.  But where in the world was Waldo for that speech?  Ireland.  Oh.  And while I'm on that topic--it was totally classless for our "president" to be "downing a pint of Guinness".  As Guinness goes, I used to love it but am going to switch to an AMERICAN beer.

In The Chicago Tribune article:  Israel's Natanyah addreses Congress as an old friend, (May 24, 2011) "Israel has no better friend than America, and America has no better friend than Israel. We stand together to defend democracy," Netanyahu said, in a key theme he repeated in different forms in his 45-minute speech.

In another article:  Savage Savages Obama Over Brit Ban, "Radio talk show host Michael Savage lashed out at President Barack Obama on Friday, criticizing him for his lavish European tour while residents of Joplin, Mo., work to reclaim their lives after devastating tornado tore through the town.

Doing What He Does Best--NOTHING--Which is Something
Savage goes on to say, "Obama is doing nothing! He is disgracing the office of the president, disgracing America's standing in the world and partying across Europe. Now, it may be that Joplin is under water, but he's not [President George W.] Bush. Therefore, ignoring the deaths and destruction at home so he can sip $1,000 wine while Michelle Obama wears $2,000 dresses is not at all embarrassing or a sign of negligence.

"Soon, big daddy will be home to make a short detour to Joplin. After forgiving Egypt $1 billion in debt, ($1 billion for the Muslim Brotherhood!), he'll toss a few bills to the peasants in Missouri from Air Force One and depart for D.C., where he can get on with his Leninist agenda."

For those who need it, here is the Wikipedia definition of Leninism:  "Leninism is a political theory and practice of the dictatorship of the proletariat, led by a revolutionary vanguard party. Developed by and named after Russian revolutionary and politician Vladimir Lenin, Leninism comprises political and socialist economic theories, developed from Marxism, and Lenin's interpretations of Marxist theory within the agrarian Russian Empire of the early 20th century. Leninism reversed Marx’s order of economics over politics, allowing for a political revolution led by a vanguard party of professional revolutionaries rather than a spontaneous uprising of the working class as predicted by Karl Marx.[1] After the October Revolution of 1917, Leninism was the ideological basis of Soviet socialism, specifically its Russian realization in the Soviet Union. 

QUESTION:  Does any of this look FAMILIAR?

Gee.  Didn't I just refer to the "McMarxist Meal" in my last blog:  Clowns in the News:  Anti Capitalism at Work?  Well, check it out, after all Leninism did become the predominant branch of Marxism.

I hate what is happening to my country and want to spread the love--that my friends, is why I write this blog.  I have asked my FACEBOOK "friends" to join with me in a donation to the Red Cross to help Joplin--just giving a dollar each.  I've had a few thumbs up but really--WHAT IF IT WAS YOU?  Put yourself in the shoes of the people of Joplin who don't even have shoes to wear, as some lost everything. 

Red Cross Link:

Gown "Change" Please
For those of you who are Obama fans, you can cheer when he arrives in Joplin for the first tornado victims funerals on Sunday.  While you watch, think about the great vacation he just took on your NICKEL and "change" (there's that word again).  Think about HOW that money could have REALLY helped America--especially the folks of Joplin.  And hey, Michelle, maybe you can wear one of these gowns.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Clowns in the News: Anti Capitalists at Work

Clowns in the News:  Anti Captitalists at Work

Not So Happy Meal
McDonalds has been around since 1955 and is just now a problem to a certain grass roots activists.  According to Fox News, "More than 550 health professionals and organizations have signed a letter to McDonald's Corp. asking the maker of Happy Meals to stop marketing junk food to kids and retire Ronald McDonald.

It goes on to say, "The campaign is organized by the nonprofit watchdog group Corporate Accountability International, which has also targeted tobacco companies and beverage makers like Coca-Cola Co. and PepsiCo Inc. for the environmental impact of plastic bottles."  Plastic bottles?  What about all the sugar and sodium in carbonated beverages?

The letter from the health providers urges McDonald's to "...cease marketing food high in salt, fat, sugar and calories to kids, from the use of Ronald McDonald to Happy Meal toys."  Hey now, lots of grown ups order Happy Meals because they want the toy.

If you go to Corporate Accountability International's website, it states their VISION, "Today the air we breathe, the water we drink and our very democracy are under increasing threat from corporate abuses. Corporate Accountability International is working toward a world where major decisions affecting people and the environment are based on the public interest, not on maximizing corporate profits."    QUESTION:  Isn't that Social Democracy?

Interestingly enough, for an organization so focused against Capitalism, why is the first, and largest button on their website, for donations?  Also, they run all of their transactions through another "not-for-profit" called,  for "processing."  Just in case you  are interested in who owns their website, the ownership is blocked.  What are they hiding?  For an organization that is so focused on the lack of integrity of Capitalists, they aren't leading by example.


No One Gets FAT
I call this a DOUBLE VISION.  Marxists are posing as Social Democrats who are actually Capitalists.  Their mission statement should read,  "We're against the evils brought on by capitalism; however, the donations we receive for our cause are necessary so that we can pay the bills to fight for our cause to protect everyone's right to be exactly the same."  This way, no one gets FAT. 

I'll have a McMarxist Meal Please
Okay.  So the social democrats force Ronald into retirement because he entices kids, young and old, to buy McDonald's products.  Will he be replaced by Carl Marx?  What's to become of the Ronald McDonald House?  Maybe it can be a retirement home for corporate mascots:  The Burger King KING, The Chick-fil-A Chick, Wendy of Wendys ...Maybe the Ham-Burglar can be chief of security.

As the grill heats up under the golden arches, the social democrats are using their usual hypocritical tactics in an attempt to lead the American public off the Marxist cliff with their supposed "altruistic" activities.  Big business is very bad.  It's for this reason that the aforementioned "not-for-profit" organization was formed.  With your generous contributions sent to their organization, they will be able to pay people to go after these nasty Capitalists who want your hard-earned dollars.  But on the other hand, were it not for the nasty Capitalists believing in open markets to make a profit, these "not-for-profit" organizations wouldn't be allowed to exist.  Did I mention that these non-profit companies employ people?

Order Up!
McDonald's is an American icon.  What Social Democrats don't understand is that the more freedom they demand, the less will be available. As iconoclasts, they continue to attempt to destroy companies like McDonald's who have proven to be charitable and internationally flexible.  For example, they are sensitive to the cultures across the globe by modifying their menus and business operations so as not to offend the country's people.  In Israel, many of their restaurants maintain the Kosher standards of Kashrut--100% Kosher beef and no dairy products, for instance.  Why would anyone want to retire a charitable guy like Ronald and insist on changing the way PEOPLE eat? As Roseanne Roseannadanna would say, "It's ALWAYS SOMETHING!"

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Freedom or Free for All?

Is THIS “Freedom” or is it a “Free for All”?
Standing in line at the grocery today, I faced the boredom of waiting.  I don’t have money for “impulse buys” at the cash register--such as gum, key chains, Pez dispensers or stress balls so I looked at the magazines which are mostly about what’s on the cover—crap.  Today’s news was about things like “Oprah is GAY” and Cher’s son/daughter has issues.  Really?  I mean he was a she who went from Chasity to Chaz or something like that.  And let’s not forget who doesn’t look good in a swimsuit.  That is ALWAYS news worthy.

You Choose
I had to ask the man behind me, “So, what do you think about this (showing him the magazine).  Is this freedom?”  He responded, “I don’t get involved.”  I said, “You don’t get involved?  Do you have kids?  Do you want our youth to be MORE confused?  Is this about being a “Christian” nation?”  At this point, I was waving the “crap” in the air.  He had no answer other than, “as long as it isn’t hurting anyone else.”  I told him, “It IS hurting someone—it’s hurting the majority of the people.  We are talking about SOCIETY and what is GOOD and MORALLY RIGHT!”  He shrugged his shoulders and said, “I guess when you look at it that way….”  I showed him my right hand—“freedom.”  Then showed him my left, “free for all.”  "You choose."

Pickles, Lettuce, Don’t Forget Us…
I was already fired up before the grocery.  I had just been in in the doctor’s office where the news was on.  A person who worked there was gabbing about the McDonald’s Story—how Ronald was a grown up and clown should NOT be their spokesperson.  Oh, not to mention there is too much fat in their food and it’s contributing to obesity.  I told him to back off.  Some people can’t afford to eat anywhere else.  He said, “It’s America.  They need to get jobs—pick up a at Subway--it has less fat.”  He went on to inform me of how iceberg lettuce, pickles, onions, and a few lame tomatoes have nutritional value.  My response--those are on the hamburger too and much cheaper.  Not to mention, they have no nutritional value to speak of...

So what is FREEDOM?
This definition compares/contrasts FREEDOM with LIBERTY.  It’s good.  Read it a few times.    “Freedoms end when they encounter a contrary freedom of another person. You are free to smoke, until you encounter my freedom not to inhale your smoke. Liberty lacks that distinction: my liberty never contradicts or limits yours (Paul V. Hartman on "Freedom" and "Liberty" are Not the Same Thing (

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating censorship.  I’m just looking behind the smoke screen and seeing how easily Americans are entertained, side tracked and uninvolved in their country while the “elected” sink our ship—the great American ship.  They’ve (politicians and special interest groups) done an OUTSTANDING job —RIGHT?  Why?  Because WE let them do whatever floats THEIR BOAT.  And their boat has life rafts, paddles, fall out shelters, food, booze, parties and “impulse buys.” 

Bad Boys, Bad Boys…
What you gonna do when they come for you?  If you are watching that, you have too much time on your hands.  Please America.  WAKE UP.  Participate in your country.  Have a voice.  Ask questions.  Do something good—even if it’s buying a hungry person a Big Mac.

Monday, May 16, 2011

OIL: The Import/Export Game

OIL:  The Import/Export Game

It's not enough that the U.S has engaged in any and all wars across the Middle East.  Ten years ago, it started as a "War on Terror" in response to 9-11 but continues to spread anywhere there are rocks and sand, possible terrorists and people who (paraphrased) "need to come out of their cave dwelling life style" and get with the times.

So what does America REALLY want?  To bring "democracy" to all people?  Oil?  Power?  Something to distract the American people?  Ask yourself, "WHY are we STILL in the Middle East?"  If you stop to think about what it costs for the U.S to be engaged in these wars and the fuel being spent all for the 17% of oil that is imported FROM the Middle East, it doesn't seem to make good sense.

We Got Saddam .  We got Bin Laden.  But We Haven't Got Enough.
According to the "Cost of War" website,  "To date, the total cost of war that has been allocated by Congress is $1.26 trillion, with $815 billion to Iraq and $445.1 billion to Afghanistan..."  It goes on to say that future costs are not calculated--such as medical care for soldiers and wounded veterans.  Nor does it include the interest on borrowed money which contributes to the national debt.  As taxpayers and consumers, that cost is being passed on to you.

Is it About OIL?
The EIA (U.S. Energy Information Administration), breaks down America's petroleum usage:  "Although we are the third largest crude oil producer, about half of the petroleum we use is imported" (see Net Imports and Domestic Petroleum as Shares of U.S. Demand chart).  "Western Hemisphere nations provide about half of our imported petroleum"  (see Sources of U.S. Net Petroleum chart).  What begs the question is if we--the U.S.--are the world's third largest producer of petroleum, where is it going?

Phone a Friend
The general public is not well informed.  I don't believe most people have any burning desire to know or care when everything seems out of their control.  I had to phone a friend and financial wiz, Dr. Schwegel.  He put it to me like this:  "U.S. oil exports are up to ~1.6 million barrels a day. That's 9 percent of total refining capacity: 17.6 million barrels (abbreviated "bbl," which stands for blue barrels - Standard Oil shipped oil in blue colored barrels & were 42 gallons, for evaporation instead of 40 gallons - like a baker's dozen.

By contrast, we import something like 13 MMbbl (13 million barrels) daily. Main recipients of our oil exports: Mexico, Canada, Chile, Singapore and Brazil.

So why do we both import AND export? Is the fact that we export a reason not to drill off-shore on in Alaska, as some argue, since it implies that scant supply isn't the issue?

Look, first of all, being both an importer and an exporter of what seems like the same thing is increasingly the nature of world trade. California imports strawberries from South America; California GROWS strawberries to send everywhere else. Lots of factors are involved. But the most obvious is geography.

If I drill and refine oil in Montana, and you're right across the border in Calgary, Canada, and I export oil to you. Your Canadian cousin drills and refines oil in Quebec. She exports to me in Maine. A lot cheaper than shipping Quebec to Calgary, Billings to Bangor. And indeed, Canada is both the biggest importer of U.S. oil AND the biggest exporter of oil TO the U.S.

There are other factors to consider: personal relationships, institutional ties, the logistics of shipping. Singapore, for example, exports huge amounts of Asian goods to the U.S. When the ships have to go back to Singapore, we might as well put SOMETHING in them."

Geography:  Don't Worry.  We're Not Even Close.
So why IMPORT from Saudi Nations?  It's not a matter of "geography."  Do we just happen to have a tanker in the water and need to fill it up?  Besides keeping peace in Israel, I don't think we need the Middle East.  They cost us more than they are worth.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

OBAMA: Reneging on Israel

OBAMA:  Reneging on Israel

Six of One.  Half Dozen of Another.
If you asked Americans about the "The U.S.-Israel Alliance," the majority of the American public hopefully would say they back U.S. government's support for Israel.  Their reasoning could be attributed to  Judeo-Christian values that share fundamental beliefs--such as the writings in the "Old Testament" or Torah).  After all, Jesus was a Jew and from the Holy Land.  On the other hand, there are the uninformed that throw Israel under the bus with the entire Middle East not knowing exactly what it means to be an ALLY.  

Truman:  A Promise is a Promise
The fact remains that Israel has been a friend to the US since before President Harry S.Truman (1945 - 1953).  He wrote in his memoirs, "The question of Palestine as a Jewish homeland goes back to the solemn promise that had been made to them (the Jews) by the British in the Balfour Declaration of 1917 - a promise which had stirred the hopes and the dreams of these oppressed people.  This promise, I felt, should be kept, just as all promises made by responsible, civilized governments should be kept."  As I often say, all a person really has is their word.  In that respect, Truman was a TRUE MAN.

Glenn Beck's "Sinking Boat" Analogy
Mr. Beck recently quizzed that if America were a sinking ship (which it is), would you be on deck trying to figure out what to do or would you be at the bar drinking and saying, "everything is fine?"  Most of America IS ordering drinks.  On FaceBook, I ask the hard, unpopular questions while most of my "friends" are drinking and posting music videos.  It's time for America to WAKE UP, FACE THE MUSIC and stop creating diversions.

Who Will STAND with Israel?
When I asked, "Who will STAND with Israel?," these are some of the answers I received:

Michael in Ohio wrote, "Those who have in the past still will as long as Israel is not the aggressor.  Aggressor to me means they start the fight."

My response to Michael was, "But what if the MEDIA tells us who started the fight?"  How much faith do we have or should we have in the media?

Michael responded with, "Golda Meier let Syria and Egypt attack despite generals telling her to make a pre-emptive strike. This allowed a wise woman to achieve the support she needs. I think that same philosophy will still work. I don't think the news reporters can sway something as obvious as who starts a blood bath - do you?"
Note:  Meier's reasoning was that if Israel stuck first, "We won't get help from anybody, " she said.

My answer, "Yes I do. I have lost faith in stations like CNN who receive Soros money.  Obama is already making Israel out to be a problem because they won't do what he tells them to do."

Robert in Kentucky stated, "You ask "Who Will Stand With Israel? Scripture tells us that the entire world will turn it's back on Israel...that includes the USA, and that will be a good time to relocate to another country. I will always stand with Israel personally."

Mr. F. in Texas wrote, "Obama is a pawn doing the dirty work of somebody else's agenda--George Soros maybe.  Somewhere, unknown to us, backing Israel isn't in the business plan.  He runs our government with a flim-flam front and secret deals otherwise."

Michael summarized with, "That has not changed over time - Israel has always danced to their own music. Still as long as they are not the aggressor/agitator, NATO will assist them."

A Change is Coming...
According to WASHINGTON (Reuters) by Matt Spetalnick - Wed May 11, 2011 (, Obama will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House on May 20.  "While there is little doubt Obama will use his meeting with Netanyahu to try to advance Israeli-Palestinian diplomacy, it is unclear how hard Obama is willing to push for concessions from a leader with whom he already has strained relations.  That could risk alienating Israel's base of support among the U.S. public and in Congress as well as the influential pro-Israel lobby as Obama seeks re-election in 2012.

Obama's launch of direct peace talks last year went nowhere and he is under pressure to forge a new initiative or face the prospect of the Palestinians seeking the U.N. General Assembly's blessing for a Palestinian state in September."

So Where DOES Obama STAND When it Comes to Israel?

The President is currently at a party and unavailable for comment.  It is up to you--the PEOPLE of AMERICA and the WORLD to decide.  As Bill O'Reilly said, "A bad ally is better than no ally at all."

Image compliments of:

Monday, May 9, 2011

On a Plane and Off A-Gain

On a Plane and Off A-Gain
On Friday, May 6, you might have heard on the news that two "Imams" were removed from their North Carolina bound flight departing flight out of Memphis, Tennessee.  The pilot of the Atlantic Southeast Airlines requested Imam Rahman and Imam Zaghloul to undergo an additional security check and then took off without them.  Though they were wearing traditional Islamic garb, according to their attorney, Mo Idlibi, "...neither man had done anything out of the ordinary, nor were they praying or chanting" (

Imam I Am
In the Muslim faith, there are two branches:  Sunnis and Shi'ites--both share fundamental Islamic beliefs but where they differ is in a political sense. Sunnis believe their leader should be elected while Shia Muslims believe that leadership should come from the actual blood line of Mohammad.  The Shi'ites follow Imams (religious leaders) where the Sunni follow elected Muslim leaders.  There are also Sufi (Dervish) who are known as Islamic mystics.

PEANUTS:  Can Not Eat Them in the Air
Some Can Not Eat them Anywhere
In case no one has noticed, most of the Middle East and America aren't are the best of terms these days.  It could be that Obama just took out Osama or maybe it was NATO's killing of Gaddafi's youngest son, Sair al-Arab and his three children.  Then again, it might be our relentless chasing of terrorists and weapons of mass destruction after 9-11.

In war times, Political Correctness is PEANUTS in comparison to doing what is right.  Yes, there IS a difference. Though we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, doing what is RIGHT isn't always popular.  The whole "PC" movement has turned into a war of its own.

The pilot in Atlantic Southeast Airlines who took off without the Imams has a job to do--fly something the size of a football field across the sky from one destination to another while keeping everyone safe.  As I see it, the pilot had to do what was RIGHT for the MAJORITY of the passengers on his flight even though he had to compromise political correctness by profiling the Imams.  Yes, they were profiled--not that it is ever nice but sometimes it is what it is.  Were the Imams doing anything WRONG?  They were just on their way to a religious convention when a not so funny thing happened.

By the way, PEANUTS are being BANNED on planes due to allergies--because of what COULD happen if someone ingests the little enemy at 30,000 feet.  What then?

Not on a Page even though it's my Stage.
This is a re-posted blog. The original was met with opposition and as a result, I took it down (the "PC" thing to do) and did some thinking.  This world has become absurd.  I PERSONALLY do not believe it is that PEOPLE can not live in PEACE, it is that GOVERNMENTS can not LET us live in PEACE.  Extremists muddy the waters for those who want to stay clean and "Green Eggs and Ham" just ain't kosher.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Do ya think we got 'im?

"Do ya think we got 'im?"

This afternoon, I stood in a long line at Tractor Supply buying cat food, dog food and a Coca-Cola.  My mother's words echoed in my head--"Like your great Grandma Ogle--never met a stranger."  I couldn't resist leaning over my cart to ask the man behind me, "So, what do you think of the big news?"  He replied, "Some people think we hadn't got 'im.  Do ya think we got 'im?"  I stood there a few moments contemplating this question and then replied, "Yes, I believe we got him."  I also added that killing a leader of any hate group only kills the leader—not the hate.

Taking it on FAITH

As a people, we are impervious to lies from politicians or from our governments.  Politicians are notorious liars.  I have nothing factual on which to base my belief that Osama is dead.  I wasn't there to witness his demise.  I didn't see the body or test the DNA.  I actually have FAITH that this is the truth.  The consequences of it being a lie are just too great to take.

How it should have gone down—in my opinion…

I don’t think it was necessary for “America” (Obama) to take credit for Bin Laden’s death.  Dead is dead.  If there ever was to be a lie to protect our nation, this would have been the time to tell a good one.  “So…I was just walking along and tripped on this dead guy and guess what?  It was that man on the wanted poster!”  I like the sound of that much better than we hunted him down and shot him in the face.

Driving home I took in the green scenery:  grass lands, cows, trees and a big blue Texas sky.   I thought the day news of Hitler's suicide spread the world.  I thought about my parents.  My dad was 13 at the time and my mother, 10.   I thought about the relief they must have felt knowing that SOME hate would be dispelled, the genocide under his orders would stop and the fear spell lifted from his army.  This is not the end of the story, just a new beginning.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bin Laden: Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish

Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish

I had written and posted my Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance) blog when the news of Osama's death came via text message from my mother.  It was her on that September day who called me on the phone yelling, "turn on the TV, turn on the TV...."
As I watched the news on Bin Laden, I did not cheer or cry but reflected on the horror of 9-11 and how so many lives were forever changed.  His death cannot turn back time or replace lost lives or heal the rescue workers who are sick from particle inhalation.  However, I find the timing of his death appropriate.  April 30, 1945 was the date of Hitler's death.  So close.  Erie and uncanny yet JUST.

Spin the Rand McNally
Osama was a man who held our nation and other nations hostage.  It was not because he was a Muslim.  He was a radical, an extremist, an egomaniac hell bent on destruction of peace.  He supported genocide in Darfur, killed his OWN people--more Muslims than any other religious group, hated America, Israel, India, Africa...just give your Rand McNally a spin.

In between the news, I face-booked friends and read their comments--some of which I would like to share:

Ding Dong The Witch is Dead...

Vern posted:  "Ding Dong The Witch is Dead...Sorry...This will change nothing..."

Sheri wrote:  "He is dead.  Will this take back the events of 9/11?  Will it bring back all the soldiers killed in the hunt?  Will it end the fighting and bring our troops home?  I am having trouble finding much joy in any of it."

Mark said:  "Hooray, OSAMA is dead!  I give Pres. Obama credit for ordering the attack that resulted in his death.  (BTW, that is 100% more credit than Obama give GWB, whose tireless and courageous efforts set the stage for Obama taking the credit.)

Jason wrote:  "Guess what the last thing on Bin Laden's mind was--5.56 ammo!"

Airport Analogy

Dave wrote:  My father used to take us to the airport and watch the people coming and going. We were never going on an airplane, just went there to watch. People are interesting.
Barak had a great day , he should revel in his accomplishment.
I give him his due, but I feel less than honest if I don't say that I have mixed feelings.
I feel like I am at the airport again watching all the excitement but I am not going anywhere.

It's Raining Men

Judy stated:  "Osama Bin Laden is dead!!!!" 
Comments followed with Cindi saying, "And may his 72 Virgins be Men!!  Just sayin!!!  And myself adding the video, "It's Raining Men!  Hallelujah!."

Burial at Sea
Last night I posted:  Well, now what to do with the body..."I don't want him, you can have him, he's too bad for me...LET'S EXPORT HIM!"

Well, he got a proper, traditional Muslim preparation of being washed and wrapped in a white sheet just to be floated out on a board to sea.  It seems like a terrible waste of water to me and now there is MORE contamination in our oceans.  And I thought we were going "GREEN."  I'm with Glenn Beck--he should have been wrapped in bacon prior to "burial"...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Yom Hashoah: Holocaust Memorial Day

Lead by Rabbi Katz,Yom Hashoah was a beautiful service of remembrance at Congregation Beth El in Tyler, Texas.  Being a reform temple, Yom Hashoah was a musical program which opened with the "Theme from Schindler's List" played on the violin.  I looked around at the small group of maybe 75 people but thought of how it could have been non-existent.  The Holocaust claimed the lives of 6 million Jews and 5 million others at the hands of Nazis under Hitler's rule.  We were some who survived, remained, remembered.

Torah Processional

For those who are unfamiliar with the Torah, it is the first 5 books of the bible--the books of Moses.  It is also known as the Pentateuch (meaning five).  It contains:  Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.  It is G-D's covenant (agreement) with his people. 
A Sefer Torah is a hand written scroll on parchment.  The scrolls are stored in the Aron Kodesh ("Holy Ark") inside a temple or synagogue.  The highly decorated cabinet is designed to face Jerusalem.  The doors or curtain are all artistically unique painted or woven designs of doves, flowers, trees, the sea...
Beth El's Yom Hashoah scroll once belonged to a community in Roudnice, Czechoslovakia which was destroyed.  This scroll was written around 1850.  All scrolls were once cherished by congregations but as the Jews were savagely murdered, the scrolls were destroyed or stolen--some of which have been recovered and now in back in the hands of the people or museums.
It was carried through the temple dressed as a king on which for us to gaze and reflect.  Put in the Ark, "Shema Yisreal" was spoken, "Hear, O Israel:  the Lord is our G-D, the Lord is One!"

From the Diary of a Young Girl  (Anne Frank)

"Who has inflicted this upon us?  Who has made us Jews different from all other peoples?  Who has allowed us to suffer so terribly up till now?  It is God that has made us as we are, but it will be God, too, who will raise us up again.  If we bear all this suffering, and if there are still Jews left, when it is all over, then Jews, instead of being doomed, will be held up as an example.  Who knows, it might even be our religion from which the world and all peoples learn good, and for that reason and that reason only, do we have to suffer now.  We can never become just Netherlanders, or just English, or representatives of any  country for that matter, we will always remain Jews, but we want to, too..."

Community Declaration

Mourner's Kaddish, a prayer spoken to remember those who have passed and the sanctification of G-D's name, was spoken and the Hatikvah (Israeli National Anthem) sung.  Six candles were lit--one for each million Jews and flowers placed for the five million other children of G-D who died in the Holocaust. 

Together we made a "Community Declaration:"

Through the pain we have endured as a community,
we understand that there is never any excuse for genocide.
Yet, hatred and persecution exist in our world.
Together, may we find the courage to resist ignorance.
Together, may we find the courage to resist evil.
Together, may we find the courage to fight for those who need our help...
so that "never again" truly means "never again."

Leaving the temple, the Holocaust sculpture stood in the garden.  In it's silence it said,
"Triumph over Tragedy."