Today, a sealed search warrant was issued in Oakland County Michigan after a new tip proved worthy of investigation.
Villain or Hero?
Coincidence? Is it an not so odd time for Hoffa to resurface after 38 years since his disappearance? On a seemingly weekly basis the Media moves from White House scandal to scandal without resolution. The most recent scandal involves the NSA (National Security Administration) and whistle-blower, Eric Snowden. The question raised, "Is Snowden a villain or hero?" The same could be asked of Hoffa.Watergate to Benghazi Gate
Prior to the Obama Administration, the most famous was scandal was Watergate under former president, Richard Nixon (1969 - 1974). The irony is that "Tricky Dick" was impeached for wire tapping, breaking into Democratic Headquarters and lying to the American people. In the 1970's this was a fresh concept versus current times just another day in the life of America. Have our standards of integrity changed so much in the past 40 years that it is acceptable to run a country on lies? Are cover-ups like Benghaz,i acceptable? Has America abandoned morality?Blowing the Whistle
Snowden is on the run for stealing highly sensitive government information. He is obviously so scared of what he knows that he fled to China. Does he know the details of Benghazi? Does he know the level of which Joe Blows privacy is being invaded? Does he know where Hoffa is buried? Snowden knows enough to fear for his life as he stated in current interview.Is the wire tapping of the democratic party by Richard Milhous Nixon's administration criminally equivalent to the IRS targeting conservatives by Barack Hussain Obama's administration? Only time will tell. If Jimmy Hoffa can resurface, anything is possible.
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