Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thanks to you, Ms. Waters, there will always be slavery

As much as I hate to admit it, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are right, but for the wrong reasons when it comes to the subject of slavery. They claim that the "black man" is no better off now than when blacks were freed from slavery. Sure, they are wearing $2,000 suits, drive $100,000 vehicles and live in million dollar homes, but they are still slaves. Just ask them. It doesn't look like they have very missed a meal, but that's not the point. Their point is that black people will always be a slave to the whites until they become "equal"...whatever THAT means.

Does "equal" mean that we deconstruct everything in the Constitution? We turn it into a fluid document that can mean different things to different people? Obama thinks so. Or maybe, it means that everyone should expect the government or some authority to tell us how to look, what to wear, the vehicle to drive, the food we should/should not eat? Sound familiar? It could mean that we should have a WIFM (what's in it for me) attitude so that the individual's best interest is more important than that of our nation. Hmmm That one sounds very familiar. You guessed it. It was Maxine Waters who believes that one. Or, finally, maybe there should be special concessions made for those who claim to be oppressed so that they can "feel" like they are important and are entitled to special treatment. NAACP, BET, and the Congressional Black Caucus are all living large at the expense of those they claim to be helping. bigotry or racism in THESE fine, upstanding institutions. Anything to turn a buck. WIFM.

So...lets go back to my premise, "There will always be slavery" and briefly explore why. And, let's use the Congressional Black Caucus as an example. Can anyone join this group? No. You have to be black. Can they be forced to allow non-blacks? Uh, we have a black or Kenyan or Asian or Irish or is it Muslim President. O'bummer has already proven that the laws don't apply to black folks by forcing Tennessee to stand-down on prosecuting the Black Panthers for election intimidation. It's perfectly fine to force a Christian school to admit Atheists and then force them to change their curriculum so that the lone, lost sole isn't offended or "feel" like their rights were being violated.

The Congressional Black Caucus' charter is for getting more for blacks at the expense of everyone and anyone else--read their charter. They are solely focused on getting more entitlements for blacks by forcing government to take from those who are self-accountable to those who aren't. If you don't believe me, listen to the following video from Maxine Waters making demands from an Exxon executive.

Maxine, by the way, has proven that she is so horribly corrupt that she will steal money from college students to help out her own family that doesn't go to college. Has anything happened to her as a result? NO! Instead, she has become the Congressional Black Caucus' golden child. This is what happens in a society that permits selfish, self-centered people to remain in office. So, what does this mean?

As the Maxines of the Social Democratic party continue their dismantling of the American Republic, they communicate that things are in terrible shape and that the government will save us. They tell the blacks that those with Conservative viewpoints are evil and "...should go straight to hell" (actual quote from Maxine a couple of weeks ago). But why? Might the liberal agenda be causing the moral degradation of our country? Maybe. Could it be that the "tolerant" Social Democrats are actually intolerant of those who don't believe the way they do? Most likely. By reducing the content a student needs to know by the time they graduate from high school, will force them to rely on a smaller, more educated group of people? Absolutely. Is it possible that by increasing the size of the government and the entitlements to the individual that it is easier to control a population? Bingo!

The aforementioned is why, Jesse Jackson, blacks will always be enslaved by something or someone. The issue is not black or white. The issue is Socialism versus Capitalism. It's a monarchy versus republic issue. The black, so-called, leadership is doing everything they can to keep blacks down. They don't trust their own race enough to make decisions for themselves. They don't even believe that blacks can be successful without entitlements...hand-outs. How insulting?! Jesse continues to walk around in HIS expensive suits claiming that there are no opportunity for blacks. Hmmm If that's the case, how the hell are you able to do what you do Mr. Jackson? And, by the way Ms. Waters, Exxon is a FOR PROFIT business. If you don't like the way they run their business, either don't buy from them or start your OWN business instead of sucking on the teats of American taxpayers. You need to quit acting like spoiled teenagers and grow up.

Written by contributing author A. Cohen

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