I don't know about you, but everyday I get a batch of the same old emails. I haven't read many of them because the "doomsday news" is wearing me out: 37 Things You Should Hoard, Horrific Predictions for 2012, Urgent--Food Shortage, How Your Life Could Soon Change, The Kitchen Cure for Acid Reflux, Obama Wants to End the Middle Class, Wake Up America and one of the latest, ACORN Funds Occupy Wall Street...
Yes, I'm getting tired. My dad knew that look on my face too well and would greet me with, "So Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?" Besides the malaise and fatigue, I'm also need the "kitchen cure for acid reflux." I have more than excess stomach acid--Obama has given me GAS. Now if I could just fart in my diesel tank--but the EPA would have a problem on their hands. Most certainly, it would eat a hole in the ozone, melt the polar caps AND create more inflation. A chain of natural disasters would soon follow. There's a "horrific prediction."
With 99.9% certainty, no amount of hoarding is going to save this country. Whatever you do, don't hoard sugar. Sugar Shocker Shakes Medical World. Again, I haven't read it but my better judgement is telling me sugar is bad . It's going to take a new president, a good White House cleaning, and hard work to save America--a "job" for REAL AMERICANS.
Make Like a Tree and Leaf.
If the change doesn't change, the "horrific predictions for 2012" will become a reality as will the "urgent--food shortage." If we get hungry, we can always eat ACORN. After all, they are nuts. What I don't know is: Are nuts the #1 Worst Food for Weight Gain? I think it's all the fat.
Is it news that #OWS is funded by ACORN? I don't know about you, but I figured that out from the first sloppy, stupid, homespun, Crayola-etched, cardboard-on-a-stick, message. It's not the "long haired freaky people" that "need not apply." They have full-time jobs protesting America. My solution--if they don't love this country--LEAVE!
I Can't Breathe
I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that read, "Legalize the Constitution." Really, the hell with legalizing marijuana. We've moved beyond that. It's bigger than getting "high." We're running out of air. Pretty soon, there will be a charge for consumed oxygen. As for "How MY life could soon change," well, I'm going to vote for whoever is on the GOP ticket and PRAY that it is effective. Yes. I'm praying while it is still my right to worship God and will continue even if it becomes illegal. I can't say "unconstitutional" because much more of Obama and we won't have a Constitution.
Finally...a GOOD Email
Though the original author is unknown, I'm glad I opened this one!
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"So I said to him, "Barack, I know Abe Lincoln, and you ain't Abe Lincoln." |
Obama has made numerous attempts to quote Lincoln --
In one of Obama's attempts he said, “I’ve been in your shoes. I know what it’s like to take a tough vote. But what did Lincoln say? ‘I am not bound to win, but I’m bound to be true.’ ” Two things about this. One, when did Barack Obama ever take a tough vote? Instead of leading in the Illinois Senate, he consistently voted “Present”. Two, the quote he attributes to Lincoln probably wasn’t said by Lincoln."SO WHY DOESN'T OBAMA USE THIS FAMOUS LINCOLN QUOTE?
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves."
... Abraham Lincoln
We know the answer to that question, Obama ain't no Lincoln. That would require integrity. He's not trying to emulate Lincoln-- just use Lincoln's historical significance to further his warped agenda. Maybe the American public will think Obama is great. You know...guilt by association. The only association with the two is that Obama is the third person to kill Lincoln (once by Booth and again by Carl Sandburg). Maybe Bill O'Reilly's book can save Lincoln!
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated. You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.
The first Black Communist President (running under the Democratic Party) would have the NERVE to compare himself to the first REAL Republican...Yeah hes murdering Lincoln by soiling the mans good name.It angers me deeply but the funny part is Karma is a bitch and Obama will have to answer for everything he has done to this country...Most likely pretty soon to...