Wikipedia defines a "trump" as "a playing card which is elevated above its normal rank in trick-taking games." The "trump card" is a players decisive advantage. So is Donald "The Deal Man" Trump just living up to his name?
The Trump Card
In a recent interview with Meridith Vieira on The Today Show, Trump refers to himself as the "Deal Man" and openly states that the best thing Obama accomplished was "getting elected." You have to admit--he was good at that!. Trump also stated, "This country is going to hell" and openly admits that "it's all about money". When it comes to foreign affairs, he says that we should be putting ourselves first and raised a valid question--WHY should we build schools and roads in other countries where they just get blown up? Shouldn't we put that money into our own schools? What about America?
Asshole or Ace in the Hole?
Though I have never been a Trump fan, I do believe as a country we have tried the diplomatic presidential approach enough that we should have learned something by now. In fact, I'm not even seeing "diplomacy" in our current president. I think it's high time for a real "ace in the hole."
When companies are struggling, what do they do? They get rid of their top management who is totally inept and bring in a deal man. How is this country any differnet than a big business? It's not. It is BIG Business and needs to be run as such. Big businesses employ many people, generate revenue, work in the best interest of their customers or are held accountable in the form of dwinding sales. Finanical responsibilty is pinacle.
Texas Hold 'Em
Texas Hold "Em is a poker game of stategy. The object is to win "the pot" no matter how much is in it. Trump IS NOT an attorney. He is a business man. I personally find this refreshing and encouracing to have our country run as a business. In Hold 'Em, you can check, bet, raise or fold at the end of each deal. The object is to control the amount of money in "the pot" based on "your hand" while predicting what your opponent may be holding. Of course it can always end in a "show down." What we don't want is for it to end up in a SHUT DOWN.
A Spade's a Spade
Obama swept the polls because people said he was "charismaic," a great "orator" but MOSTLY they wanted "CHANGE." The "change" has turned into a more of a "buddy can you spare a dime" sort of change as we are all raiding our "change" jars just to get a few groceries for our familes and gas for our vehicles. How did a black man who is supposed to understand the underdog further drive this country to its knees?
Poker Face
DONALD IS HARD TO TRUMP. And really, with that hair, I guess, he has no worries with his poker face.
Donald certainly is "No shrinking violet" and as president he would have no problem in weeding out much of the dead wood in Washington by saying--"YOU'RE FIRED". I love the "TRUMP DONALD"--beautiful!!! If he runs I'll be on the band wagon with a big loud TRUMP-PET. LOL Great job here Jennifer--keep up the good work!!!
ReplyDeleteI LIKE it! He could give Donald TRUMP-PETS instead of t-shirts! When he has a campaign headquarters, please send him your suggestion!
ReplyDeleteI guess I should have said Donald is no shrinking AFRICAN violet. ROFL (Rolling on floor laughing)
ReplyDeleteDonald will have the same problem as the President, Congress. Congress wants to argue about their intrests and not that of the people who put them there. Look at this budget crap. Did the Bushes do us any good, not really. Did Clinton, some. But, the government shut down twice with him in office.
ReplyDeleteSave some money by fixing things closest to us, that is our home. Put people to work who have a valid ID, SSN, and speak the language. Then later we'll see if others follow our lead and fix their own countries.
I wanted to be anonymous, I'll be anonymous #2.
ReplyDeleteAmericans have had a long serious love affair with leaders who speak from the heart. When Trump says something , he means it, not sugar coated or politically corrected. Sometimes a little foolish slips out but don't it always with real people , don't we all drool from time to time.
Of course it might be overdone but he is of the similar type of character of our President Reagan. Tell it like you mean it. I could see him doing some good for the spirit of the country and after all isn't that what President Obama despises, American pride and spirit.
Ron - Be watching for my blog about the first Bush administration in comparison to today's economic situation. I have A LOT to say on that!
ReplyDeleteDave - I couldn't agree more. Trump calls it like it is. REFRESHING!