I have to admit, of all that is going on in the world and in the news, Joplin, Missouri is first on my mind--to see such a disaster yet amazing stories of courage and support of one another. The PEOPLE of Joplin were the first on the scene! They weren't waiting for help, they were helping one another from the start. I thought about the recent Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster and how GOOD the people of Japan were--how PATIENT. Rock on JOPLIN!
Where in the WORLD is "Waldo"?
Also, I wondered, "Where in the world is Waldo (O'Bama)" (knowing that he was in Ireland downing a pint of Guinness and pledging to "bail out" the Irish). You might be able to spot him as his tam o' shanter is the give away. Excuse me? What about AMERICA? What about the "debt ceiling?" WHAT ABOUT JOPLIN? I was briefly angry because the President of the United States couldn't halt his trip to "...expore family roots" but I quickly regrouped and realized he was useless in the face of true disaster and devastation. The Newsmax.com article, Obama in Ireland to Explore Family Roots, stated, "There were also some hopes that Obama would help out with Ireland's debt crisis.
"I think it's great that he's coming over. Hopefully he will get more than just the 'thatched roof' image of Ireland. We've moved beyond that," said 51-year-old John Doyle. "Hopefully he can use his influence to help us out with the cost of our bailout." Spoken like a true abuser of the system.
Basically, he's in IRELAND to win friends and influence people. That spells DESPERATION. Ireland is BROKE. It's fine that we are "friends" but how does that benefit America? Are they the only country left who "likes" us? Quite possibly. Again per Newsmax.com: Obama in Ireland to Explore Family Roots, "His next move will appeal to 37 million Americans who claim Irish ancestry, and could produce powerful imagery for his 2012 re-election campaign." I know ONE person who won't be claiming HER Irish "roots" in the 2012 election (providing it actually happens).
What About Leadership?
It comes down to a matter of LEADERSHIP. The people of this country who align themselves with O'Bama, are identifying with a "person" and not a "leader." Does a General take a vacation during a war and say, "I deserve this." The people for whom he is responsible are putting their lives on the line for him because they believe in him. When one thinks of a great General, what comes to mind? What did they do that set themselves apart from all of the others? Was it that they were dining extravagantly while their "people" were suffering? No.
The thing that makes great Generals "great," is their leadership (Lee, Patton, Washington, for instance). They hold themselves accountable for their own actions and have a personal responsibility for their "people." So...where's our Commander-in-Chief? He's drinking Guinness with whom he claims to be his peeps in a land far, far away from the people who believed in him enough to make him President. Within hours after one of HIS towns was completely destroyed, what did our great Commander-in-Chief do?! Get on a plane to start HIS vacation. Who can blame him? After all, the plane was ready to go and he had plans. I mean...really. Who is he any way? It's not like he could cancel his flight and put off his trip to a better time.
True Friends
Speaking of FRIENDS, there is none as true as Israel. Prime Minster, Benjamin Netanyahu in his

In The Chicago Tribune article: Israel's Natanyah addreses Congress as an old friend, (May 24, 2011) "Israel has no better friend than America, and America has no better friend than Israel. We stand together to defend democracy," Netanyahu said, in a key theme he repeated in different forms in his 45-minute speech.
In another Newsmax.com article: Savage Savages Obama Over Brit Ban, "Radio talk show host Michael Savage lashed out at President Barack Obama on Friday, criticizing him for his lavish European tour while residents of Joplin, Mo., work to reclaim their lives after devastating tornado tore through the town.
Doing What He Does Best--NOTHING--Which is Something
Savage goes on to say, "Obama is doing nothing! He is disgracing the office of the president, disgracing America's standing in the world and partying across Europe. Now, it may be that Joplin is under water, but he's not [President George W.] Bush. Therefore, ignoring the deaths and destruction at home so he can sip $1,000 wine while Michelle Obama wears $2,000 dresses is not at all embarrassing or a sign of negligence.
"Soon, big daddy will be home to make a short detour to Joplin. After forgiving Egypt $1 billion in debt, ($1 billion for the Muslim Brotherhood!), he'll toss a few bills to the peasants in Missouri from Air Force One and depart for D.C., where he can get on with his Leninist agenda."
For those who need it, here is the Wikipedia definition of Leninism: "Leninism is a political theory and practice of the dictatorship of the proletariat, led by a revolutionary vanguard party. Developed by and named after Russian revolutionary and politician Vladimir Lenin, Leninism comprises political and socialist economic theories, developed from Marxism, and Lenin's interpretations of Marxist theory within the agrarian Russian Empire of the early 20th century. Leninism reversed Marx’s order of economics over politics, allowing for a political revolution led by a vanguard party of professional revolutionaries rather than a spontaneous uprising of the working class as predicted by Karl Marx.[1] After the October Revolution of 1917, Leninism was the ideological basis of Soviet socialism, specifically its Russian realization in the Soviet Union.
QUESTION: Does any of this look FAMILIAR?
Gee. Didn't I just refer to the "McMarxist Meal" in my last blog: Clowns in the News: Anti Capitalism at Work? Well, check it out, after all Leninism did become the predominant branch of Marxism.
I hate what is happening to my country and want to spread the love--that my friends, is why I write this blog. I have asked my FACEBOOK "friends" to join with me in a donation to the Red Cross to help Joplin--just giving a dollar each. I've had a few thumbs up but really--WHAT IF IT WAS YOU? Put yourself in the shoes of the people of Joplin who don't even have shoes to wear, as some lost everything.
Red Cross Link: http://www.redcross.org/
Gown "Change" Please