No God, No Glory
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American Flag carried during The National Anthem |
On Sunday (of ALL days), during the opening of the U.S. Open Tournament (of ALL tournaments) hosted by NBC, GOD was omitted from the Pledge of Allegiance. It was blatant. Even more appalling, the pledge was conducted by a blindly lead group of children. Come on NBC--hiding behind America's children? Does it get any lower? But...what else would you expect from a morally corrupt group of people who add absolutely no value grasping for some type or semblance of an identity in a meaningless, atheistic, world-view? I seem to recall the Taliban in Palestine used the locals as shields. Hmmmm...Do you see the parallel? NBC=Moral bankruptcy=Atheism=Socialism=Corruption=Terrorism. This type of behaviour is exactly what President Osama promotes. Didn't Obama do the same with his wives--use them as human shields?
A Jingle (sung to "Tomato, Tomahto")
You say Obama...I say Osama
You say Joe Biden...I say Bin Laden
Joe Biden...Bin Laden
Let's vote the whole thing off!!!
A Jingle (sung to "Tomato, Tomahto")
You say Obama...I say Osama
You say Joe Biden...I say Bin Laden
Joe Biden...Bin Laden
Let's vote the whole thing off!!!
Apology--Insult to Injury
It was necessary and it was given but what's the point? NBC did what it did, conveyed their message of Godlessness and then apologized. If I smack someone in the face and then apologize, does it then correct the action? No. I just did what I wanted to do and then said, "Sorry about your face." It doesn't repair the DAMAGE because it was for a calculated purpose.

"Of note: 'under God' was not in the original Pledge from 1892, which read, 'I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.' The words 'under God' were not added to the Pledge until 1954, when President Eisenhower signed Congressional legislation to that effect into law."
What a lame apology--which by the way, came with a disclaimer that well, it WAS written without God originally so we went with that version. And "we'd like to apologize to those of you who were offended by it..."??? Uh. Last time I checked this IS still AMERICA and God hasn't checked out but Obama and his socialist agenda is giving it his all to check him out. So...does this mean that all Conservatives, Republicans and members of the Tea Party should NOT pay their taxes? After all, there is nothing in the Constitution requiring us to do so.
At least one of the most notable Presidents in recent history had enough honesty, character and integrity to openly express his beliefs. Well, I guess ours does too. He recently stated that he now has a bigger plane and, while our country was staggering out of the rubble from the catastrophe in Joplin, our fearless leader decided to circumvent and fly to Ireland to find a tree and plant his roots. Er, uh, plant a tree and find his roots. O'..O'..O'...O'bamaaaa! I knew there was something about him that looked familiar to my husband. They're both Irish!
At least one of the most notable Presidents in recent history had enough honesty, character and integrity to openly express his beliefs. Well, I guess ours does too. He recently stated that he now has a bigger plane and, while our country was staggering out of the rubble from the catastrophe in Joplin, our fearless leader decided to circumvent and fly to Ireland to find a tree and plant his roots. Er, uh, plant a tree and find his roots. O'..O'..O'...O'bamaaaa! I knew there was something about him that looked familiar to my husband. They're both Irish!
Who the heck ARE you?!
I thank God every day I wake up and it is still America. We can still own land, grow our own food, have a family doctor, enjoy the religion of our choice and start/own whatever business we want (for the most part. The business of "Government" is already taken.). Over the last few weeks, I have talked with folks form the UK, Poland, Germany, Australia, Israel and Palestine about what they think is going on in America. They are confused and concerned.
America is the country the world loves to hate. We represent the conscience of those who have chosen to hate God or convinced themselves that He doesn't exist. We are the moral barometer (believe it or not) that has helped to change the outlandish, disgusting liberties afforded other countries in the EU (bestiality, pedophilia, legal substance abuse, human trafficking) to see where they have erred in their ways. We have positively impacted the Communist and dictatorship nations by showing them how Capitalism can enrich a nation with opportunities never before believed possible. Russia and China have recently admitted that once they got their government out of the way, their businesses flourished.
I'm sooo confused?
Can someone tell me why, if the rest of the world sees the immense benefit to having a capitalistic republic, would be want to delve into the bowels of fascism and Marxism? Can someone tell me, once "God" is added to one of the other seven bad words you can't say on television, how long before we have no beliefs or opinions other than the dogma spewed out by social democratic movement? What happens to all of the things families have held so dear for generations, like Christmas? Oh, yeah. Happy e-commerce holidays! What about the covenant of marriage? Oh, yeah. That's right. It's only a contract between two animate or inanimate objects.
Interesting question. NBC is owned by GE (General Electric). Does GE condone NBC's omission of GOD in the Pledge of Allegiance during the US Open? Who knows. But I have their products (appliances, light bulbs and other "treasures") on my boycott list. BRIGHT IDEA!
One final note...The People's Country called the US Open Office for a comment. They declined.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated.
One final note...The People's Country called the US Open Office for a comment. They declined.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are solely those of the author unless otherwise stated.