Friday, June 22, 2012

The Voter ID Myth

Contributed by:  David Perkins

At each election, Democrats go crazy with their 'get out the vote' machinery:  buses, 'street money', free food and cigarettes and people going door to door and so forth.  Perhaps I am the first to ask, but… what if they used that level of effort  to help the people who don't have voter identification to GET some voter identification?

How about this:  "You took me down to the polls for the last ten elections, now take me down to the DMV once, so I can get my ID"?

In a very short time, every single poor black person who doesn't have ID could get it. So... why is it Democrats are blocking voter ID laws? Only one reason. To protect the ability to commit fraud.

If the problem is that they don't have ID and it's hard for them to get it, HELP THEM GET IT. But of course, with voter ID laws in place, after they get ID, they will only be able to vote ONCE. It seems to me like that is the real Democrat problem with voter ID.

The names, lives, stories of these people who cannot get ID are not to be told.  The left just wants us to vaguely imagine some person living under poverty (inflicted because of slavery and racism), with a poor education (because of slavery and racism), low income (because slavery and racism destroyed any opportunity they might have had), and unable to enjoy the benefits of our modern society (built on the backs of slaves). They are manipulating public guilt.  Eric Holder says this is a civil rights issue, to allow people to vote without ID.  If not having an ID was a terrible burden unfairly placed on these few suffering people, you'd think Democrats would rush off and help them get IDs just to solidify the Democrat position as the party of the little guy and the black man.  After all, it isn't DIFFICULT to get ID, especially if you're  "parental collective" (the Democrat party) uses its huge street mobilization capability to get the job done. But it SUITS them to let that (probably non-existent) vague example of a person just sit out there in misery, suffering needlessly just so when elections come, no pollworker will ask ANY person to show ID.   This is significant -- after all, how many people are we talking about? A thousand people in each state, five thousand, more or less, too poor and miserable to manage to get ID? I think my guess is far too high.  But let's stipulate it for discussion purposes.

So for the sake of a few thousand people in a state, EVERYBODY in that state can participate in voter fraud?  The result of this determination to prevent that small number of people from having their right to vote impeded equals a voting system that CANNOT ask ANYONE for proof of who they are!  MILLIONS of people are potential fraudulent voters, due to these miserable few who are kept in stasis by Democrats as a sort of "display example" of slavery-caused suffering and civil rights issues?  Are they in some insane ZOO, being deliberately fed, watered and maintained in the 19th century "Uncle Tom's Cabin" exhibit by their Democrat masters, to shame their adversaries into concessions?  Um, yeah, that's pretty much it. 

Note to Holder:  SHUT UP, GET THEM ID, GET THEM INTO THE SYSTEM. And slam shut the wide open door of voter fraud, Mr. Attorney General in charge of JUSTICE in this country.  

Truth is, there is probably NOBODY without ID, because so many government assistance programs require it to register for aid.  SNAP (food stamps) says so on its web page.  Bring ID, like a driver's license or state ID card, it says:  PHOTO identification.  It is virtually inconceivable that these same people who "cannot get ID" because of their severe social circumstances also cannot get government aid because they have no ID.  This whole thing is probably itself a fraud.  We all know that Democrat electioneers know EVERY SINGLE VOTER, and everything about every single voter (who they are, where they live or if they even exist), at least on the Democrat side. They work elections HARD, with a ton of effort and a huge database. 

Democrats could get them all ID in a week. Instead, we are told every election year that they cannot get ID, that it's too hard, and so for the sake of their civil right to vote, they shouldn't have to present ID.  But what about MY civil right not to have my vote nullified by a FRAUDULENT vote?

Monday, June 11, 2012

The Pussification of America -- Part II

The Pussification of America -- Part II
By:  Jennifer Jessee and Ardie Cohen

What a Week
Last week's news topped the charts with "pussification" stories.  Political agendas have gone wild.  They are control dramas to play on emotions vs appealing to common sense.  The government is made up of people but for some reason they believe that they know what is good for us better than what we know is good for us.  Our lives have been willing handed over to elected officials because most of us feel as if we did our job by voting.  So instead of doing they right thing, they abuse our trust and use us to get what they want -- power, money, prestige, Hollywood gigs -- none of which are in our best interest as individuals or society.

Often I watch the news in disbelief.  Yes, we all live our own reality so it's often hard to pin down who is out of touch.  I can say with a great deal of certainty, that the farther man is removed from the salt of the earth, the more he becomes enamored with his own folly.  Even the commercials are ridiculous as they do not depict any one's real life.  Cup of Johan?  Please Gevalia.  Johan translates into John.  So do you need a "cup of Joe" or do you need to use the restroom?

The Pussy List
While Obama has his "kill list," I keep a pussy list.  Last week's news was so full of pussies -- where do I begin?  A great model for me to follow would be Letterman's top 10 list so ignorantly presented by the queen of not funny, Michele Obama.  A 15 TRILLION DOLLAR dept is no laughing matter but somehow she finds herself a celebrity as "First Lady."  You know what's really funny?  I never saw Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush, Laura Bush or even Hillary Clinton showing such disrespect for the importance of the position of President of the United States of America.

Drum Roll Please...
Number 10:  Goes to John Galvin, Bureau of Labor Statistics "Acting" Commissioner on "Green Jobs".  While being questioned by GOP Rep. Darrell Issa, Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Galvin couldn't even answer Issa when he knew the answers to Issa's questions.  Instead, Galvin hung his head and played opPUSSum (the act of playing opossum when you're a pussy).

Number 9:
  Jog on up to accept your prize Mr. Obama!  "The notion that my White House would purposely release classified National Security information is offensive..."  Hello.  This isn't about you.  This is about National Security -- THE LIVES of our American soldiers and the well being of our country.  Get over yourself.  After all, there are FIVE (that we know of) major security leaks.  And you're offended?

Pussification Jubilee
Lookin' for fun and feelin' groovy baby.
Number 8:  Prince Phillip's bladder -- speaking of leaks.  While floating down the Thames during the Queen of England's Diamond Jubilee, the royal Highness's husband, Prince Phillip got a bladder infection.  I feel for the guy considering it was splattered all over the ticker tape.  But how do you get a bladder infection floating down a river?  And why is this story even in the news?  Psss.  Didn't the founders of America FLEE England because of oppression?

Note to self:  Take antibiotics before participating in the royal follies.

Number 7:  The Queen's Flotilla.  It resembles America -- broke and going down the river while saying "the private sector is doing fine."  I didn't realize that 14.8% (includes unemployed, under employed and those who have given up) is considered as "doing fine."  Notice Camilla Boles in the above photo?  See America.  Even royalty makes simply dreadful mistakes.

Back to you Anderson...
Number 6:  CNN.  You are Pussies for not covering Governor Walker's Wisconsin SECOND win in the recall election.  In your denial, you switched to cover news in another country -- the Diamond Jubilee.  Truly pathetic.  When the going gets tough, CNN changes the subject which is exactly why this story was in the news.  It's a shiny object--a diversionary tactic on behalf of the media when they don't want to cover REAL stories.

How many liberals must fit in this bus
in order for it to be "GREEN"?
Number 5:  Not so Magical Bus and the "Solidarity Sing Along".  Yes a "Bizarre Brain Disease Makes Wisconsin Liberals Keep Singing After Recall Defeat."  Your bus needed to be short instead of purple.

Number 4:  The liberal loser in the video below playing the crying game, "Democracy died tonight," he sobbed in response to Gov. Walker's recall win.  I despise losers who cry.  As the saying goes, "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game."  Being a cowgirl, crying isn't allowed.  Whether you win or lose, you still call it a day and learn from your mistakes.  Some of your finest lessons can be learned from losing.  Some of your greatest victories happen when you lose. Some of your greatest wins are attributed to everyone else having a bad go.  Crying only gets your saddle wet.  So cowboy up...loser.  Democracy DIDN'T die.  It was in fact VICTORIOUS.

Number 3:  The Donald.  Trump is at it again and thank G-D he's not running for president of the United States.  In this demonstration of showing his ass, he forgot that he wasn't right.  The Donald is suing Miss Pennsylvania, Sheena Monnin, for defamation of character.  Monnin is anti-transgender competing in beauty pageants for "natural born women" and claims that pageants are "rigged."  Monnin refused to retract her statement or apologize in the time frame designated by Trump.  Good for her!  Someone needs to stand up to this moron.

Number 2:  Barbara Walters (Alli Baba)
While the world knows of the atrocities happening to the people of Syria, Barbara Walters, holding the once honorable anchor position as a real journalist at ABC, apparently believes that conscience and humanity doesn't apply to her.  After all, she hangs out with all of her liberal friends who believe the same way.  This is why she looked beyond the Syrian genocide and attempted to use her influence at CNN and other networks to get someone in Bashar al-Assad's regime a job.

So...Should Barbwa Wah-Wah be let off the hook?  Absolutely, NOT!  Her haughty attitude and how she treats "guests" who don't agree with her on "The View" isn't acceptable in the real world.  Hey, Barb...we are held accountable out here.  Trying to pull out the "oh, gee...I'm sorry" card just because you were caught doing something despicable shouldn't get you off the hook.  It might work for Obama, but it doesn't work for you.  You're fired!

Number 1:  Bill Maher.  "Is there no level Bill Maher won't stoop to attack a conservative?

On HBO's Real Time Friday, the Obama-supporting, anti-Semitic, Christian-bashing, Socialistic host said during his New Rules segment, 'Now that Scott Walker has survived his recall, he has to tell us once and for all was he that kid in Deliverance.' "  Honestly Billy, playing a banjo takes talent -- something YOU don't have.  The only instrument he can play is the little, bitty organ between his legs.  While his contemporary comedians have all gone on to become real celebrities (Steve Martin, for instance), Billy is still pandering his caustic, atheistic rhetoric on HBO.   I would be worried about hurting his feelings, but that assumes what drives him involves morals based on some theology.  He believes we are all only a random biological event: it is understandable why he has made the top of our Pussy List.
BOOBY Prize:  It was a toss up but the winner is...Miss Rhode Island, Olivia Culpo.  She might have won Miss America but there is nothing American about she answered the "twitter" question:  "Would you feel it would be fair that a transgender woman wins the Miss USA title over a natural-born woman?" She took a pause and said that she has embraced the Miss Universe Organization’s decision to allow transgender competitors to compete in the pageant. "I do think that that would be fair, but I can understand that people would be a little apprehensive to take that road because there is a tradition of natural-born women, but today where there are so many surgeries and so many people out there who have a need to change for a happier life, I do accept that because I believe it's a free country," she told the audience.  Olivia caved on a question of morals, ethics and values in order to win the liberal judges.  Sorry Missy but even in a "free country" there are rules. 

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated. You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.