Monday, November 21, 2011

Breaking News: Obama has killed Lincoln...again!

Where's Lincoln When We Really Need Him?

I don't know about you, but everyday I get a batch of the same old emails. I haven't read many of them because the "doomsday news" is wearing me out: 37 Things You Should Hoard, Horrific Predictions for 2012, Urgent--Food Shortage, How Your Life Could Soon Change, The Kitchen Cure for Acid Reflux, Obama Wants to End the Middle Class, Wake Up America and one of the latest, ACORN Funds Occupy Wall Street...

Yes, I'm getting tired. My dad knew that look on my face too well and would greet me with, "So Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"  Besides the malaise and fatigue, I'm also need the "kitchen cure for acid reflux." I have more than excess stomach acid--Obama has given me GAS.  Now if I could just fart in my diesel tank--but the EPA would have a problem on their hands.  Most certainly, it would eat a hole in the ozone, melt the polar caps AND create more inflation.  A chain of natural disasters would soon follow. There's a "horrific prediction."

With 99.9% certainty, no amount of hoarding is going to save this country. Whatever you do, don't hoard sugar. Sugar Shocker Shakes Medical World.  Again, I haven't read it but my better judgement is telling me sugar is bad . It's going to take a new president, a good White House cleaning, and hard work to save America--a "job" for REAL AMERICANS. 

Make Like a Tree and Leaf.
If the change doesn't change, the "horrific predictions for 2012" will become a reality as will the "urgent--food shortage."  If we get hungry, we can always eat ACORN. After all, they are nuts. What I don't know is:  Are nuts the #1 Worst Food for Weight Gain?  I think it's all the fat.

Is it news that #OWS is funded by ACORN?  I don't know about you, but I figured that out from the first sloppy, stupid, homespun, Crayola-etched, cardboard-on-a-stick, message. It's not the "long haired freaky people" that "need not apply." They have full-time jobs protesting America. My solution--if they don't love this country--LEAVE!

I Can't Breathe
I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that read, "Legalize the Constitution." Really, the hell with legalizing marijuana. We've moved beyond that. It's bigger than getting "high." We're running out of air. Pretty soon, there will be a charge for consumed oxygen. As for "How MY life could soon change," well, I'm going to vote for whoever is on the GOP ticket and PRAY that it is effective. Yes. I'm praying while it is still my right to worship God and will continue even if it becomes illegal. I can't say "unconstitutional" because much more of Obama and we won't have a Constitution.

Finally...a GOOD Email
Though the original author is unknown, I'm glad I opened this one!

"So I said to him, "Barack, I know Abe Lincoln, and you ain't Abe Lincoln."

Obama has made numerous attempts to quote Lincoln --
In one of Obama's attempts he said, “I’ve been in your shoes. I know what it’s like to take a tough vote. But what did Lincoln say? ‘I am not bound to win, but I’m bound to be true.’ ” Two things about this. One, when did Barack Obama ever take a tough vote? Instead of leading in the Illinois Senate, he consistently voted “Present”. Two, the quote he attributes to Lincoln probably wasn’t said by Lincoln."SO WHY DOESN'T OBAMA USE THIS FAMOUS LINCOLN QUOTE? 

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves."
... Abraham Lincoln

We know the answer to that question, Obama ain't no Lincoln.  That would require integrity. He's not trying to emulate Lincoln-- just use Lincoln's historical significance to further his warped agenda. Maybe the American public will think Obama is great.  You know...guilt by association.  The only association with the two is that Obama is the third person to kill Lincoln (once by Booth and again by Carl Sandburg).  Maybe Bill O'Reilly's book can save Lincoln!

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated. You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pussification of America -- Part 1

Part 1:  "Are we not men?  We are…."
By:  A. Cohen

Listening to the local news this morning during my commute brought about an epiphany that nearly caused me to run my truck off the road.  Liberals are pussies.  Their goal is the complete "Pussification" of America.  It made me nervous.  Will I have to start wearing pastel colors, man-scara to enhance my eyelashes or Spanx to slim my physique?  Will I have to give up my Dodge RAM diesel truck for a Scion, BMW or electric car?  Arrrggg.  What the heck has happened to us?

Growing up was filled with affectionate messages from my parents like, "Get outside and DO something."  That meant getting on my dirt bike, bicycle or skateboard and heading out to find something to do.  If I hurt myself, my parents would look to see if the injury was life-threatening.  If it wasn't, it was met with "Don't worry about it.  It's not close to your heart."  Little League baseball meant someone actually pitched!  What the heck is "T-Ball?"  If your kid can't hit, shouldn't you teach them to play another sport?  Pitiful.

Part of the Pussification is to remove the gender-ness of society, like there are no differences between men and women other than what is supposed to be between our legs.  Of course, with Chaz, who knows and who cares?!  Feminism really blew it for women.  Flannel shirts and mustaches aren't "okay" for women in my book, regardless of what liberals say.  What's wrong with a woman expecting a man to open a door for her?  Now, there are only two times a man opens a car door for a woman: (1) The car is new; or (2) She is new.  If a man does, it is considered an insult.  "Oh, I can't open the damn door for myself."  Geez...I'm sorry ma', uh sir...whatever I am supposed to call you...very confusing.

Maybe it's because men are just too girly.  Sure, I see them try to run alongside Allen Parkway.  They more closely resemble Jerry Lewis in a comedy skit than they do an Olympic event.  It's supposed to be a work-out.  It's supposed to build strength and increase the health of your cardiovascular system, not attract attention.  Is one of these guys going to be able to change a tire without calling AAA?  I'm surprised that they are able to pick up a loaf of bread without getting warmed up first.

So...I make my way through the parking garage.  One of my favorite things to do is drive in first gear so that all of the pussified vehicles' alarms go off.  Sorry.  Little things amuse real men.  I grab my brief case/computer bag and head into the office building.  In front of me is a big guy, about 6'4" and 260 pounds, pulling what looks like an airline stewardess' bag.  It's this little bag with rollers and a long handle.  I looked at him, then looked at the bag, then back at him.  He must have seen the confusion in my eyes because he tossed he fat head back and scurried off pulling his manly bag behind him.  Really?  This guy is almost a big as me.  I know he is capable of using he shoulder strap or carrying it by the handle.  Have you no pride, man?!  

I guess all of this can be better explained by looking at our government.  We have been considered a super-power as a result of our strength and capabilities.  We used to never apologize for being more advanced, more capable and having more resolve than any other country in the world.  All this has changed with the current regime.  Our fearless "leader" and his Secretary, Billary, have trotted the globe bowing down before all  governments and apologizing for being who we  All of the "statistics" show that the American upper educational system is substandard; yet, why do terroristic countries like Libya, Iran and Palestine send their students here?  We know it.  We know that we are educating the next generation of terrorist leaders.  But what does the pussified liberal doctrine claim?  If we educate them and be real nice to them, they will like us.  After all, shouldn't we all just get along?  You know.  Spread the wealth.  "World Order."

You have to be kidding me.  The people in our government were the ones who sat on the sidelines while others played sports.  No guts.  The people in our government were in the house vacuuming and washing dishes while we were outside working on the car, fixing a fence or doing yard work.  No character.  If they were confronted by someone who challenged them, they either cried and ran home to momma or pissed their pants and apologized for having an opinion.  Yes, this is our own President.  When Joplin was destroyed, where was our President?  You guessed it.  He was on a plane to Ireland to plant a tree, get in touch with his Irish roots and give American taxpayer money away instead of taking care of his own people.  Maybe we aren't "his own people" after all!  Instead of playing by the rules of the governmental system, O'bama has been whining that if everyone doesn't do what he wants, he will hold his breath and "get important things done via Executive Order circumventing Congress' authority."  He had all of the tools at his disposal.  It was a liberal dream come true with a Socialist President, liberal Senate and House.  He still failed.

Instead of admitting that we, as Americans, made a mistake by putting Hussain in the Oval Office, the liberals claim that he just hasn't had enough time.  Oh sure...that's like the Rangers claiming that they would have won if they had more innings!  "They didn't lose.  They just ran out of innings."

As the first segment to my Pussification saga comes to a close, I want to leave you with one final thought.  All Western European countries who have gone down this road before us are in terrible shape morally and fiscally.   Are we going to sit by and let this happen?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Take this JOB and SHOVEL it!

Jobs, Good Jobs and Work. 
A main topic for the upcoming 2012 presidential election is "JOBS."  They used to be a dime a dozen.  Now a dime isn't worth picking up off the street.  Remember when you could quit your job and go get another one the same day?  Are those days gone forever?

Shovel This
Job creation is NOT taxation.  And being taxed so people can have "shovel ready jobs," is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. 
Though we live in an aging population, I see many Americans who are willing, ready and able to work--with the exception of the (#OSW) Occupy Wall Street Gang (they don't want a job because it's too much like work).  What I don't see is Americans jumping up and down to operate a shovel--and rightfully so.
I have to admit, I did the happy dance when I read "BREAKING NEWS: Senate Defeats Obama Job-Creation Bill in Procedural Vote," Obama is not creating anything but more crap to shovel for when he is officially defeated. 
Americans just don't want jobs, they want good jobs. There is a big difference.  A "job" is raking leaves, mowing lawns or delivering newspapers.  Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with work.  We do what we have to do until we get a job.  A "good job" has a future, benefits and assorted perks like a paid vacation, paid holidays, promotions, health care and retirement.

Why ME?
The American economy is in the crapper and still politicians are debating WHY.  I feel like this is a bad re-run of the 1994 Lillehammer Olympic Games when Tanya Harding went for Nancy Kerrigan's shins resulting in Nancy's cry, "Why me?"  While watching this Fox News this morning,  the question was asked, "What is required in order to create jobs?"  I shouted those exact words, "WHY ME" as I felt as though I had just been nailed in the shins.  Why?  Why doesn't anyone get it?  Being a winner is not that difficult.  You just have to put your best foot (or skate) forward.

Why and Why Again
WHY are the union workers falling for this nonsense?  It makes ZERO sense.  Fear tactics are not leadership.  Instead, they are desperate power grabs that have no longevity.  Obama, Trumpka and Hoffa have made conservatives despise unions more than ever.  It appears their administrative agenda is to turn America into a third world country.  The plan is working.  Union workers are also #OWS--thus a double edged sword--if they were working, they would not be protesting. 
Unions that were once the pride of America.  It was the steel, rubber and textile mills, automotive plants, coal miners and transporters of goods that once made our country great.  Unions represented a working nation.  We were encouraged to "BUY AMERICAN" in support of our country.  What do we manufacture now?  What can we purchase that is American made?   Unions, just like government, have focused on power--not jobs.

"Greed is GRO$$"
As union history goes, in 1955 the AFL-CIO was founded but split in 2005 to the "Change to Win Federation."  Who does that smell like?  Now, the current focus of the AFL-CIO is "global trade issues."  We have been traded alright--traded for imports.  If #OWS union protesters want a dose of reality, unions are an outstanding example of corporate greed.  I think if anything needs change (besides the presidency), it's unions. Instead of using their workers for publicity stunts, focus should be shifted to rebuilding America.

While watching Fox, I saw a New York, NY (#OWS) protester laying down with a sign, "Greed is Gro$$."  I'm with Ann Coulter on this one, "I am not the first to note the vast differences between the Wall Street protesters and the tea partiers.  To name three:  The tea partiers have jobs, showers and a point." 

The EPA "at Work"
Many Americans want to return to work but the EPA stands in the way.  It's a toss up, what damages the environment more--pollutants or unemployment?  Until there is a real plan in place, let's do what we know--drilling and mining.  Lift the damn regulations/permits.  Think about the "trickle down" effect--people get paychecks, buy groceries, cafe lunches, convenient store items, tires, get oil changes and the beat goes on.  Is this a difficult concept?  I hope not because I am really tired of asking, "Why?" 
As for the Occupy Wall Street protesters, I have a perfect solution.  Send these idiots who are protesting "everything and nothing" to a communist country where they can have a true epiphany.  Inside the borders of any country there is capitalism.  It's how a country treats it's people that is different.

Note: Opinions (unless quoted) and photographs are those of the writer, Jennifer Jessee.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Trail of Hope and Change

There were no "first Americans" and America was not discovered.  Christopher Columbus and Americus Vespucci did--in fact--lead expeditions.  But while it was all new to them, this land was here long before they arrived.  It was Native America and home to countless tribes of people.  Their laws were of their Elders who were gifted with wisdom by the Great Spirit.  They were self governing, self reliant and did what was best for the whole.  Tribes were not fragmented by special interest groups.  They weren't Democrats or Republicans or caucuses within a tribe nor did they have time for debating nonsense.  Can you imagine living off the land?  Well, yes--there would be a lot of "shovel ready jobs" after you made a shovel.  No one received a ribbon after a plentiful hunt.  Not everyone was a winner.  There were no "entitlements," pampering, hand holding or "no child left behind" type policies.  It was survival.  The survival of the group meant more than the ideologies of the individual.
As the white man arrived, Indians knew their days were numbered and they would be "snuffed out."  There were so many tribes yet no organization amongst them.  Somewhere in the Ohio Valley, 1768, a great warrior's life began under the sign of the shooting star--thus his name, Tekoomse (Tecumseh).  The leader of the Shawnee (and other tribes), he and his tribal confederacy opposed the formation of the United States of America.  "With a vision of establishing an independent American Indian nation east of the Mississippi, Tecumseh worked to recruit tribes to the confederacy from the southern United States."  He wanted what we want today--to not want for a vanished existence--to not strive for "change" to the point of no return.  Often working in unison with his brother, Tenkwatawa, also known as "The Prophet," the advocated vision was for the Shawnee and other American Indians to return to their ancestral lifestyle and reject that of the colonists. 

Nature played a roll in Tecumseh's wars.  The New Madrid Earthquake that shook the South and Midwest and the Great Comet of 1811 were seen as signs in favor of his efforts.  But the more he fought for order, the more he was met with the law of maximum randomness--the state of disorder.  Now here we are, 200 years later, really no different than the original Native Americans.  2011 has been a year of signs--earthquakes, tornadoes, drought, fires and floods.  Maybe we aren't living right. Maybe it's a "sign." Some view these times as biblical prophesy. I see it as a time for America to choose--what do we REALLY want? There is dissension, deceit and corruption. Yet there is a moral high ground that many choose to walk regardless of risk and lack of popularity. We want what is good for America--what is right. We want OUR America without the invasion of "foreigners." We want our land of opportunity--our happy hunting ground. We want OUR freedom, OUR law, OUR way of life without interruption. How does it feel to be an Indian?

Andrew Jackson, founder of "Hope and Change"
You might say we are becoming strangers in a familiar land.  We are faced with illegals voting in our election poles yet Native Americans did not gain American citizenship until the 1924 Indian Citizenship Act (Snyder Act),  thanks to Calvin Coolidge.  As Natives were rounded up and herded onto government designated lands and reservations, their opportunities became obsolete.  The Trail of Tears is one such example.  Under the leadership of one of the worst U.S. Presidents up to that point, Andrew Jackson, settlers were encouraged to cast out the Indians.  "Thousands of Cherokee men, women and children died along the trail from exposure, starvation and fevers. Federal funds allotted for their removal was diverted into the pockets of corrupt politicians and military commanders."  Today, this is known as GENOCIDE.  These people who once thrived as the original Americans, became isolated, impoverished and entirely at the governments mercy. 

Another such example is The Wounded Knee Massacre "White officials became alarmed at the religious fervor and in December 1890 banned the Ghost Dance on Lakota reservations.When the rites continued, officials called in troops to Pine Ridge and Rosebud reservations in South Dakota. The military, led by veteran General Nelson Miles, geared itself for another campaign....The following morning, December 29, 1890, the soldiers entered the camp demanding the all Indian firearms be relinquished. A medicine man named Yellow Bird advocated resistance, claiming the Ghost Shirts would protect them. One of the soldiers tried to disarm a deaf Indian named Black Coyote. A scuffle ensued and the firearm discharged..."  150 Natives were killed and 50 more severely injured because of the white man's fear of the Indians unfaultering faith.

History is repeating itself.  Andrew Jackson, the original president of "Hope and Change," said,

"My friends, circumstances render it impossible that you can flourish in the midst of a civilized community.  You have but one remedy within your reach, and that is to remove to the west.  And the soon you do this, the sooner you will commence your career of improvement and prosperity." 

In other words, he encouraged Americans to move forward without the culture of indigenous people.  Currently, we are being urged to do just that--only WE The People, ONE Nation, Under GOD--are the target.  Jackson befriended many Americans while leading by immorality and injustice.  His wrongs can not be righted.  All we can do is LEARN from history. 

Note: Opinions (unless quoted) and photographs are those of the writer, Jennifer Jessee.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Banning French Fries is a Dic TATOR ship

Tater Attacked as "Evil Food"

Mr. Potato Head in Disguise
In this week's news, Michelle Obama's fat mouth is flapping again.  Does it ever stay closed?  So what now?  The TATER is under ATTACK!  French fries are being banned.  "The White House has had enough with the obese in America.  'Americans can no longer be trusted to eat the right food,' said Michelle Obama to the National Nutrition Association (NNA).  Soon after, President Obama issued an Executive Order banning French Fries in America.  'Any restaurant serving french fries will be heavily fined, as will any individuals eating french fries in public OR in their own home,' said Jay Carney, the White House Press Secretary.  Carney told WWN that obesity is a major health epidemic in the United States and that this is the first of “many executive orders” that President Obama will issue that will serve to control what Americans eat.  'We have to make America great again, and we can’t be a great country with so many overweight people,' said Carney.  Fines for serving French Fries in a restaurant start at $5,000 per plate and for consumers – if you are caught eating one serving of French Fries that will cost you $200.  How will the Administration police all restaurants and homes.  'First off, we will be shutting down all French Fry production lines in America, so we will cut of the source of this evil food.  Secondly, we will encourage all Americans to report on their neighbors and friends.  If you see something, say something,' said First Lady Michelle Obama.  Even if it hurts business, restaurants should exchange their top dishes for healthier items with less fat, salt and sugar and they should begin serving smaller portions, Obama said. As an example the First Lady offered this; instead of French fries, restaurants should serve apple slices or carrots with hamburgers and they can use less butter and cream even if it compromises taste."   Hmm.  I wonder how much this whole NNA, WWN, MyPlate ordeal has cost American Taxpayers.  
Note to self:  "Americans can no longer be trusted..."
Another note to self:  "We have to make America great again..."

That Ain't No Lady
It pains me to refer to Michelle Obama as America's "First Lady."  I don't find anything first or lady about her.  While filling this position, her so called contributions have been nothing more that power plays.  Michelle's roll in changing America's food pyramid to the food plate (official June 2011) is really on my top 3 dumbest things this year.  Number one was the experiment of shrimp on a treadmill.  "Yes, the shrimp treadmill research cost taxpayers more than $3 million over the course of a decade. That includes a a $559,681 grant for research into "Impaired Metabolism and Performance in Crustaceans Exposed to Bacteria."  As you might imagine, senior citizens were outraged.  Before you blame Congress, it was the National Science Foundation (a government agency) that decided to fund the shrimp study.  Apparently, they have nothing else to do.  If you find yourself in their position, please drop them an informative line that they have shrimp for brains.

Meals on Tread Wheels.
Does Fried Chicken count as "protein"?
I'm not sure if shrimp is on the old food pyramid or on the new food plate but Michelle has your diet all planned out for you.  Before you know it, your meals will be coming via mail--well, not the U.S. Postal Service as they aren't doing so well.  Maybe Bus Force One can be used as Meals on Nazi Wheels since it will never see another 3 day tour.  
So why do we have a food plate?  It was a brainstorm between Michelle, Surgeon General, Regina Benjamin and Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack.  If Vilsack's name sounds familiar, that's because it is.  If he had been doing his job at the USDA, we would not have all of the MEAT RECALLS (ground turkey and ground beef in the recent months).   
"It's called MyPlate, and it has four colored sections representing fruits, vegetables, grains and proteins. Next to the plate is a smaller circle representing dairy products.  'MyPlate is a truly simple, powerful visual cue to help people adopt healthy eating habits at meal times,' said Vilsack.  On MyPlate's website, the USDA emphasizes several important nutrition messages: eat smaller portions, make at least half the plate fruits and vegetables and avoid sugary drinks.  Nutrition experts believe a plate is a good choice."  Would someone tell me WHO these so called "food experts" are?  Names please.  And can I put fried chicken in the protein slot, fried okra as the vegetable, fried plaintains as the fruit, Cajun rice as grain and ice cream in the dairy cup?  I thought so.  Last time I checked, it is STILL MY BODY.

Home of the Free
America has ALWAYS been a country where we eat what is available.  The Native Americans did not have a food pyramid, chart or plate.  They had hunting and gathering skills.  Resources changed with the seasons.  In today's world, many American families have what is called a BUDGET which dictates what is on the "plate."  Others have dietary/physical issues that place restrictions or demands on an individual.  French fries are not BAD for everyone.  Our brains require fat as do our nervous and cardiovascular systems.  In  studies on children suffering from seizures, high fat diets have been encouraged and have shown healing effects.  In studies at John Hopkins, foods high in fat and low in carbohydrates, " by triggering biochemical changes that eliminate seizure-causing short circuits in the brain’s signaling system. It has been used successfully in several forms of epilepsy."  French fries are not low in carbs, but it may be the only fat food source available.  This is NOT a decision for Michelle Obama.  She is NOT a doctor.  She's not even an attorney anymore.  I'm not smelling fruits and vegetables, I am smelling CRAP.

By George, I think I've got it! 
Olive Garden and Red Lobster have also been under scrutiny and are apparently "bowing" to Queen Michelle.  "Encouraged by Michelle Obama's campaign to reduce childhood obesity, the company that owns the Olive Garden, Red Lobster and four other popular restaurant chains is pledging to cut the calories and sodium in its meals and overhaul its kids' fare."  Olive Garden might as well be renamed, "The Garden."  As for Red Lobster--perhaps just, "Reds."  My thoughts on any restaurant that "BOWS" to this administration while America is in the midst of an economic crisis, should be BOYCOTTED.  "For children, French fries and sugar-sweetened beverages will become the exception and not the rule. I did not know that being the president's wife gave her authority to tell parents how to feed their children. 

First Ladies of the Past are Still FIRST
First Ladies, Barbara Bush and Laura Bush, are known for advocating for education and literacy (and much needed by an illiterate Barack).  In the current administration, I guess not being able to read--especially a menu is probably a good thing.  And being smart just might mean you don't vote Obama.  First Lady, Nancy Reagan, "...became involved with Foster Grandparents, a program started by Kennedy brother-in-law and Peace Corps founding director Sargent Shriver.  Her efforts helped bring Foster Grandparents branches to all California state hospitals, and the organization went on to take root in other states as well. She also worked with veterans organizations and prisoners of war (POW's), a sensitive topic during the Vietnam era. She organized four state dinners for returning California POW's, calling them "the high point of Ronnie's administration."  First Lady, Rosalynn Carter, was known for countless jobs of importance including her work as the Active Honorary Chair of the President's Commission on Mental Health.  Even First Lady, Betty Ford, made a great contribution by addressing substance abuse and breast cancer awareness. 

Last Word
The LAST thing this administration is going to do is tell me how to eat.  Yes, there are obese children and adults in this nation.  It is not solely due to French fries, McDonald's, fast food or eating out.  In defense of French fries, they are a WHOLE FOOD and there's something to be said for that.  Gotta go.  Order's up!

Disclaimer:  Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated.  You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Restoring America's Moral Fabric--the beginning

Moses: a public servant
Almost everyone has heard the expression, "a picture is Worth 1,000 words."  Can you imagine what a mural is worth?  On the side of an old building in Athens, Texas (at the corner of College and Prairieville) there is a mural portraying justice.  It reads, "Do not exploit the poor because they are poor and do not crush the needy in court for the Lord will take up their case and plunder those who plunder them."  Proverbs 12:22,23.

Portrayed Justice
In the center of the mural is the blindfolded Lady Justice--symbolic of our justice system.  She is blinded to represent impartiality, holds a sword to represent the courts coercive power and a scale to balance what is fair in competing human claims.  To the left of Lady Justice, is Moses at Mount Sinai handing down the commandments to the people.  It was on that mountain that God, in the form of a burning bush, spoke to Moses.  To the right of Lady Justice, is a modern day court in session.  Connecting the dots, our legal system stems from the bible--from God.  If we remove God from America, we will have to remove all laws thus associated. 

"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." --Plato

We live in a society that demands justice.  We want someone to pay.   The same happens in our court system.  Sure we have a judge, attorneys for prosecution and defense, a jury of our peers, instructions to not prosecute beyond "reasonable doubt," judgement and sentencing.  It's a democratic system that we often take for granted and fail to examine from where justice comes.
Commandments in Action
Justice is critical in our system of government.  It is part of our moral fabric that holds society together.   Fairness and Justice are not equal, though in American society we tend to believe in this falsehood.  There are also variations on the justice theme:  Utilitarianism, Retributive justice, Law of Retaliation, Restorative Justice, Distributive justice (redistribution of wealth and power) and Oppressive Law ("an authoritarian approach to legislation that is 'totally unrelated to justice'. a tyrannical interpretation of law is one in which the population lives under restriction [by] unlawful legislation").   Remember that power is not justice it's just a method of administrating justice.  Power is a measurement of control including people and the environment.  It is legitimate in maintaining social structure but can easily be twisted into a misuse or abuse of power.  Justice then becomes injustice.

So...what does all of this mean?  Our government is based on Judeo-Christian values whose foundations are deeply rooted in the Bible.  Our current administration, their secular/socialist bias aside, has no respect for the word of the law.  Ironically, our President was a law professor at Harvard--so we have heard.  His regime's idea about the Constitution is that it is merely just a set of guidelines that were never intended to be followed.  This is the liberal mantra.  Also, they have gone to great lengths to remove God from the public eye.  Everyone and anyone who demonstrates a belief in a higher power than the "human" is sued by our Federal Family or the AFL-CIO, with the exception for Muslims, as a violation of the separation of church and state (incorrectly interpreted) or being intolerant of "minorities."

This administration has passed law after law further restricting our God-given rights as defined in the Bible and in our Constitution under the auspices of protecting the freedoms of the individual.  Unfortunately, this only works for the morally corrupt and spiritually lost.  One of the concepts necessary for socialism and communism to flourish is to make the public completely reliant upon the government.  One of the ways this has historically been accomplished is exactly what Obama is doing--removing God from public places.  With God in the picture, Obama will never be able to control the hearts and minds of America.  We know that we are to be in service to something much larger and powerful than Barak Hussein  Obama.  We know that there is a set of laws and responsibilities for which everyone will be held accountable that has been in existence for a few thousand years.   Without adhering to these laws, we have anarchy.

"I am mindful of Ronald Reagan’s example—and of Jesse Helms’. I am guided by their understanding that America’s strength lies in its ideals, and that if we are to make this century another American century, we must be prepared to fight for those ideals…. If we refuse to play our rightful role and shrink from the world, America and the entire world will pay a terrible price. And it is our responsibility to clearly outline to the American people what our proper role in the world is and what American interests are at stake when we engage abroad."  --Senator Marco Rubio (FL)

Note:  Opinions (unless quoted) and photographs are those of the writer, Jennifer Jessee. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Obama's Hood has Stolen the Wood

Family Tradition
My father owned a vintage Gibson guitar.  While mom cooked a big Sunday breakfast, he would strum and sing.  Dad didn't play well, but the Gibson did.  With its solid wood top, big hollow body and gut strings, it could make any amateur sound good.  He particularly loved Hank Williams, Maybelle Carter, Woodie Guthrie, Chet Atkins, and Johnny Cash, Bill Monroe, the father of Bluegrass, B. B. King--they played Gibsons too.  I remember the beautiful pearl inlaid oak leaf and Gibson name on the guitar's head, real ivory tuning pegs and the silky feel of its worn wood neck

Seized or Stolen?
Government officials are stealing the wood that makes the guitars that keep people employed.  On August 25, 2011, Gibson Guitar factories in Memphis and Nashville, Tennessee were raided by the U.S. Department of Justice, "seizing several pallets of wood, electronic files and guitars.  Manufacturing operations were stopped and workers in Nashville and Memphis sent home for the day, while armed agents executed search warrants. Gibson fully cooperated with the execution of the search warrants.  The raid shut down both Gibson factories and the company lost money. This wasn't the first time that federal agents raided Gibson and disrupted production, but this time they caused lost productivity and sales, according to Gibson."  I call this "total governance of the many by the whim of a very few." The Gibson raid--you paid for it folks.  Your hard earned tax dollars at "work."  How does it feel to be ROBBED?
Look Busy
All we've heard for the past few months is how Obama is "creating jobs."  In fact this is the eve of yet another job speech that I won't be watching.  Game's on.  His "jobs" are Ponzi Schemes where he uses tax dollars to fund employment.  Excuse me.  That is called THEFT. Yes, he's Robbin' the Hood--only he steals from everyone and continues to increase the National Debt.  Can you hear the clock ticking?

Armed Agents at "Work" 
Via press release from Gibson, "The Federal Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. has suggested that the use of wood from India that is not finished by Indian workers is illegal, not because of U.S. law, but because it is the Justice Department’s interpretation of a law in India. (If the same wood from the same tree was finished by Indian workers, the material would be legal.) This action was taken without the support and consent of the government in India." Why the wood?  Well, apparently there's this thing called The Lacey Act of 1900 "Anyone who imports into the United States, or exports out of the United States, illegally harvested plants or products made from illegally harvested plants, including timber, as well as anyone who exports, transports, sells, receives, acquires or purchases such products in the United States, may be prosecuted.  In any prosecution under the Lacey Act, the burden of proof of a violation rests on the government. (emphasis mine)."

So President Obama can ignore The War Powers Act and call it antiquated while sending U.S. Troops to Libya on our tax dollars but is enforcing The Lacey Act of 1900 to BULLY Gibson?  This sounds like a story for Anderson Cooper.  Didn't he do a special on "Bullies"?

The Red Violin:  A Marxist Parallel
It's the story of an 1681 Italian made violin.  The film begins with the violin up for auction at Christie's.  As the bidding starts, the violin's history is revealed.  Its travels included that of Communist China under Mao Zedong (Tse-tung).  Chairman Mao was a "Chinese Communist revolutionary, guerrilla warfare strategist, Marxist, political philosopher, and leader of the Chinese Revolution. He was the architect and founding father of the People's Republic of China (PRC) from its establishment in 1949, and held authoritarian control over the nation until his death in 1976. His theoretical contribution to Marxism-Leninism, along with his military strategies and brand of policies, are collectively known as Maoism."  Have you noticed how Obama names everything he does after himself?  "With the Chinese Communist Party in power during the Cultural Revolution, all items deemed unsuitable (or 'foreign') to the ideology of Mao Zendong are being burned."  One of these "unsuitable" items includes the Red Violin but it escapes this fate and turns up in a sanctuary of instruments years later after the death of Mao.

Liberty and Justice for All
Gibson Guitar CEO, Henry Juszkiewic, will be attending Obama's Job Speech.  I wonder if he has any ideas for the President.

You might imagine this stuck a bad chord with me.  I'm an American who was raised with real American values.  I buy American made goods, hunt with Remington rifle, actually KNOW The Pledge of Allegiance and SAY it with my hand over my heart while facing the flag.  My pick up truck is a Ford with a bumper sticker that reads, "I'll keep My God, My Freedom, My Guns and My Money.  You can Keep the CHANGE."  An American Quarter Horse is my other ride.  The American flag pin is worn in my cowboy hat and I too own Gibson.  After all, it is an American icon.

Disclaimer:  Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated.  

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ponzi Scheme of the Week Award

Fonzie's mug
Ponzi's mug shot
Not so Happy Days
Ponzi is not to be confused with Fonzie of the 1970's sitcom though there are similarities. I have to admit, they do both look happy.  
On the set of Happy Days, Fonzie resided in the Cunningham's garage and worked as a mechanic, but it was his cool "*ness" that got him the chicks.  On the other hand, Ponzi, (named after Charles Ponzi in the 1920s) used money as his "ness."  Like a pyramid scheme, the object is to get investors to "buy in" promising a large profit on the initial investment--say a 30% gain in 30 days.  The percent paid is actually a product of what was invested by those scammed.  Ponzi used International Reply Coupons (IRC) as his get rich quick strategy.  The coupons could be used as stamps and when used in foreign counties, they were like pre-paid postage.  Postage varied from country to country because of economy, the IRCs values varied.  But it really wasn't about the postage, it was about Ponzi hiding behind the postage.  Why, when you think about it Ponzi was an early American Capitalist.  Fonzie, on the other hand, was just an over aged high school flunkie in a leather jacket whose vocabulary was limited mostly to, "Ehhhh."
*"Ness" is a term from the movie, "You, Me and Dupree."  Dupree is played by Owen Wilson.  "Ness", to Dupree, is your inner self, the unique things that make "you" who you are."

What Makes Ponzi "Ness" a Success
"For a Ponzi scheme to be successful in politics and economics it must exploit three tendencies of human nature: 1) envy (I desire what you have); 2) greed (I will do whatever it takes to get what you have); and 3) willful ignorance (I didn't know that minus defense [20 percent], 61 percent of America's debt is entitlements and mandatory welfare spending predicated on the Ponzi scheme of the federal government stealing money from one group of people (the rich) through regulation, Marxism and unconstitutional taxation and giving it to another group of people (middle class and poor) who didn't earn it and doesn't constitutionally deserve it." 
These three things I know are TRUE:  People are envious.  People are greedy.  People play dumb even when they are smart enough to know better.  So should we be surprised when there is at least one new or revealed Ponzi Scheme that makes the news on a regular basis?

Robin Hood or Obama's Hood?
I've heard it said that history repeats itself.  Robin Hood is he story of a Medieval gangster who stole from the rich and gave to the poor.  Well, it's not really stealing, as much as re-distribution of wealth.  Was Robin Hood a "founding father" of Socialism or just a philanthropist who liked to steal?  Is Obama a Socialist, Monarchist or just plain dumb?

This Weeks Award Goes To....
Rick Perry calls Social Security a Ponzi Scheme, "Republican presidential hopeful Texas Gov. Rich Perry won't back down from stating he believes Social Security is a Ponzi scheme '...It is a Ponzi scheme for these young people,' Perry said at a stop Sunday in Ottumwa. 'The idea that they're working and paying into Social Security today, that the current program is going to be there for them, is a lie.' "  Though Social Security is an Oldie but Goodie, Obama keeps on re-inventing.  The Notorious NOPE wins the award!

Social Democracy
I Beg Your Pardon
We were never promised a "Rose Garden" so the irony is just too much.  Yes, he told us there would be bumps in the road but he didn't tell us that we were all going to be part of a Transportation Ponzi Scheme!  "Obama pushed today to continue federal funds for transportation needs; he claims the transportation bill “to protect 1 million jobs.  Those appearing with Obama in the Rose Garden were the AFL-CIO’s Richard Trumka, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’ David Chavern, et. al."  In Conservative Action Alerts  (August 31, 2011) Kyle Ebersole quotes The Associated Press,  “At issue is the renewal of a transportation spending bill that expires Sept. 30. The House is considering a six-year, $230 billion bill paid entirely with current fuel taxes. The Senate proposal would last only two years and cost $109 billion...For construction workers and their families across the country, it represents the difference between making ends meet or not making ends meet [...] All of them will be out of a job just because of politics in Washington. That’s just not acceptable. It’s inexcusable,” stated Obama.

Furthermore, Ebersole states, "Attached to the current highway funding bill is a 18.4% federal gas tax, which will expire with the bill.  The federally-funded highway program uses '$32 billion each year collected by the gas tax, plus a handful of smaller fees and some borrowing to distribute some $50 billion a year to the states for road construction, maintenance and mass transit projects.' ”

Just Say "NOPE"
WHAT?  That's not "creating jobs," that's STEALING from America taxpayers to fund jobs.  Just last week I read, "Angry Unions Sever Ties With Democrats, Obama."  I was PROUD to read how Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO was ready to start their own party.  After all, they spent over $400 million for Obama's election and what did they get out of the deal?  So the Notorious NOPE had to come up with a new Ponzi Scheme--steal from the tax payers by taxing fuel to create jobs.  "Trumka made it clear that his plan will cost the Democrats both contributions and labor volunteers in many districts almost immediately. That would cripple key Democratic get-out-the-vote efforts in many swing districts on Election Day." 

Put your money where your mouth is Trumka!  If the AFL-CIO wants any HOPE for the American worker, they need to just say "NOPE."  Hey, if anyone is looking for ocean front property in Arizona...maybe the AFL-CIO is buying into that too.

Disclaimer:  Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated.  You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thanks to you, Ms. Waters, there will always be slavery

As much as I hate to admit it, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are right, but for the wrong reasons when it comes to the subject of slavery. They claim that the "black man" is no better off now than when blacks were freed from slavery. Sure, they are wearing $2,000 suits, drive $100,000 vehicles and live in million dollar homes, but they are still slaves. Just ask them. It doesn't look like they have very missed a meal, but that's not the point. Their point is that black people will always be a slave to the whites until they become "equal"...whatever THAT means.

Does "equal" mean that we deconstruct everything in the Constitution? We turn it into a fluid document that can mean different things to different people? Obama thinks so. Or maybe, it means that everyone should expect the government or some authority to tell us how to look, what to wear, the vehicle to drive, the food we should/should not eat? Sound familiar? It could mean that we should have a WIFM (what's in it for me) attitude so that the individual's best interest is more important than that of our nation. Hmmm That one sounds very familiar. You guessed it. It was Maxine Waters who believes that one. Or, finally, maybe there should be special concessions made for those who claim to be oppressed so that they can "feel" like they are important and are entitled to special treatment. NAACP, BET, and the Congressional Black Caucus are all living large at the expense of those they claim to be helping. bigotry or racism in THESE fine, upstanding institutions. Anything to turn a buck. WIFM.

So...lets go back to my premise, "There will always be slavery" and briefly explore why. And, let's use the Congressional Black Caucus as an example. Can anyone join this group? No. You have to be black. Can they be forced to allow non-blacks? Uh, we have a black or Kenyan or Asian or Irish or is it Muslim President. O'bummer has already proven that the laws don't apply to black folks by forcing Tennessee to stand-down on prosecuting the Black Panthers for election intimidation. It's perfectly fine to force a Christian school to admit Atheists and then force them to change their curriculum so that the lone, lost sole isn't offended or "feel" like their rights were being violated.

The Congressional Black Caucus' charter is for getting more for blacks at the expense of everyone and anyone else--read their charter. They are solely focused on getting more entitlements for blacks by forcing government to take from those who are self-accountable to those who aren't. If you don't believe me, listen to the following video from Maxine Waters making demands from an Exxon executive.

Maxine, by the way, has proven that she is so horribly corrupt that she will steal money from college students to help out her own family that doesn't go to college. Has anything happened to her as a result? NO! Instead, she has become the Congressional Black Caucus' golden child. This is what happens in a society that permits selfish, self-centered people to remain in office. So, what does this mean?

As the Maxines of the Social Democratic party continue their dismantling of the American Republic, they communicate that things are in terrible shape and that the government will save us. They tell the blacks that those with Conservative viewpoints are evil and "...should go straight to hell" (actual quote from Maxine a couple of weeks ago). But why? Might the liberal agenda be causing the moral degradation of our country? Maybe. Could it be that the "tolerant" Social Democrats are actually intolerant of those who don't believe the way they do? Most likely. By reducing the content a student needs to know by the time they graduate from high school, will force them to rely on a smaller, more educated group of people? Absolutely. Is it possible that by increasing the size of the government and the entitlements to the individual that it is easier to control a population? Bingo!

The aforementioned is why, Jesse Jackson, blacks will always be enslaved by something or someone. The issue is not black or white. The issue is Socialism versus Capitalism. It's a monarchy versus republic issue. The black, so-called, leadership is doing everything they can to keep blacks down. They don't trust their own race enough to make decisions for themselves. They don't even believe that blacks can be successful without entitlements...hand-outs. How insulting?! Jesse continues to walk around in HIS expensive suits claiming that there are no opportunity for blacks. Hmmm If that's the case, how the hell are you able to do what you do Mr. Jackson? And, by the way Ms. Waters, Exxon is a FOR PROFIT business. If you don't like the way they run their business, either don't buy from them or start your OWN business instead of sucking on the teats of American taxpayers. You need to quit acting like spoiled teenagers and grow up.

Written by contributing author A. Cohen