A main topic for the upcoming 2012 presidential election is "JOBS." They used to be a dime a dozen. Now a dime isn't worth picking up off the street. Remember when you could quit your job and go get another one the same day? Are those days gone forever?
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Shovel This |
Though we live in an aging population, I see many Americans who are willing, ready and able to work--with the exception of the (#OSW) Occupy Wall Street Gang (they don't want a job because it's too much like work). What I don't see is Americans jumping up and down to operate a shovel--and rightfully so.
I have to admit, I did the happy dance when I read "BREAKING NEWS: Senate Defeats Obama Job-Creation Bill in Procedural Vote," Obama is not creating anything but more crap to shovel for when he is officially defeated.
Americans just don't want jobs, they want good jobs. There is a big difference. A "job" is raking leaves, mowing lawns or delivering newspapers. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with work. We do what we have to do until we get a job. A "good job" has a future, benefits and assorted perks like a paid vacation, paid holidays, promotions, health care and retirement.
Why ME?
The American economy is in the crapper and still politicians are debating WHY. I feel like this is a bad re-run of the 1994 Lillehammer Olympic Games when Tanya Harding went for Nancy Kerrigan's shins resulting in Nancy's cry, "Why me?" While watching this Fox News this morning, the question was asked, "What is required in order to create jobs?" I shouted those exact words, "WHY ME" as I felt as though I had just been nailed in the shins. Why? Why doesn't anyone get it? Being a winner is not that difficult. You just have to put your best foot (or skate) forward.
Why and Why Again
WHY are the union workers falling for this nonsense? It makes ZERO sense. Fear tactics are not leadership. Instead, they are desperate power grabs that have no longevity. Obama, Trumpka and Hoffa have made conservatives despise unions more than ever. It appears their administrative agenda is to turn America into a third world country. The plan is working. Union workers are also #OWS--thus a double edged sword--if they were working, they would not be protesting.
Unions that were once the pride of America. It was the steel, rubber and textile mills, automotive plants, coal miners and transporters of goods that once made our country great. Unions represented a working nation. We were encouraged to "BUY AMERICAN" in support of our country. What do we manufacture now? What can we purchase that is American made? Unions, just like government, have focused on power--not jobs.
"Greed is GRO$$"
As union history goes, in 1955 the AFL-CIO was founded but split in 2005 to the "Change to Win Federation." Who does that smell like? Now, the current focus of the AFL-CIO is "global trade issues." We have been traded alright--traded for imports. If #OWS union protesters want a dose of reality, unions are an outstanding example of corporate greed. I think if anything needs change (besides the presidency), it's unions. Instead of using their workers for publicity stunts, focus should be shifted to rebuilding America.
While watching Fox, I saw a New York, NY (#OWS) protester laying down with a sign, "Greed is Gro$$." I'm with Ann Coulter on this one, "I am not the first to note the vast differences between the Wall Street protesters and the tea partiers. To name three: The tea partiers have jobs, showers and a point."
The EPA "at Work"
Many Americans want to return to work but the EPA stands in the way. It's a toss up, what damages the environment more--pollutants or unemployment? Until there is a real plan in place, let's do what we know--drilling and mining. Lift the damn regulations/permits. Think about the "trickle down" effect--people get paychecks, buy groceries, cafe lunches, convenient store items, tires, get oil changes and the beat goes on. Is this a difficult concept? I hope not because I am really tired of asking, "Why?"
As for the Occupy Wall Street protesters, I have a perfect solution. Send these idiots who are protesting "everything and nothing" to a communist country where they can have a true epiphany. Inside the borders of any country there is capitalism. It's how a country treats it's people that is different.
Note: Opinions (unless quoted) and photographs are those of the writer, Jennifer Jessee.
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