Six of One. Half Dozen of Another.
If you asked Americans about the "The U.S.-Israel Alliance," the majority of the American public hopefully would say they back U.S. government's support for Israel. Their reasoning could be attributed to Judeo-Christian values that share fundamental beliefs--such as the writings in the "Old Testament" or Torah). After all, Jesus was a Jew and from the Holy Land. On the other hand, there are the uninformed that throw Israel under the bus with the entire Middle East not knowing exactly what it means to be an ALLY.
Truman: A Promise is a Promise
The fact remains that Israel has been a friend to the US since before President Harry S.Truman (1945 - 1953). He wrote in his memoirs, "The question of Palestine as a Jewish homeland goes back to the solemn promise that had been made to them (the Jews) by the British in the Balfour Declaration of 1917 - a promise which had stirred the hopes and the dreams of these oppressed people. This promise, I felt, should be kept, just as all promises made by responsible, civilized governments should be kept." As I often say, all a person really has is their word. In that respect, Truman was a TRUE MAN.
Glenn Beck's "Sinking Boat" Analogy
Mr. Beck recently quizzed that if America were a sinking ship (which it is), would you be on deck trying to figure out what to do or would you be at the bar drinking and saying, "everything is fine?" Most of America IS ordering drinks. On FaceBook, I ask the hard, unpopular questions while most of my "friends" are drinking and posting music videos. It's time for America to WAKE UP, FACE THE MUSIC and stop creating diversions.
Who Will STAND with Israel?
When I asked, "Who will STAND with Israel?," these are some of the answers I received:
Michael in Ohio wrote, "Those who have in the past still will as long as Israel is not the aggressor. Aggressor to me means they start the fight."
My response to Michael was, "But what if the MEDIA tells us who started the fight?" How much faith do we have or should we have in the media?
Michael responded with, "Golda Meier let Syria and Egypt attack despite generals telling her to make a pre-emptive strike. This allowed a wise woman to achieve the support she needs. I think that same philosophy will still work. I don't think the news reporters can sway something as obvious as who starts a blood bath - do you?"
Note: Meier's reasoning was that if Israel stuck first, "We won't get help from anybody, " she said.
My answer, "Yes I do. I have lost faith in stations like CNN who receive Soros money. Obama is already making Israel out to be a problem because they won't do what he tells them to do."
Robert in Kentucky stated, "You ask "Who Will Stand With Israel? Scripture tells us that the entire world will turn it's back on Israel...that includes the USA, and that will be a good time to relocate to another country. I will always stand with Israel personally."
Mr. F. in Texas wrote, "Obama is a pawn doing the dirty work of somebody else's agenda--George Soros maybe. Somewhere, unknown to us, backing Israel isn't in the business plan. He runs our government with a flim-flam front and secret deals otherwise."
Michael summarized with, "That has not changed over time - Israel has always danced to their own music. Still as long as they are not the aggressor/agitator, NATO will assist them."
A Change is Coming...
According to WASHINGTON (Reuters) by Matt Spetalnick - Wed May 11, 2011 (http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110511/pl_nm/us_obama_mideast), Obama will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House on May 20. "While there is little doubt Obama will use his meeting with Netanyahu to try to advance Israeli-Palestinian diplomacy, it is unclear how hard Obama is willing to push for concessions from a leader with whom he already has strained relations. That could risk alienating Israel's base of support among the U.S. public and in Congress as well as the influential pro-Israel lobby as Obama seeks re-election in 2012.
Obama's launch of direct peace talks last year went nowhere and he is under pressure to forge a new initiative or face the prospect of the Palestinians seeking the U.N. General Assembly's blessing for a Palestinian state in September."
So Where DOES Obama STAND When it Comes to Israel?
The President is currently at a party and unavailable for comment. It is up to you--the PEOPLE of AMERICA and the WORLD to decide. As Bill O'Reilly said, "A bad ally is better than no ally at all."
NOTE: Image compliments of: http://www.flagsinternational.com/ecommerce/detail.cfm?item=US-and-Israel-Friendship-Pin-c562i3481
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