Is THIS “Freedom” or is it a “Free for All”?
Standing in line at the grocery today, I faced the boredom of waiting. I don’t have money for “impulse buys” at the cash register--such as gum, key chains, Pez dispensers or stress balls so I looked at the magazines which are mostly about what’s on the cover—crap. Today’s news was about things like “Oprah is GAY” and Cher’s son/daughter has issues. Really? I mean he was a she who went from Chasity to Chaz or something like that. And let’s not forget who doesn’t look good in a swimsuit. That is ALWAYS news worthy.
You Choose
I had to ask the man behind me, “So, what do you think about this (showing him the magazine). Is this freedom?” He responded, “I don’t get involved.” I said, “You don’t get involved? Do you have kids? Do you want our youth to be MORE confused? Is this about being a “Christian” nation?” At this point, I was waving the “crap” in the air. He had no answer other than, “as long as it isn’t hurting anyone else.” I told him, “It IS hurting someone—it’s hurting the majority of the people. We are talking about SOCIETY and what is GOOD and MORALLY RIGHT!” He shrugged his shoulders and said, “I guess when you look at it that way….” I showed him my right hand—“freedom.” Then showed him my left, “free for all.” "You choose."
Pickles, Lettuce, Don’t Forget Us…
I was already fired up before the grocery. I had just been in in the doctor’s office where the news was on. A person who worked there was gabbing about the McDonald’s Story—how Ronald was a grown up and clown should NOT be their spokesperson. Oh, not to mention there is too much fat in their food and it’s contributing to obesity. I told him to back off. Some people can’t afford to eat anywhere else. He said, “It’s America. They need to get jobs—pick up a at Subway--it has less fat.” He went on to inform me of how iceberg lettuce, pickles, onions, and a few lame tomatoes have nutritional value. My response--those are on the hamburger too and much cheaper. Not to mention, they have no nutritional value to speak of...
So what is FREEDOM?
This definition compares/contrasts FREEDOM with LIBERTY. It’s good. Read it a few times. “Freedoms end when they encounter a contrary freedom of another person. You are free to smoke, until you encounter my freedom not to inhale your smoke. Liberty lacks that distinction: my liberty never contradicts or limits yours (Paul V. Hartman on "Freedom" and "Liberty" are Not the Same Thing (
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not advocating censorship. I’m just looking behind the smoke screen and seeing how easily Americans are entertained, side tracked and uninvolved in their country while the “elected” sink our ship—the great American ship. They’ve (politicians and special interest groups) done an OUTSTANDING job —RIGHT? Why? Because WE let them do whatever floats THEIR BOAT. And their boat has life rafts, paddles, fall out shelters, food, booze, parties and “impulse buys.”
Bad Boys, Bad Boys…
What you gonna do when they come for you? If you are watching that, you have too much time on your hands. Please America. WAKE UP. Participate in your country. Have a voice. Ask questions. Do something good—even if it’s buying a hungry person a Big Mac.
I have been reading the blog and I haven't commented becauseI have not always agreed with you. I woul like to defend the man you freaked out in the grocery store. Jen, just because people dont go around yelling about politics or write blogs or use facebook to spout thier politics, does not mean they do not care or participate. I have deep political convictions, but I do not feel the need to push them on anyone else. Maybe the man in the grocery store did not want to engage in a political conversation with a stranger. I certainly would not engage with a stranger in line at the grocery store. Look, the bottom line is that people are busy and in thier free time maybe they like to watch "Cops". Rick worked 55 hours this week and if he wants to watch some crappy TV in the hour before it is time go to bed then that is exactly what he should do. You should judge others because they do not engage in political conversations, as not caring. People care. And they participate. They just do not feel the need to be so vocal about it. Julie
ReplyDeleteThank you Julie. I have not asked that anyone agree with me. My goal of my blog is for the people of this country to become engaged.
ReplyDeletewell I can see that politics are your passion. That is great, I just wanted to point out that there are those who have opinions that they just keep to themselves. And as far as getting others to vote...I dont care if anyone votes or not. "Land of the Free", Free to participate, free to watch. Personally, I dont think anyone should vote if they are not informed on both sides of an issue. We sure dont need a bunch of idiots running out and voting for someone based on...let's say...the color of their skin. Thanks, Jenny
ReplyDeleteG-D and my country are my passion--politics are just part of standing for what I believe.
ReplyDeleteSince the beginning of this blog, I have published ALL comments. If your comment has not been published, something went wrong technically. Thank you for all your comments--whether we agree or disagree.
And yes, I DO AGREE that people need to be aware of the issues and candidates for whom they are voting--otherwise we are just "loading" the ballot box. I encourage everyone to look at all angles of the issues. Be informed. You might not vote a straight ticket or even for the party you thought you represent. Talk to one another and share your ideas and opinions.