On a Plane and Off A-Gain
On Friday, May 6, you might have heard on the news that two "Imams" were removed from their North Carolina bound flight departing flight out of Memphis, Tennessee. The pilot of the Atlantic Southeast Airlines requested Imam Rahman and Imam Zaghloul to undergo an additional security check and then took off without them. Though they were wearing traditional Islamic garb, according to their attorney, Mo Idlibi, "...neither man had done anything out of the ordinary, nor were they praying or chanting" (http://www.cnn.com/2011/TRAVEL/05/08/muslims.kicked.off.plane/index.html).
Imam I Am
In the Muslim faith, there are two branches: Sunnis and Shi'ites--both share fundamental Islamic beliefs but where they differ is in a political sense. Sunnis believe their leader should be elected while Shia Muslims believe that leadership should come from the actual blood line of Mohammad. The Shi'ites follow Imams (religious leaders) where the Sunni follow elected Muslim leaders. There are also Sufi (Dervish) who are known as Islamic mystics.
PEANUTS: Can Not Eat Them in the Air
Some Can Not Eat them Anywhere
In case no one has noticed, most of the Middle East and America aren't are the best of terms these days. It could be that Obama just took out Osama or maybe it was NATO's killing of Gaddafi's youngest son, Sair al-Arab and his three children. Then again, it might be our relentless chasing of terrorists and weapons of mass destruction after 9-11.
In war times, Political Correctness is PEANUTS in comparison to doing what is right. Yes, there IS a difference. Though we don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, doing what is RIGHT isn't always popular. The whole "PC" movement has turned into a war of its own.
The pilot in Atlantic Southeast Airlines who took off without the Imams has a job to do--fly something the size of a football field across the sky from one destination to another while keeping everyone safe. As I see it, the pilot had to do what was RIGHT for the MAJORITY of the passengers on his flight even though he had to compromise political correctness by profiling the Imams. Yes, they were profiled--not that it is ever nice but sometimes it is what it is. Were the Imams doing anything WRONG? They were just on their way to a religious convention when a not so funny thing happened.
By the way, PEANUTS are being BANNED on planes due to allergies--because of what COULD happen if someone ingests the little enemy at 30,000 feet. What then?
Not on a Page even though it's my Stage.
This is a re-posted blog. The original was met with opposition and as a result, I took it down (the "PC" thing to do) and did some thinking. This world has become absurd. I PERSONALLY do not believe it is that PEOPLE can not live in PEACE, it is that GOVERNMENTS can not LET us live in PEACE. Extremists muddy the waters for those who want to stay clean and "Green Eggs and Ham" just ain't kosher.
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